Every dog owner knows the following situation. You are cleaning the ears of your beloved four-legged friend and what can be seen on the cleaning cloth? Black dirt.
After the first shudder, the following question usually arises. What is that? mites? Or just pure dirt that the dog picked up somewhere in everyday life?
In this article you will find out what behind the black dirt in your dog’s ears actually hides.
Dog has black dirt in the ear – causes
First of all, it is important to mention that the natural earwax from dogs dark to black is. However, this is often confused with contamination and dirt in the ear.
A dog’s earwax is a natural protective mechanism and serves to shed dirt.
However, if a particularly large amount of black earwax is produced, this can be traced back to a health cause.
Dogs often have their heads in places where they shouldn’t be. Especially when they are running free during the walk. It is therefore not surprising that all sorts of dirt accumulates in the dog’s ears.
The following causes can be the reasons that black dirt has accumulated in your dog’s ears.
That there is black dirt in the dog’s ears often has one simple cause. Dirt.
The dog’s earwax is there so that the dog’s ear cleans itself «on its own».
Dirt and dust, which gets into the dog’s ear in everyday life, is transported to the outside. Depending on the type of dirt, the color varies from dark brown to black.
ear mites
are ear mites parasites and are relatively common in dogs. The so-called ear mange is caused by ear mites. The ear mites prefer to live in the external auditory canal and their diet consists of tissue fluid and skin cells.
The following causes also indicate ear mites:
- increased scratching of the ears
- increased head shaking
- dry skin in the ears
- dark brown to black discharge from ear
- the skin in the ear begins to peel
Ear mites are contagious to other animals.
Bacterial ear infection
dogs with floppy ears suffer from bacterial infections ear infections than prick-eared dogs. For the simple reason that bacteria find a warm and humid environment to be the ideal breeding ground. However, even dogs with prick ears are not spared from a bacterial ear infection.
In addition to the black dirt in the ear, dogs with a bacterial ear infection may show these symptoms:
- constant scratching of the ear
- changed smell, the ear “stinks”
- swelling or redness
- tilting of the head
- shaking his head
- shows pain, becomes sensitive to touch
fungus in the ear
That dogs on her body yeast fungi wear is normal and does not affect health. From time to time, however, it happens that the yeast fungi multiply extremely and then a fungal infection develops. Due to the structure of their auditory canal, dogs are relatively often affected by fungi in their ears.
The following symptoms can indicate a fungal infection in the ear:
- severe itching in / around the ear
- increased head shaking
- Dog smells, stinks from the ear
- Dog seems hard of hearing
- dark discharge from the affected ear
- local hair loss
- some coordination problems
With contact dermatitis, symptoms appear only on the part of the body where the dog was in contact with the allergen.
These causes can trigger a contact allergy:
- pollen
- Contact with poisonous plants
- cigarette smoke
- grasses
- Creams made by people like sunscreen
Black earwax from an allergy is relatively rare. If all other causes can be ruled out, however, the topic of allergy should be considered.
Why is earwax black in dogs?
The color of earwax depends on the individual living conditions of your dog. Dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors in nature have logically increased dirt in the ears than dogs that are less or not at all exposed to dirt and grime.
In dogs with floppy ears, it often happens that dried dirt that was outside the ears gets lost in the ear.
It is perfectly normal for dogs to have earwax and it helps the ear clean itself.
If you can rule out that the earwax has turned black purely because of dirt, you must consult a veterinarian to prevent possible damage to the ears and the auditory canal from parasites or infections.
Clean your dog’s ear properly – that’s how it works
In order to properly clean a dog’s ear, it is advisable to use a special one cleaning supplies for dog ears that im specialist trade or available from a veterinarian.
Refrain from using cotton swabs. The rods can easily injure the inner ear.
The ears of the dog are very sensitive. Therefore, care should be taken when cleaning.
There are special cleaning solutions that loosen the dirt deposits in the ear. These are dripped into the ears. Then both ears are gently massaged from the outside with the fingers. Finally, a cotton pad is used to gently stroke the ears from the inside out.
The ear canals should only be cleaned by a veterinarian, as there is an acute risk of injury.
How do I recognize ear mites in my dog?
The most noticeable symptoms on ear mites indicate are constant scratching and shaking his head. Combined with black dirt or black dots in the ears, this is unfortunately often a clear indication of ear mites.
Ear mites are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. All you can see of ear mites are black dots. This is a mixture of mite droppings, dander, and earwax.
The itching of an infestation of ear mites can be so severe that the dogs scratch bloody.
Get rid of ear mites in dogs
If the dog suspects a severe infestation of ear mites, a visit to a veterinarian is advisable. The dog suffers from the constant itching.
Furthermore, ear mites are for other dogs contagious.
If ear mites are not treated in a dog, further complications such as a blood ear, one bacterial infection or at worst one otitis media with breakthrough of eardrum develop.
With home remedies
Treating a mild ear mite infestation with home remedies can possibly help.
However, to consider more serious sequelae, a visit to the veterinarian should be considered.
olive oil
Olive oil has a slightly disinfecting and germicidal effect. However, when using it, it should be borne in mind that a warm and humid climate can develop under the light oil film of the olive oil.
coconut oil
In addition to the slightly antibacterial effect, coconut oil also has the advantage that the smell is unpleasant for many parasites.
Both oils are best applied slightly warm. After a short exposure time, they are gently wiped off with a soft disposable cloth.
Do not drip oils directly into the ear canal!
With medication
To successfully use ear mites medication to fight, is with approx. 3 weeks expected. The parasites must be in all stages of development be killed. This is the only way to rule out a re-infestation.
Before the vet starts treatment against the mite infestation, it is ruled out that the eardrum is damaged.
Depending on the type of infestation, the vet will decide on a spot-on, ear drops, tablets or ointments.
Regardless of whether your dog is treated with home remedies or medication: ear mites are contagious and often all the animals in the household are affected. If mites appear on an animal, it is important all animals in the same household simultaneously to treat.
Black dirt in dog ears is normal and nothing to worry about.
This is often everyday dirt that is carried away by the body with the help of earwax.
However, black dirt can also be a sign of disease or parasite infestation.
We recommend gently cleaning your dog’s ears weekly. This way you will notice if something is noticeable around the dog’s ear and you can act correctly.
Is your dog such a dirty ear sparrow? Leave us a comment with your story, we look forward to hearing from you!