5 home remedies & when to go to the vet

It doesn’t matter whether it’s horse droppings, goat droppings or cow dung – if a dog eats the excrement of other animals or its own excrement, that should be a warning signal for you.

Feces are not part of the dog diet as food.

But what to do if your dog enjoys chewing a horse apple? In this article you will find out which home remedies can help if your dog eats feces.

Dog eats feces- 5 home remedies that help

If your dog is eating poop, there are several home remedies you can use to discourage it.

So many dog ​​owners swear by the effects of smelly cheese when their dog has this unsightly habit.

But spreading some pineapple juice over the dog food should also work well.

To counteract a possible nutrient deficiency, you can mix brewer’s yeast flakes into your dog’s food.

Drugs that soothe a sensitive stomach can also be used to counteract this unwanted behavior.

give pineapple

Before you take your dog outside, you can give him a piece of pineapple.

If your dog doesn’t want to eat the fruit, you can mix it with his or her food Make pineapple tasty with some dog sausage.

It’s a little easier if you give your dog a shot of unsweetened direct pineapple juice over their food.

The pineapple contains an enzyme that is supposed to keep your dog full for a long time.

Smelly cheese

It has not been proven, but many dog ​​owners swear by smelly cheese.

Give your dog a piece of Harzer or Limburger cheese. This home remedy is designed to help if your dog is eating poop.

Because the cheese made from sour milk quark contains little fat, but lactic acid bacteria and yeasts, which are said to have a probiotic effect.

In addition, the cheese quickly has a satiating effect and your dog does not have to look for anything to eat on the go.

change feed

It may also be that your dog is not getting enough nutrients from its food.

You should therefore pay attention to a balanced and species-appropriate diet with him.

Meat, fruit and vegetables should be on his menu. You don’t have to cook it fresh, high-quality dry food can also cover the need.

You should also put the amounts of food to the test.

Maybe your dog is hungry and therefore eats everything that comes in front of his nose.

brewer’s yeast flakes

The use of brewer’s yeast flakes should be enjoyed with a little caution.

The yeast can be mixed into the feed in small quantities and is intended to replenish certain nutrient reserves.

Because it contains B vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

However, it has not been scientifically proven that this home remedy will help if your dog eats feces.

Your dog can also be sensitive to yeast.

Flatulence and other digestive disorders can be the result. Therefore, it is better not to give brewer’s yeast to a dog with a sensitive digestion or with diarrhea.

fennel and anise

A not-so-common cause of your dog eating feces can be acidosis.

To counteract this, you can give your dog a cooled fennel-aniseed tea over the food.

This should calm the stomach again.

Cooked fennel can also be a good home remedy if your dog is eating poop.


If your dog eats feces, then he has an increased risk of worm infestation. In addition, it can ingest further pathogens and parasites with the excretions of other animals.

Home remedies don’t help – what else can I do if my dog ​​eats feces?

If your dog eats feces on the go and no home remedies help, you can remedy this with a shorter leash.

If your dog wants to eat excrement while walking, you can just pull it away.

In addition, your fur nose should be able to command the “Off” command. With this command he should let things fall out of his mouth.

If your dog eats feces because he has deficiency symptoms, then you can give him give targeted nutritional supplements under the feed.

You should have your dog examined by a vet to determine if there is a nutritional deficiency. Otherwise you cannot properly compensate for the deficiency.

Good to know

In a puppy, eating feces is not abnormal behavior.

Young dogs occasionally eat feces to build up their intestinal flora. However, they only eat small amounts of the excrement.

When should I go to the vet?

If your dog is eating poop and no home remedies are helping, don’t take it lightly and consider a visit to the vet.

Of course, it can also be that he is simply bored or he wants to attract your attention with this behavior.

However, it is also possible that he has a nutrient deficiency or other diseases.

Eating feces can also be a sign of pancreatitis. In order to diagnose this hormonal disorder, a veterinarian must examine your dog.

In general, it makes sense to have your dog checked out by a veterinarian if it behaves suspiciously. In this way, diseases can be recognized quickly.

Home remedies are no substitute for a veterinary examination. In addition, you could be wrong in assuming the cause of poop eating and thus choose the wrong treatment.

What was the most disgusting thing your dog has ever eaten? Let us know in the comments.