Dogs have fur. So far, so well known. And those who have fur sometimes lose a hair or two.
A dog loses fur – so this is completely normal. But what about too much fur and what if the dog loses tufts of fur?
In the following guide you will receive all important information and answers.
Dog loses fur: 8 causes
That a dog loses hair or fur is Part of the «Dog Pack». Yet there is also Cases where the fur loss is no longer normal is. You can now find out the reasons behind it.
coat change
Most dogs shed their fur twice a year. In spring it loses its winter coat and gets a thinner, usually smoother coat – the summer coat.
If it has a lot of undercoat and is rather “curly” in appearance, it can happen that the dog sheds tufts of fur.
The same thing happens in winter, just the other way around. The dog puts on a thick, protective winter coat and sheds the summer coat.
Hormonally related
The hormones are, so to speak, what every living being keeps up. If there is an imbalance here, it affects the entire organism.
So that’s one possible reason hormone-related hair loss. This can be recognized, among other things, by the fact that it takes place without itching.
Good to know:
Hormonal changes can include due to castration and over- and under-functioning of the thyroid gland be. One is also possible adrenocortical hyperfunction. Then there is a metabolic disease.
One allergy is another cause when a dog suddenly loses fur in tufts of fur – on the stomach, ears or neck, among other things.
Often is the food to blamethat such an allergy occurs. In most cases, food intolerance first shows up on the coat and skin.
Does your dog have dandruff?
Then an allergy could be the reason. In that case, cetirizine can work wonders for your dog. It is best to discuss this with your vet beforehand.
Are parasiteslike for example fleas biting lice or mitesto blame for the hair loss, you recognize this by the fact that he accompanied by an itch becomes. Your dog scratches like mad. This in turn can cause bald spots and inflammation.
For example, NexGard can be helpful for your dog with mites. The overstimulation kills fleas and mites. If you are unsure, it is better to discuss this with your vet beforehand.
bacteria are another factor to keep in mind if your dog is about to shed his coat in large quantities.
But also alopecia can occur in the eye come. Among other things, if your dog has so-called tear stains. These are caused by bacteria.
skin fungus
Is skin fungus the trigger for the alopecia, this can usually be recognized quickly. Because it’s not just about hair breakage.
The dog sheds its fur in clumps and the hair loss is spotty and circularthe borders to the fur are clearly recognizable.
Here one speaks of the so-called dermatophytosis. The skin fungus occurs particularly on the tail, i.e. on the buttocks, as well as on the face and ears.
Good to know:
Many of these skin fungi are zoonoses. That means she transferred from your dog to you can become. A young or an old dog is also particularly at risk from these fungi.
Yes, one too poisoning can cause excessive hair loss. Perhaps your dog has eaten something that can be quite dangerous?
In that case please drive take him to the vet immediatelyto find out the reason as quickly as possible and initiate appropriate treatment.
A potentially worrying trigger is a medical condition. This can be, for example, a autoimmune disease act.
stress & anxiety
stress and anxiety are also for dogs a reason to lose their fur. Maybe you know that about yourself? When you’re stressed, you tend to lose more hair than you normally do.
At this time, it is normal for the dog to shed fur
Maybe you already know the term «Ejection Season» heard? And if not this, then the term «coat change»? This one finds two times a year instead of. Once in spring and once in fall.
While dogs get more fur when it toward winter goes, shake that excess with the beginning of the warmer season off again. Both make sense. Because in winter dogs need more fur than in summer.
But that also means: In these months you will in all probability be surrounded by significantly more dog hair, than you might like. Of course, race also plays a role here.
There are dogs that by nature hardly shed at all, while others would have to run around naked because of the amount of lost fur.
Good to know:
In fact, for many years so-called hypoallergenic breeds bred. Not only do they hardly lose any fur. The hair should be structured in such a way that people with animal hair allergies should also be able to hold it.
Dog loses a lot of fur: you can do that
Depending on the type and amount of hair loss, there are a few things you can do yourself to support your dog. If he is currently changing fur, a regular furness with combs and brushes already help.
In addition, there are some proven ones Home remedies and dietary supplementsthat can help with shedding.
home remedies
Almost naturally there are some home remedies that can help if your dog is suffering from increased hair loss and maybe scaly skin.
coconut oil
may we introduce The Coconut oil – the all-rounderwhen it comes to doing something good for your dog in a natural way.
Coconut oil has a reputation for being particularly good at helping with dry skin, dandruff, skin irritation and itching. Over and beyond it strengthens the immune system of your fur nose.
chamomile works among other things anti-inflammatory. This plant in the form of an ointment or a tincture is a sensible idea, especially for bald spots caused by scratching.
dietary supplements
First of all: The name already gives it away. The following things are involved a supplement, not a complete diet! Please make sure that these are given as a supporting ingredient, but not as the main food source!
Dietary supplement with many proteins
The dog hair exists almost entirely from proteins. If there is a deficiency, for example, an appropriate dietary supplement can help.
Immune system boosting supplement
In many cases a compromised immune system the reason why hair loss can occur. Because this provides the perfect breeding ground for various pathogens.
There is now various preparations that strengthen the immune system. Also pre- and probiotics are useful. Because the canine immune system is mainly formed in the intestinal tract.
When to the vet for hair loss?
Is your dog losing a lot of fur? Are the bald patches getting the upper hand, is your fur nose constantly scratching? Then it means: Please go to the vet as soon as possible.
Of course, an annoying little ectoparasite can be the trigger – and you can remedy this yourself with an appropriate remedy. But it is a disease, an allergy or a hormonal disorder behind the alopeciaprofessional advice is required.
Hair loss in dogs is one totally natural and normal occurrence. Different does it look if the fur nose feels like it is losing fur in bunches or in places and bald areas of skin become visible there.
A veterinarian can usually find out exactly what the cause is. Especially if it’s one internal trigger acts.
What about your dog’s skin and coat? Has he ever struggled with increased hair loss outside of the change of coat?
And if so, what was the reason and how did you get it under control together? As always, we’d love for you to share your experiences with us in the comments.