Veronica was a stray, shy dog who lived deep in the jungle in a remote part of central Thailand.
Our Thailand stray dog program helps provide care for stray dogs in an area of the country where there is nothing else for strays to alleviate the incredible suffering. Our team was busy running a mobile sterilization clinic in a remote village when we discovered poor Veronica. Emaciated and hairless, she suffered from a serious skin disease, untreated infections and terrible hunger. She was extremely scared and would run away whenever we tried to approach her. She had never known love or human affection and was probably born in the jungle.
Together with our partner Headrock Dogs Rescue, we treated her on site for her serious skin condition and gave her antibiotics. We also included them in our feeding program to provide them with a special food that was supposed to improve their body condition.
Week by week Veronica got stronger and by week four her hair was almost completely growing back. However, she still requires ongoing care to ensure her mange is fully cured. Seeing her health improve significantly, Veronica was adopted by a nearby lady who also takes care of other dogs in the area. Our team continues to follow up with Veronica and her owner to ensure she is receiving her daily medication and special diet.