Usually you go out with your fur nose several times so that the small and big business can be done.
But this time your dog can’t or doesn’t want to urinate? If you notice that your dog hasn’t urinated in over 12 hours, you’re probably worried.
In this article you will find out why your dog cannot do its little business and when it becomes a concern.
Dog hasn’t urinated in over 12 hours – is that a concern?
If your dog hasn’t urinated in over 12 hours, you should keep a close eye on him. However, this behavior is not always a cause for concern.
Especially in rainy weather or low temperatures, some dogs tend to prefer to stay in rather than go outside.
However, if your dog does not urinate once within 24 hours, you should take him to the vet.
How Long Can a Dog Hold Urine?
Dogs usually urinate about 3 to 5 times a day.
However, an adult and healthy dog can hold your urine for up to 16 hours. However, you should not exhaust this window of opportunity.
Ideally, your dog should be the latest every 6 hours get the opportunity to empty his bladder.
At puppies or older dogs it may be necessary to let them outside every 1 to 2 hours.
7 possible causes if the dog does not pee
1. urinary tract infection
Inflamed urinary tract often prepare Pains. If there is such an inflammation in the ureter, urethra, bladder or renal pelvis, your dog may not want to urinate.
This would be important to the bacteria from the urinary tract to wash.
Bitches are usually affected more often than males.
If you observe that your dog does not urinate or tries to urinate frequently but no urine comes out, he has a fever and the Genital area frequently licksyou should take him to the vet.
The urinary tract infection can usually be treated quickly and easily with antibiotics.
2. arthritis
If your dog has arthritis, the slightest movement can cause pain.
If these are too strong, some dogs do not want to get up at all. Others don’t want to lift their leg to pee or can’t squat down to urinate.
However, arthritis does not come on suddenly. With the right treatment, your affected dog can be relieved of the pain.
3. kidney disease
In addition to detoxifying the body, the kidneys have other important tasks, such as hormone production and blood pressure regulation. However, they also regulate the water balance.
Kidney disease can therefore affect your dog in many ways.
This can result in your dog not wanting or having to pee. Kidney diseases are often accompanied by a strong odor of the dog itself as well as Listlessness and a changed eating and drinking behavior.
4. tumor
Your dog may not be able to urinate because of a tumor.
While urinary tract tumors are not common in dogs, they can occur. Bladder tumors are most common.
5. Fear
Has your four-legged friend had a traumatic experience? This can be a fight with another dog, a visit to the vet or the New Year’s fireworks.
Then your dog may not pee out of fear.
Often frightened dogs are also a bit confused and tense. This tension can sometimes make urination impossible.
However, if your dog is very scared, it can also simply forget to pee.
Fear in dogs often makes itself felt Trembling, hectic looks and a retracted tail noticeable.
6. stress
Are you on a holiday trip with your dog and after a long drive your dog still doesn’t want to empty its bladder?
Stress in the dog can lead to him preferring to stop than to relieve himself. Sometimes he forgets that he has to.
This can be especially the case in an unfamiliar and new environment.
7th age
Your old dog won’t pee? This can be due to pain when moving.
However, some older dogs also have them no more control over their waste. As a result, they are often unable to empty their bladder.
This is how you can support your dog
If your dog cannot urinate due to stress, you should give it a rest. The same applies to a frightened dog.
After a while, this will usually go back to normal and pee again.
With good training and a lot of patience, you can also give your dog the be afraid of many things. Some dogs just need time to get used to the new or unfamiliar.
However, if your dog has had a serious experience, it could be traumatized and suffering from a post-traumatic stress disorder Suffer. This can even lead to shock.
If your dog has suffered major trauma, like an accident, and is behaving abnormally, you should take him to the vet.
This can also be the case with a heavy load anti-anxiety medications administer.
The earlier an existing trauma in your dog is detected, the better it can be helped.
If your dog is prevented from urinating due to pain in the joints, you can get it from the vet Painkiller let give.
The Climbing stairs and great exertion you should spare your four-legged friend in such a case.
When to the vet?
Anytime you see signs that your dog is unable to urinate due to an illness, you should get him checked out and treated.
It’s more about your dog’s behavior stress and anxiety based on this, you should try to get him used to the unfamiliar or frightening situation.
With something rest and relaxation your dog will quickly regain his composure and be able to do his little business.
Do you suspect one in your dog? cystitisyou should take him to the vet.
This inflammation can be very painful and if left untreated, the bacteria that have penetrated can even cause the disease damage kidneys.
The vet can do your dog too Painkiller administer, which make it a little more bearable for him.
The vet can pick him up metabolic disorderspain, etc., and determine a treatment plan in the event of illness.
Even if you can’t identify any causes and your dog doesn’t urinate for more than 24 hours, you should have him checked out.
If your dog doesn’t want to pee, that’s it not always cause for concern. Even if he doesn’t urinate for 12 hours.
However, if your fur nose does not want to urinate after more than 24 hours, you should have it examined. The same applies if you have more behavioral changes or smells notice on your dog.
Because there is no substitute for medical advice from a specialist, namely your trusted veterinarian.
Has your dog ever not urinated for a long period of time? In the comments you can tell us why that was and what helped your fur nose.