Dog stinks, what to do? 4 home remedies that are guaranteed to help!

boar droppings, slurrydead animals, decayed fish and everything else extremely stinkshas a magical attraction to many dogs.

We dog owners get the urge to gag while the dog gets the greatest pleasure from rolling in that nasty stuff.

The dog stinks of decay, carrion or something else? How bad should a healthy dog ​​smell like dog?

To help your nose, I wrote you this article.

My own dog is a master in this area. All home remedies that I recommend here have been tried and tested. At the end you will find out my personal favourites.


This article is only about odor removal after contact with smelly items. If the dog stinks for a medical reason, the home remedies should be used with caution and a visit to the veterinarian is necessary.

My Dog Stinks: What Can I Do About It?

The good news: You can get the stench out of your fur again.

The Bad: You have to touch the stinky dog ​​while cleaning up the stench.

The stench will only go away on its own very slowly. But luckily there is 3 proven home remedieswhich can be found in almost every household and you have no hesitation in buying one deep cleaning can use on the dog fur.

Vinegar for cheese feet:

Your dog smells strongly of cheese foot? Reaching for vinegar is the simplest and most uncomplicated solution.

Dogs sweat from their paws. Especially in the hot summer months, it often happens that dogs suffer from cheese feet.

The reason for this is very simple: the sweat is decomposed by microorganisms. The resulting fatty acid molecules create the typical cheese foot smell.

A paw bath with vinegar water works wonders here. Vinegar not only has an antibacterial effect, but also prevents the spread of fungus.

My recipe:

  • 1 liter of lukewarm water
  • 0.3 liters of apple cider vinegar

The paw bath can take up to 3 times a day be applied a 5 minutes per paw. The only important thing is that you dry your paws thoroughly after the bath.

Baking Powder / Baking Soda

baking soda has a neutralizing effect. After washing your dog thoroughly with your usual dog shampoo, you can dust him generously with baking soda.

Rub the baking soda all over your dog’s coat. Please make sure that there is no contact with the eyes and mucous membranes.

After an exposure time of 5 minutes all the baking powder is washed out with warm water. Dry the dog afterwards as usual and the stench should be gone.

coffee grounds

Coffee grounds can also be used after the first shampoo wash.

Another advantage of coffee grounds is: the small grains act like an extra peeling in the fur and remove residues of the evil sticking to the fur by vigorously rubbing it in.

tomato juice

The origin of the treatment Tomato juice against stink is in the USA. If someone is sprayed by a skunk, only a shower of tomato juice will help. Otherwise you won’t get rid of the stench.

The acid in the tomato juice eliminates the stench. Tomato juice reliably helps with all kinds of stench.

The Application is easy. After washing the dog with shampoo to remove most of the dirt, the dog is rubbed with enough tomato juice. There is no such thing as too much here. After a few minutes of exposure, the juice is rinsed out with plenty of water.

If you don’t have tomato juice on hand, you can use tomato ketchup, tomato paste or canned tomatoes.

Causes: Where does my dog’s strong smell come from?

Dogs have one more or less distinct odor. If the fur gets wet or damp, this odor can temporarily increase.

The effects of altered hormones on a dog’s smell are often underestimated.

Dogs that have been neutered and old dogs that suddenly smell different are the best examples of a change in dog coat odor caused by a change in hormones.

When should I go to the vet?

Your dog stinks because he rolled in something gross? This is not a reason for a visit to the vet and is easily solved with one of the home remedies mentioned above.

However, if you notice that your dog stinks and scratches a lot, you should get to the bottom of the matter. Here, skin diseases, parasites or allergies can lead to odor formation.

Also Stinking from body orifices such as the mouth and genital area (anus, vagina) should each be clarified by an examination by the veterinarian. Stinking can often be the first sign of an incipient infection or inflammation.


Dogs that have a smelly coat from rolling around don’t need to be treated with any overpriced, chemical, and often unhealthy products.

Household remedies are ideal as a first-aid measure and are guaranteed to eliminate the stench quickly.

I myself am a huge fan of Tomato sauce. It doesn’t matter if my dog ​​rolled in dead animals or some disgusting legacies. Tomato always helps.

Do you have a top home remedy for stink? Or even a funny experience in which your dirty sparrow has rolled? Please leave us a comment.