The 12 Most Muscular Dog Breeds From With Pictures

When it comes to muscular dogs, the Pit Bull usually comes to mind. But then it quickly becomes meager with our ideas, especially since we usually think of fighting dogs when we think of muscular dogs.

We introduce you to 12 muscle packs from small to large. With a powerhouse, you wouldn’t have expected to find it here.

Have fun looking for the exotic and of course with all other breeds.

All 12 muscular dogs at a glance

In order to classify a dog breed as muscular, in this article we will look at the muscular strength of each breed.

A dog’s size or build alone says nothing about its muscular strength.

Most people realize that the pit bull belongs to the group of muscular dog breeds, but that the pug, which is similar in stature, is not.

But who would have thought that the boxer, which lives in many families, or the skinny greyhound also belong to this genus?

Perhaps it is also up to the viewer to decide which breeds are muscular and which are not. Anyway, you can find our favorites here.

1. Rottweiler

Purebred rottweiler standing on green grass. outdoor shoot

The Rottweiler has a shoulder height of up to 68 cm and can weigh 40 to 60 kilograms with its stocky and compact physique. He has a large round head with floppy ears and a long tail, although breeders often dock it when he is a few days old as a pup.

Rottweilers are considered hardworking and obedient and are often used as police dogs. At the same time, they are also affectionate and fond of children and are therefore also recommended as a family dog.

They need plenty of exercise and should be trained early on to socialize them with strangers and animals.

2. Cane Corso

This medium-sized breed with a shoulder height of between 58 and 70 centimeters has a strong bone structure and a large head.

Cane Corsos were originally used as war dogs and later took on roles in hunting wild boar.

Today they are used as driving and herding dogs and guard dogs. The Cane Corso is also popular as a pure family dog.

He is said to protect property and family. He is affectionate, intelligent and easy to train.

3. Greyhounds

Greyhounds are among the oldest dog breeds known to us. Finds on Egyptian tombs date back to 3000 BC. back.

The stature of the dogs is tall, lean and they don’t appear very muscular. They have a pointed head and floppy ears. Their fur is very short-haired. Depending on the breed, they weigh between 10 and 30 kilograms.

Due to the slim physique and a pronounced leg musculature, greyhounds can reach over 70 kilometers per hour. They were originally bred as hunting dogs and later became popular as racing dogs. However, dog racing is now banned in most countries.

They are considered gentle, but sometimes have a strong prey drive. The urge to move varies. While some like to lie on the couch, others require a lot of exercise.

4. Rhodesian Ridgeback

The floppy-eared Rhodesian Ridgebacks are more reminiscent of a hunting dog than the Rottweiler, with their longer heads. Depending on gender, their ideal weight is between 30 and 40 kilograms.

In fact, these dogs were originally bred in Africa, where they were used for big game hunting and livestock guarding.

This muscular dog is a loyal and affectionate soul and therefore ideally suited as a family dog. However, strangers awaken their protective instincts, so the Rhodesian Ridgeback should be trained and socialized at an early age.

He is an excellent hunting dog due to his strong prey drive, he has a lot of energy and needs a lot of exercise.

5. American Pit Bull Terriers

The American Pit Bull Terrier, also often just called Pitbull, is of small to medium size, but appears very heavy, massive and beefy due to its physique. It weighs up to 30 kilograms.

He has a very broad chest and a large, cube-like head.

Pitbulls originated in England in the 19th century for hunting and herding and later became popular as farm and house dogs.

Today they are repeatedly targeted as a pseudonym for fighting dogs. Pitbulls are extremely popular with dog lovers from the criminal scene because of their unmistakable stature and their high biting power as a status symbol. They are often trained specifically to attack people. The yellow press likes to report on such incidents.

However, the Pitbull is inherently very affectionate and friendly to people and therefore also suitable for families. Only socialization towards other dogs should take place at an early stage.

Dogs have a lot of energy and therefore need a lot of exercise.

6. American Staffordshire Terriers

The Staffordshire Terrier is a medium-sized dog that appears very muscular and has a square head. He weighs between 18 and 32 kilograms. The floppy ears are often cropped after birth.

In England, this type of terrier was bred specifically for use as a fighting dog. They were used as fighting and hunting dogs.

The American Staffordshire Terrier suffers the same reputation as the pit bull previously described. The Staffordshire Terrier is considered a loyal companion and family member.

They are seen as suspicious of strangers and less tolerant of strangers, which makes socialization necessary from a young age.

7. French Bulldog

French bulldogs are characterized by their compactness with a square head and broad chest. They are rather small and weigh up to 14 kilograms. They were bred from the English bulldog for their short-nosed and flat-faced nature.

The French bulldog was originally bred for no practical purpose. As a so-called «toy bulldog», it was bred as a muscular lap dog and at most used as a pied piper at court.

The dogs are considered affectionate and playful, but they are also often energetic and sometimes have a certain stubbornness.

8. Doberman Pinscher

The black dog with brown legs, chest and muzzle is medium sized with a muscular build and long legs. The pointy ears and the smooth, short fur also characterize a Doberman Pinscher.

Depending on the sex, they weigh between 30 and 45 kilograms.

Louis Doberman bred this breed in the mid-19th century to protect him on his tax collector rounds. Later, the breed was used by the police and military.

«Dobis» are considered to be extremely intelligent, loyal, alert, energetic, determined, attentive and obedient – characteristics that make them a constant companion, for example as a guide dog for the blind, but also as a family dog.

9. Boxers

The Boxer is medium sized and has a strong build with short hair and a smooth coat.

Originally bred in Germany as a hunting dog, he is a mix of different breeds including the Great Dane and the English Bulldog.

The muscular dog is extremely loyal to its master or mistress and is considered to be alert and self-confident. In family life, he is good with children, playful and patient, but sometimes stoic.

They react suspiciously and cautiously to strangers, but rarely aggressively.

10. Korean Jindo

The origin of the jindo is not known exactly, but it is believed to have originated in South Korea.

The medium-sized and muscular dog with a medium-length yellow and white coat is known as a hunting and guard dog.

He is considered very intelligent and territorial. As a family dog, it should be introduced early and carefully to other pets in the family and socialized in dealing with other dogs.

11. Kangal Sheepdog

This shepherd breed is characterized by extremely strong dogs with a heavy bone structure. Kangals have large lop-eared heads and a dense, double coat ranging from white to brown to black on the ears. They can weigh up to 65 kilograms.

Kangals find their origins in Turkey, where they were mostly used as guard dogs for livestock, homes, and factories.

They have a high level of intelligence, are strong and persistent even in extreme temperatures. They are also valued for their lack of predatory behavior towards other livestock.

They are considered trustworthy and gentle towards their caregivers, but can be very protective. The Kangal is therefore ideally suited as a family dog.

12. Tosa Inu

Also known as the Japanese Mastiff, the Tosa Inu has an impressive muscular and handsome build.

He is considered very loving and loyal to his human companion. He is rather suspicious and reserved towards strangers. However, he is adaptable and easy to train.