Can dogs eat pears?

Pears contain many vitamins and taste juicy and sweet. Even dogs do not stop at this fruit. However, there are a few important things to keep in mind when feeding pears.

In a nutshell: Can my dog ​​eat pears?

Yes, your dog can eat ripe pears. The sweet fruit is usually harmless for your four-legged friend. Note, however, that you only give this type of fruit as a supplement to the main food and do not feed too large portions. Dogs can get diarrhea or stomach problems from too large a portion. The reason for this is the high content of fructose.

How healthy are pears for your four-legged friend?

Pears have the great property of being able to prevent heartburn. As a natural food, the low-acid fruit helps to relieve the unpleasant burning sensation in the throat.

If your dog has regular problems with this, you can feed him some pear every now and then.

Fed in moderation, it can aid digestion and naturally help with constipation.

Pears also contain tannins, which can reduce inflammation and protect the stomach from acidification. At the same time, the healthy fruit provides your dog with energy due to the carbohydrates.

The sweet fruit contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, which can have a positive effect on your furry friend’s body.

vitamin C

The vitamin C contained in pears is good for the immune system. It can also help keep your joints healthy.

vitamin k

Vitamin K is important for blood clotting. Likewise, like calcium, the nutrient is conducive to healthy bones and teeth.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is responsible for a healthy function of the eyes. It also supports a good immune system and bone metabolism. Not to forget the skin-improving effect.


Pears contain many minerals such as potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, silicon and phosphate.

Potassium is important for cells and plays a role in pH. Consequently, it stimulates the metabolism. It can also support nerve function. This mineral is also important for proper muscle function.

Calcium, together with phosphate, is responsible for healthy tooth enamel and bones.

Along with zinc and selenium, copper can ensure a nice-looking, shiny coat.

Iron is essential for red blood cells and can therefore prevent anemia.

Silicon supports healthy connective tissue.


The fiber it contains is healthy for the intestines and promotes good digestion.

Consequently, when fed in small amounts, the pear can help make soft droppings firmer. In large quantities, on the other hand, pears have a rather laxative effect.

Reading tip: Be sure to read our Can Dogs Eat Apricots article to find out if this fruit is right for your four-legged friend.

Therefore, your dog should only eat small amounts of pears

As with many other types of fruit, pears have a laxative effect. Your four-legged friend can get digestive problems and diarrhea from too much food.

So make sure you adjust the amount to your dog. Accordingly, a smaller dog should receive less than a larger one.

The amount should not exceed 10% of the feed amount per day.

The same applies if you walk next to orchards.

Many four-legged friends love pears and cannot get enough of this sweet fruit.

At harvest time, make sure that your furry friend doesn’t eat too many pears. It can cause gastrointestinal problems.

Pears are ideal as a small snack for in between and are a welcome change for your darling.

You should definitely pay attention to this when feeding

Pears are very healthy and contain many vitamins. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to a few aspects when feeding.

Pears, like watermelon and raspberries, have a dehydrating effect. If your fur nose suffers from kidney problems, you should therefore not feed a pear. Instead, it makes sense to use other types of fruit.

Feed only ripe pears

Only feed your dog ripe or overripe pears. Make sure these aren’t rotten or moldy, as this can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Poisonous pear kernels

Even if your darling loves pears more than anything and can’t get enough of them, you should always keep an eye on him when you go for a walk next to orchards.

The core of the pear contains amygdalin.

The problem with amygdalin is that it can convert to hydrocyanic acid during digestion. It is poisonous and consumption can be fatal. That’s why you shouldn’t let your dog eat the pear kernels. To be on the safe side, you can remove the seeds first and then feed the pear.

High fructose content

Pears are a very sugary fruit. Although it is a natural sugar, too much of it can lead to gastrointestinal problems.

Furthermore, you should not feed a pear if your darling has diabetes.

Pickled pears

You should never feed your dog canned or jarred pears. A lot of sugar is added to them during production.

Not only is this unhealthy, it can also lead to weight gain. Therefore only feed fresh pears.

Conclusion: Can your dog eat pears?

Pears contain a lot of micronutrients and are extremely healthy. If your dog likes pears, you can give him a small amount as a snack every now and then. However, he should not eat the seeds because they can lead to hydrocyanic acid poisoning.

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