5 causes & tips (guide)

«Hatschi» sounds from the dog blanket. Your dog suddenly sneezes and snorts.

your dog sneezes constantly or occasionally this can have very different reasons.

In this article we will explain what these are and when you need to worry.

My dog ​​sneezes and snorts? Possible causes

There are a variety of reasons a dog might sneeze.

But if your dog appears otherwise healthy, this is usually not a cause for concern.

It’s different if your dog doesn’t make a fit impression anyway.

A cold

Your dog sneezes and has nasal discharge, he has probably caught a cold. Watery eyes can be an additional sign of this.

Now you should your four-legged friend give yourself a lot of rest and reduce the walks to short walks.

Your dog will wheeze and sneeze if you take him to the vet.


Don’t just take a dog to the vet with a cold, but report it with the observed symptoms. This can prevent your dog from infecting others.


mold or dust can make your dog sneeze and wheeze. But other substances in the air can also irritate the sensitive nose.

Does your dog sneeze often? when walking, pollen can be the cause.

Coughing and wheezing can also be signs of an allergic reaction.

If you suspect that your dog has an allergy, the veterinarian can determine the trigger and one treatment plan let work out.


If your dog sneezes while playing, he can use it to signal that everything is fine and that he wants to play. He wants to express that all harmless fun is.

Your dog may even sneeze when petted. Then it is a kind of signal to relax.

Even when rolling in a meadow, it can often be observed that dogs sneeze extensively.

Depending on the season, it can also be the case that something simply tickles his nose.


Excitement is another reason dogs can sneeze. Maybe you’ve been gone a long time and your dog is excited to see you again.

Sneezing is completely normal for your four-legged friend.

If your dog walks often sneezes or funny snorts, can so it could be that he’s happy or it’s tickling his nose.

foreign body

If your dog sneezes while walking and the sneezing doesn’t stop, it could also be a foreign object stuck in his nose.

This can happen when your dog runs through meadows or fields in summer and awns get stuck in his nose.

Is he Foreign objects in the nose or around the mouth determined, you should visit your veterinarian.

With tweezers you can usually remove awns well, but the nose is a sensitive part of the body and you could do that Accidentally pushing the awn further into the skin.


Do not try to remove awns on and in the nose yourself. If the awn is stuck in the skin, it can happen that a piece breaks off and remains behind.

Then the foreign body can move further into the skin or body.

What can I do if my dog ​​keeps sneezing and snorting?

If your dog is constantly sneezing and snorting, you should get to the bottom of the cause.

It is useful if you make a note of how often and when he sneezes.

Has he previously stayed in a dusty or allergen-rich area and does he show any other abnormalities?

Because unlike a short-term sneeze and snort, behind long-lasting symptoms can be a respiratory disease put.

Moist air and rest when you have a cold

If you suspect your dog has a cold, you should give it a rest to recover. With an inhalation water and sea salt you can relieve the cold symptoms with a simple home remedy.

But also with one humidifier you can make it easier for your dog to breathe in this case.

Don’t panic if you sneeze backwards

Some small dogs tend to sneeze backwards. They make a noise as if they were pulling up nasal secretions.

Even short-nosed dogs tend to make this noise.

It has not yet been clarified how this reverse sneezing occurs. Sometimes it’s choking while eating, a foreign object in the throat, other times it’s probably related to the soft palate, which might be too long.

It usually helps if the dog swallows something. This can be a soft treat or a few sips of water from the bowl.

But sometimes it also happens that a treat sticks to the palate and your dog tries to solve it. But pollen can also irritate your four-legged friend’s nose, causing backward sneezing.

Even if the noise your dog makes sounds like like he’s choking there is no cause for concern.

If the behavior occurs frequently, it is best to talk to your vet about it.

remove dust

It’s not just us humans who get the dust in our noses. If your dog is often in a dusty environment, such as soot from a stove in the air, this can also affect his respiratory system.

So try that Minimize dust exposure for your dogespecially if he is sensitive.

Also a lot Exercise in the fresh air helps to clear the airways.

When should I see a vet?

Usually the sneezing has a harmless reason or there is a cold behind it. But even this should be taken seriously in a dog.

If your dog’s condition isn’t improving, you should take it to the vet for a check-up.

Even if your dog sneezes for an unusually long time and repeatedly, you should have this checked out by your veterinarian. In this way you can find out whether your fur nose is suffering from an allergy or has an infection.

Although the noise can certainly frighten you as a dog owner, backward sneezing is usually not a case for a visit to the vet.

It does, however up very often, you should have your dog checked out. But usually it only affects your dog for a short time and then he behaves like before.

You should urgently go to the vet if you find out that your dog trouble breathing and makes wheezing noises.

If he’s having trouble breathing, your dog won’t want to move much either.

Other noticeable symptoms

If your dog coughs, is lethargic, has a poor appetite, or has a fever along with sneezing, you should take him to the vet.

Then it could be that he is a flu has. If left untreated, this can lead to lung infection to lead.

But severe discharge from the eyes and nose should also be urgently clarified medically.

Old and young dogs

If you have a puppy or an elderly person at home, you should consult the veterinarian if there are any signs of a cold.

Because the immune system is usually weakened in very young and very old animals.


There can be many different reasons why dogs sneeze.

Exuberant joy, a tickling nose or an illness.

So your dog is not necessarily sick if you hear him sneezing and snorting. Sometimes we humans just have to sneeze.

Otherwise, make your dog one healthy impressionsneezing is usually not a cause for concern.

Should you infection or an allergy suspect your dog has, however, it is advisable that you take him to the veterinarian. So your fur nose can be helped quickly.

Especially with old and young dogs, you shouldn’t wait long to see the vet if you suspect an illness.

Does your dog often catch colds in winter? What are you doing to help him? Let us know in the comments.