Dogs are ideal for easygoing people to keep in their own four walls. Often work-related, there is simply not enough time for plenty of casseroles.
But don’t worry, these four-legged friends don’t really need a lot of exercise and are therefore particularly suitable for owners with little time and space.
But what a lazy breed of dog with little outlet inspires numerous owners and is most suitable?
Interesting: You would never have expected the number 16 to be so lazy in nature!
1. Pug
This beautiful animal is extremely popular. However, this breed has its own character.
much affection, praise and cuddles are gratefully received. For this, the animal is ideal for the city apartment.
Due to the rather small size and modest activity, these dogs are almost predestined for easy-going people for apartment keeping.
The pug is often overbred and suffers from breathing problems due to the flat snout. As a result, the cooling effect is less than with many conspecifics. To be left in loving and considerate hands only!
2. French Bulldog
French bulldogs spend a large part of the day in sleep mode. This dog breed with little exercise is clearly one of the «lazy» specimens in the dog world.
Nevertheless recommend two walks a day. Basically, this breed is very familiar.
The French bulldog can also show symptoms overbreeding Suffer.
3. Pekingese
The fact is, the Pekingese is a “lap dog.” Nevertheless, a sensitive animal and despite its small size, the Pekingese forms its own clear opinion.
When it comes to dogs for easygoing people, however, it is a real eye-catcher and, statistically speaking, one too very popular breed in Germany.
4. Shih Tzu
Almost voluntarily, the Shih Tsu spends a large part of its life within the four walls of its owner. However, at least daily walking minutes of around 30 minutes recommended.
Unfortunately, this breed does not get along very well with children. In addition, the character is considered «challenging».
Due to the fact that the animals tend to bark less and are hardly jealous, the breed is often used as a companion dog for older people and people with disabilities.
5. Boston Terriers
This very attentive and gentle dog for rather easy owners integrates perfectly into a family with children.
The animal hardly needs much more than 30 minutes a day in the fresh air. Even so, the Boston Terrier takes likes games and smaller training sessions at.
The small dog reacts very sensitively to fluctuations in perception of the owner. A lot of closeness and attention are balm for the soul of the little creature.
6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
As with any dog, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel requires short walks. But experts have recognized that this breed also consumes enough energy indoors.
Noteworthy are the separation fears when the dog is left alone for too long. Above all his approachable and gentle nature advances the spaniel to a great therapy dog.
7. Japanese chin
This dog breed is especially recommended for lazy people who may not be physically able to go for great walks.
Ideally suited for seniors, several short walks per day are sufficient. In addition, the animal is rather gentle and reacts very calmly, even to stressful situations.
Anatomically, this dog’s neck is extremely sensitive. It is highly recommended to use a dog harness!
8. Chihuahua
Who does not know him, the popularly known «handbag dog»? Here, too, daily walks totaling 30 minutes are completely sufficient to satisfy the need for exercise.
Despite its size, this small and extremely lazy dog breed is very courageous and can also appear dominant. Unfortunately, numerous owners report one certain «barking pleasure».
Important information!
A dog is still an animal and should be kept in a species-appropriate manner (also «handbag dogs»). In addition, this breed often suffers from a real “tormental breeding” with other health problems.
9. Pomeranians
Dogs for comfortable people like the Pomerianian are loyal companions – despite little exercise. A certain degree of training is important, because otherwise the animal will quickly show its “dominant” side.
Several short walks spread over the day are enough. Overall a low maintenance breed, which also gets along very well in an apartment.
10. Chinese Crested
Rather reserved towards strangers, the sensitive dog feels true loyalty and love for its owner. Basically suitable as a city apartment dogbut with separation anxiety.
So if you have to leave the animal alone for many hours a day, you should rather choose a different breed. On the other hand, the rather lazy dog integrates well into families with children.
11. Tibetan Spaniel
Small, cute, bright and happy, are probably the correct character traits. If the animal grows up with children, he even protects them.
But here, too, a few short laps in the fresh air per day are sufficient. Also for physical well-being. In principle, even small dogs always need a portion of exercise.
12. Bolognese
Many games in the four walls and 3x 15 minute run per day are sufficient for the small but loyal animal companion.
Interesting is the fact that the dogs like to “rest” and often. In addition, they do not suffer from any particular separation anxiety, which is why work abroad can be done with peace of mind.
13. Bull Mastiff
Despite the considerable size, 30 minutes of walking a day is enough for the dog (ideally: 60 minutes). Although the animal has watchdog potential, the Bullmastiff is very social and even sensitive nature.
Basically lazy and suitable for apartment keeping. Close family ties ensure the emotional well-being of the stately animal.
14. Chow Chow
It is important to train this animal quickly. Because the Character is basically more «introverted».. In return, the Chow-Chow also provides loyal service as a guard dog.
Although the Chow-Chow is not a small dog, about 15 minutes of daily exercise is actually sufficient. Attractive to look at, lazy, easygoing and a popular breed with keepers.
15. Dachshund
Not only a «bestseller» in the DACH region, the classic dachshund. But be careful: Dachshunds tend to be overweight. Therefore, several smaller walks are recommended.
Due to the high attention of the animal, property owners will also find an excellent guard dog.
Attention future owners:
Unfortunately, the dachshund is also overbred. Definitely prefer reputable breeders who are also verified. Animal welfare comes first!
16. St. Bernard
Hard to believe, but reality. Nothing can upset the St. Bernard and extremely lazy: for such a big dog!
Typical character traits are: gentleness, obedience and patience. A great animal and suitable for apartment keeping.
17. Newfoundland
These easy-going people dogs like water. Suitable as family dogs and running around 30-45 minutes a day is enough. In addition, the dog is quite calm and relaxed.
Newfoundland dogs are often used as therapy dogs because they are so patient and willing to learn.
18. Great Dane
A fine specimen of dog and very gentle. Although the animal is very dynamic, there are no tendencies towards aggression at all.
According to experience reports, this dog breed, with little exercise, needs at least 15 and ideally one hour of exercise in the fresh nature. Not much for such a big but lazy dog.