Can dogs eat dates? A professional explains!

The dates, which come from the Orient, are very healthy and contain valuable vitamins, minerals and fiber. The sweet fruit is the ideal sugar substitute and snack for in between. Even four-legged friends like to eat the sugar-sweet dates. The legitimate question arises: «Are dogs allowed to eat dates?» Now you can find out whether you can share them with your four-legged friend.

Short and sweet: Can my dog ​​eat dates?

Yes, your dog can eat a small amount of dates. However, you should never feed a whole date because the pit it contains can contain hydrocyanic acid and is therefore toxic. In addition, consumption can lead to indigestion.

Due to the high fiber and fructose content, your dog should not eat too many dates because too large a portion can cause diarrhea.

Dates are so healthy for dogs

The sweet date is a nutrient bomb. It contains vitamins A, B6, B12 and D. The contained amino acid

Tryptophan can support your furry friend’s nervous system. Dates also contain many minerals. These include potassium, copper, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.

The many dietary fibers promote digestion and can even prevent and relieve constipation in a natural way.

They give your darling energy and are also suitable as a small snack on the go.

Overall, it can be said that this fruit is one of the healthiest types of fruit for your dog.

If you snack on a few dates, you can give your darling a piece in the future.

When you give your furry friend a date for the first time, you should observe it afterwards, as is generally the case with new foods, to see whether it tolerates it.

Dates have a high sugar content

Dates are very healthy, but their sugar content is high. Depending on the size and variety, a date can have a sugar content of up to 80 percent.

It is true that this is natural fructose and the blood sugar rises only slowly due to the high fiber content.

Nevertheless, you should not overdo it and only give your furry friend a piece of date. If you feed too many, your dog will likely get diarrhea due to the high fiber content.

Unfortunately, what is rarely mentioned is that dates and other dried fruits can stick to your teeth. This is especially the case if your dog eats several of them. It is advisable to give the dog something to nibble on afterwards, such as a chewing stick, or to brush its teeth in the evening.

As with everything, dose matters. Note that a large and agile dog may get a little more of this sweet fruit than a small one.

Reading tip: You want to know if dogs can eat raisins? Find out everything you need to know in our article “Can dogs eat raisins?” and find out what effects raisins have on our four-legged friends.

Dates with a pit are dangerous for your dog (danger of poisoning)

You should not feed your four-legged friend whole dates. The date has a long pit that is poisonous to your dog. Just like other stone fruit kernels, date kernels contain hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic.

Eating it can give your furry friend diarrhoea, stomach pain, shortness of breath and cramps. If your dog eats too much of it, it can lead to death.


Always remove the pit first before giving your dog a date to eat.

Small dogs also run the risk of choking on the large core. There is a risk that the core will be larger than the intestine and get stuck. This can lead to an intestinal obstruction, which unfortunately can quickly lead to death.

It is also advisable to cut the dates into small pieces first. That way you never forget to remove the core, and secondly, the chopped up pieces are more bite-sized.

Go to the vet immediately if your four-legged friend has swallowed a core.

The same goes if he’s acting weird after eating a date. If in doubt, contact the veterinarian.


Puppies must not eat spinach because of the oxalic acid it contains!

Conclusion: Can dogs eat dates?

Yes, your dog can eat dates, but only without seeds. The date stones contain toxic hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous for your dog and, in the worst case, can lead to death.

Dates contain many nutrients and are considered very healthy. Due to the high sugar content, you should not feed too many dates. In addition, the high fiber content can have a negative effect on digestion and cause diarrhea.

Do you have any questions about dogs and dates? Then put them in the comments now!