Step-by-step explanation & 3 tips

Sometimes it’s not that easy to train a dog to be calm.

When it comes to puppies, one often wonders if this even works?

Yes! One can calm puppies and also one teach adult dog to relax.

If you are wondering:

How to get a relaxed dog

Are we the perfect contact for you?

we got you one Step-by-step instructions created that will take you and your dog by the hand and paw.

In a nutshell: bring the dog to rest – this is how it works

Dogs do not understand the principle of doing nothing and rest. The only thing we can teach them is to wait.

But that requires a lot self control and actually has little to do with actual relaxation.

  1. you can your dog”stay” run.
  2. Then you give the command”Quiet”.
  3. If he stays calm and moves only a little or not at all, you reward him.
  4. Make your dog wait every once in a while and reward him if he stays calm.

For more tips and guides, you can visit our dog training bible drop by. This saves you a tedious search on the Internet.

Teach your dog to be calm – you still have to keep that in mind

As mentioned, your dog will not actually learn to «relax.»

Relaxation only sets in when your dog actually wants it.

Not enough reward

Self-control is difficult for dogs to implement.

Any attempt, no matter how small, to hold back energy and remain calm needs to be properly rewarded by you.

Reading tip: If you’re wondering «when do dogs get quieter», then we recommend reading our in-depth article on the subject.

Your dog can’t find peace?

If your dog does not find peace, there can be many reasons. I have listed 3 of them for you:

  1. Your dog doesn’t feel safe.
  2. your dog is underutilized.
  3. your dog will encouraged by you

You can do this if any of the points above apply:

1. Give the dog security

In the first case you have to be in a much quieter environment practice. Start exercising at home.

It will then be much easier for your dog to relax. Just teaching a puppy to be calm is almost impossible without a familiar environment.

2. Provide exercise for your dog

Does your dog constantly need action? Not everyone is lucky enough to adopt a naturally laid-back couch-tender.

Maybe your dog isn’t busy enough…

My first dog was a bundle of energy – she only relaxed after a few hours of full-on running.

Make sure your dog has the opportunity to all letting out pent-up energy and frustration.

Not to be underestimated either mental workloadthat your dog needs as well as physical activities. Keep your dog busy with brain teasers on a regular basissuch as hidden object games, nose work or intelligence toys.

3. Play properly with the dog

If your dog is constantly being prodded by you or other people, he may not be able to calm down properly.

It is therefore important to introduce play times in which you take the time to really have fun with your four-legged friend. Be careful not to goad the dog by getting too frantic and quitting the game as soon as your dog gets too wild.

It is best to introduce the game phases with a word signal and of course you should be in a playful mood yourself.

It often works well not to play with the dog in the house.

In this way, your dog experiences the apartment as a quiet place where it can relax. Instead, play with him in the garden or on a walk.

Rewards are very important in dog training because they teach your dog to repeat positive behavior.

How long will it take…

… until your dog can wait quietly.

Since every dog ​​learns at a different speed, the question of how long it takes can only be answered vaguely.

Count on it, when in doubt, good 15 training sessions of 10-15 minutes each need to.

Step-by-step instructions: Teach the dog to be calm

Before we start, you should know what tools you can use for the step-by-step instructions.

Utensils needed

You need in any case treats.

Anything that makes friends with your dog and is considered a reward may be used.

The instruction

  1. you leave your dog”stay» carry out.
  2. Then give him the command”Quiet”.
  3. Once your dog waits quietly for a few seconds, reward him.
  4. It’s okay if your dog shows some exercise. Among other things, adopt a different sitting position. Reward him anyway, as long as he doesn’t move.


Make clear the difference between stay and rest. When resting, your dog may also show a little movement. At Don’t stay.

Explainer video


While you can teach your dog to be quiet, we encourage you to teach him to make life so comfortable that he relaxes himself.

Make sure you live in a quiet apartment, exercise a lot and keep a cool head yourself.

For more tips and guidance, check out our dog training bible.