Anyone who has a dog knows that what comes out the back doesn’t smell like a bouquet of roses. On the contrary – dog waste stinks, especially when it occurs in the form of diarrhea.
But what if the Dog diarrhea stinks? What is behind it and what you can do, you will find out in the following guide.
Dog diarrhea smells extremely: causes
Diarrhea smells stronger anyway, than normal feces. So this is nothing unusual at first. However, diarrhea is still a concern for most dog owners. Because it indicates that something has gone wrong with your health.
In some cases, it doesn’t stop with a slightly stronger odor. The diarrhea can escalate into the real stench that even stink of decay can.
If this is the case, a trip to the vet is a must. Because it is likely that an intestinal disease is behind this «smell».
This can be done, among other things, by parasites like worms or giardia to be triggered. But an intestinal tumor can also be a cause of this stinky diarrhea.
Bacteria & Viruses
Also can bacteria and viruses lead to extreme diarrhea odor. In addition, they can – if not treated in time – too chronic bowel diseases to lead. And these mean that diarrhea is not uncommon.
stress & anxiety
If it is not yet the extreme stench, it can be stress a factor be causing diarrhea.
Already knew?
An upset stomach, including smelly diarrhea, can also be triggered by this cause: your dog ate feces. Either your own or another dog’s.
And if this is the case, of course nobody knows what the health of this four-legged friend is like. So a trip to the vet makes sense.
Can I identify possible causes by the smell?
Clear answer: Yes! You can identify possible causes of diarrhea by the smell. And not only that. Also the color and the shape or the degree of liquid tell you something about the cause of the diarrhea.
You can read more about this in our article on dog poop.
How do I help my dog with diarrhea?
First of all, it is important that you remain calm. Because diarrhea is not something that dog owners just shake off. They worry.
In addition to resting, you should observe whether your dog shows other signs of illness.
home remedies
In addition, it may be useful to reduce feed or one fasting day to insert This allows the intestines to calm down again.
To first aid measures for diarrhea can cooked rice be counted. This can bind the liquid in the faeces and thus stop the diarrhea.
Also can boiled chicken or cottage cheese help soothe your dog’s gut.
Also helpful: a probiotic. This can restore the intestinal flora. And possibly put an end to the diarrhea.
You should only administer antibiotics after consultation and examination with the veterinarian. Incidentally, these are only effective against bacteria, but not against viruses.
When should I see a vet?
Let’s first assume that the diarrhea only smells a little more, but doesn’t smell alarmingly.
If so, you can wait a day or twowhether the intestinal tract of your fur nose will calm down on its own.
It is important that your dog during this time drinks enough. Diarrhea deprives the body of fluid. Again, one can dangerous dehydration have as a consequence.
If the diarrhea stinks and your dog is also listless, a visit to the vet is a must. Among other things, this can through blood tests or but Ultrasonic find out what the cause is.
He can also keep your dog in the practice if necessary and put it on a drip in the event of dehydration.
Good to know:
The vet can usually only find out what the cause of the stench is from the feces. That means for you: collect fecal samplesin fact over three days.
If parasites are the reason, it may be that they are not excreted every day.
The whole dog stinks – how do I get rid of the smell?
It’s entirely possible that the smelly diarrhea will spread to the rest of your dog.
It cannot always be ruled out that the liquid droppings are transferred to the fur. What can be done here?
Bathe or wash. You really won’t have any other option. Do you have a dog with a long coat: It can make sense to shorten the hair on the dog’s bottom.
This way you can prevent the liquid feces from settling here and causing another stench.
Diarrhea in dogs can have a variety of causes. Not all of them automatically mean that your four-legged friend is seriously ill. Nevertheless, it is of course useful keep an eye on your fur nose to have.
If the diarrhea doesn’t go away on its own, or if it starts to get extremely smelly, you should go to the vet. Ideally already with some fecal samples. In this way, the cause can be found quickly and the right treatment can be started.
What experiences have you had with your dog and diarrhea? Feel free to share them with us in the comments.