Is your dog rolling in the grass? 5 causes & their meaning

Have you ever noticed your dog rolling in the grass when you go for a walk?

Sometimes a funny sight. But why is your dog doing this?

Here we tell you the most common reasons for this behavior.

Dog rolls in the grass – meaning

«I’m itchy»

Maybe your dog’s back is itchy and he just can’t get at it with his back paw when scratching.

Watch your dog for a while. Does he often repeat this behavior and maybe try to snap his teeth at his back as well?

Then you should open it foreign bodies or parasitessuch as a flea or tick.

If your dog’s behavior seems very abnormal, rubbing his head on the floor and it’s going on for a long time, you should see your vet.

Maybe your dog has one inflammation or skin disease.

«It smells interesting»

Has your dog ever rolled on a dead animal or in feces?

Some dogs seem to have made it a point to settle into eto roll over things and taxing our sense of smell.

What is gross for us humans is a way for dogs to show their fellow dogs how great they are.

With a new smell he can impress others.

Hounds also use this technique to protect themselves camouflage and cover up their own smell. This allows them to sneak up on their prey better.

In addition, your dog can leave its own scent on the floor with this behavior. It can therefore also be a form of marking.

«I am relaxed»

Your dog throws onto its back and grunts? This can be a sign of relaxation.

When your dog happily rolls around in the grass, he expresses his well-being.

Even if your dog rolls over after eating, he can show that he is fine.

Perhaps the food then tasted particularly good to him.

The fear that this could gastric torsion arise has now been refuted.

«Check on me»

Another possibility is that your dog is trying to get your attention with this behavior.

If he throws himself into a huge puddle and comes out again as a «mud monster», you probably won’t go on untouched.

And also negative attention is better for some dogs than no attention at all.

«I am stressed»

Some dogs react to stress by rolling around.

If a dog is not properly utilized, this can also mean stress for the four-legged friend. The rolling is then a kind of valve.

This behavioral disorder can be counteracted with sufficient exercise and mental workload.

Good to know:

Does your dog tend to roll in carrion, feces, and other nasty things? If you don’t want to shampoo him every time, you can wash his coat with a diluted apple cider vinegar and water mixture.

Is it okay if the dog rolls in the grass?

If your dog is rolling in the grass, there is really no reason to stop him.

If your dog is rolling with joy and is visibly relaxed, you can let him do it calmly.

Also rolling in the dirt as well as occasional Mud baths are normal for dogs.

Nevertheless, you should pay attention to whether the behavior lasts for a very long time and occurs frequently.

Then it could be an indication of a skin disease, a disorder or a parasite infestation.

How can I prevent rolling?

If your dog just rolls around in the grass, you shouldn’t prevent it, because it’s part of a species-appropriate life.

If your furry friend is a fan of disgusting smells and you want to prevent this, you should work on your timing.

Even if you plan something with your dog and he shouldn’t get too dirty, exercise is the be-all and end-all.

To do this, you have to recognize in good time when your dog wants to roll and stop him from doing so.

This can be a courageous «No» or «Off».

If your dog responds to you, you should praise profusely.

In this way, your fur nose quickly learns where it is allowed to roll and where or in what not.

But also through leashyou can prevent him from going to a certain spot.


If your dog has rolled in dirt, carrion, or feces, don’t punish him for it. It’s normal behavior for him.


There can be many different reasons why your dog is rolling in the grass.

If your dog seems relaxed, there is no reason to stop him.

However, if your dog’s behavior seems strange to you, you should examine it for parasites or, if in doubt, consult a veterinarian. In this way, illnesses can also be detected at an early stage.

However, if your dog prefers to wallow in disgusting things, you can discourage it with training.

Does your dog like to roll in the grass too? Let me know in the comments.