Every dog owner knows that our fur noses don’t always eat what is healthy for them.
Not every plant that grows along the way has to mean a health meltdown for the dog.
How about here? Dandelions for dogs? Everything you should knowthe following guide tells you.
Are Dandelions Toxic to Dogs?
Does your dog eat dandelions? Then you can rest easy, because the answer to this question is:
No, dandelions are not poisonous to dogs. The situation is a little different with the stalks, which contain a white, milky juice.
This in turn contains the substances oxalic acid and taraxacin, which are toxic to dogs.
Does your dog eat dandelions or dandelion stalks? Then these substances can have undesirable side effects for your dog in larger quantities.
These include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Reading tip: You want to know if hydrangeas are poisonous to dogs? Find out everything you need to know in our article on «Are hydrangeas poisonous to dogs?» and protect your four-legged friend.
What are the benefits of dandelion for dogs?
What can hit the dog’s stomach and intestines in large quantities also has a positive effect on the dog in dandelion.
And this is how the bitter substance taraxanine works together with flavinoids and triterpenes – other bitter substances – among other things as a natural detox for the stomach, bile, kidneys and liver.
Dandelion also contains the important dietary fiber inulin. This in turn supports a healthy pancreas and has a prebiotic effect that is good for the intestines.
Although dandelion is notorious as a weed, it is actually a superfood.
In addition to important vitamins and amino acids, it also contains potassium.
It is considered draining and thus supports the kidneys and liver in the elimination of toxins.
Last but not least, the dandelion can score with tannins that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
In short: Dandelion in the right amounts can have a positive effect on your dog’s health.
Which parts of the dandelion are suitable for dogs?
Are suitable for dogs the leaves and flowers of the dandelion. If he eats them, you don’t have to worry about possible side effects or poisoning.
You can also feed the dandelion root to your dog in ground form.
How much dandelions can my dog eat?
The right Dandelion dosage for your dog depends primarily on its weight.
For leaves and flowers you should use the following dosage as a guide:
Dogs that weigh up to 10 kilograms get around ¼ teaspoon of dandelion mixed with their food every day.
For dogs over 10 kilograms, the amount of dandelion is ½ to 1 teaspoon.
If you also decide to use dandelion root, the quantities are as follows:
Small dogs get 0.5 grams of dandelion root mixed into their food, medium to large dogs between 0.5 and 1 gram.
How can I include dandelions in my dog’s diet?
Would you like to integrate dandelions into the diet of your furry friend? Then you can simply chop the flowers and leaves roughly and mix them with the feed.
You can also brew these parts of the plant with boiling water and then serve them cooled instead of or with the water.
However, brewing destroys some of the bitter substances – the maximum advantage here would be that the dandelion brew is less bitter than the raw version.
Before you include dandelion as a regular part of your diet, please clarify the exact procedure with your veterinarian or a nutritionist for dogs.
Can dandelion help with certain diseases in my dog?
Dandelion contains substances that have a positive effect on the function of certain organs – including the liver, bile, stomach, kidneys and intestines.
So it is almost a logical consequence that dandelion can be used as a supporting effect in the following diseases or diseases:
Please note that the plant, with all its positive properties, cannot replace important medicines!
The diseases mentioned are almost without exception very serious.
Ideally, they can only be treated effectively, and hopefully successfully, with medication prescribed by a veterinarian.
How can I make sure the dandelions I give my dog are free from pesticides and toxins?
To be really sure that the dandelions your dog eats are free of toxins and pesticides, you should plant it yourself.
This is the only way you can guarantee that the flower is free of harmful substances – something that cannot be guaranteed with any dandelion by the side of the road or by the road.
In addition, you can of course also get dandelion flowers and leaves in health food stores or pharmacies.
Here you can then choose organic dandelions, which are also free of pesticides and toxins.
Does dandelion have any side effects for my dog?
The secret to avoiding side effects for your dog is quantity. Because the same applies here as with all other foods: the golden mean makes the difference.
In other words, your dog should only consume the prescribed amounts of dandelions, but not dandelions in large quantities.
Because this can also contribute to your dog throwing up or suffering from diarrhea for the next few days.
Dandelion for dogs? Definitely – because the dandelion comes up with lots of healthy ingredients.
These include tannins, minerals and vitamins that support healthy organ function and can also help with illnesses.
The bitter substances it contains can also have a positive effect, but are slightly toxic in larger quantities and then lead to diarrhea and vomiting.
Properly dosed with our information, dandelion is a sensible dietary supplement that you can easily plant in your garden or balcony.
Have you ever given your dog dandelions and if so, against what and how did it react? We look forward to your report in our comments!