Our dogs cannot communicate with us using a common language. She use other sensesto understand, how we are and what we expect from them.
Maybe it’s this one concentration on their sense of smell and your power of observationpaired with her intelligencewho you can be understood quicklywhen in our body something changes.
This text explains to what extent the dog notices the pregnancy and tips are given for mutual cooperation in this beautiful and special life situation.
Do dogs know when you’re pregnant?
The question of how dogs notice when you are pregnant has not been conclusively clarified scientifically.
But since we knowledgethat dogs, especially those with close ties to their people, worried and reacting unusuallyif it is you going badlies the guess close.
On the internet we can read many stories about ithow the four-legged darling saved his human.
Can a dog sense pregnancy before I know it?
As soon as an egg implants itself in the female uterus, the organism begins to adjust to the pregnancy.
The Hormone production is changed and thereby changes also ours body odor. Your dog can definitely do that perceive.
Even if he doesn’t know exactly that you’re pregnant, he notices that something is changing in your body.
For ourselves yet unconsciouslywe humans also begin our Behaveour changing habits. This observation registered the four-legged darling too.
How does a dog behave when mistress is pregnant?
Regardless of whether the dog is aware that its owner is pregnant, it notices changes and can be Behave change accordingly.
Some dogs behave «weirdly» during pregnancy, at least that’s how some dog owners feel.
It may be that he keeps an eye on you more and your closeness seeks. As if he wanted to be ready just in case, to be there for you at the slightest sign of trouble!
Dogs, devoted and excellent observersalso perceive when we change movements and if our body shape changes.
You are not distracted by everyday worries. Our dogs focus completely on us and thus see also signs of pregnancy.
Good to know
As a result, it may be that they are just at changing body parts increased sniff or hers Put your head there when cuddling and cuddling. Maybe he’s laying on your stomach!
Can I get my dog used to the new family member during pregnancy?
you can not only In any case, you should involve your four-legged friend in the changes during pregnancy and him on it prepare.
The more also a dog involved in the event is and understands that even he as a four-legged friend not excluded becomes, the faster he becomes new family member in the household as part of its pack assume!
What you can actively do during the approximately 9 months:
Watch your body languagewhen you have your dog around you.
Since your four-legged friend understands that you are changing, he will try get closer to you.
This can sometimes be annoying. Draw both one Borderso that you can also rest, but leave it alone enough room for him to snuggle up to you and the track changes.
As soon as you die you can feel your baby’s movements in your belly, guide yours Dog slowly approach it.
His paw may well on your abdomen lie, so baby and dog get to know each other can.
Reinforce obedience and introduce necessary new rules and boundaries early on.
Think about it, which commands and rules really have to be rightwhen the baby is born.
you have now several months to practice and consolidate them. A smooth transition your four-legged friend will accept it more easily than an abrupt change in behavior.
For example, if the dog is staying in the children’s room, do not automatically exclude it. Make sure he’s in it know how to behave and your wishes obeyed!
Define new structures in everyday life and seek help if necessary.
A infant will be yours change everyday life and his needs will always come first. This can irritate your four-legged friend.
Especially if you up to now a structured everyday life had and fixed timesto which he too used has.
Soften these times slowly. feed once something earlierthen something again laterso that he can get used to the fact that it is now no longer go by their internal clock becomes.
For your dog, the pregnancy will at least be like this exciting and maybe stressful than she can be for yourself.
Include him, but also set boundaries where you need to be by yourself and need rest. He will understand if the Transition designed fluently becomes.
Dog schools and dog trainers stand for help and demand always available and helping even after birth when getting your dog used to new ones challenging situations.
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