Breeding for color – all for profit

The big cats include the five species of the genus Panthera: lion (Panthera leo), tiger (Panthera tigris), jaguar (Panthera onca), leopard (Panthera pardus) and snow leopard (Panthera uncia). These wild big cats are all threatened to some extent in the wild – their populations are declining worldwide. Most nature and animal lovers are aware of this and share a belief and desire to help wild big cat populations in their recovery.

Unfortunately, this is also known to unscrupulous animal breeders and traders who abuse this for commercial purposes. After all, what seems rarer and more vulnerable than a typical orange-and-black striped tiger or brown lion? A white tiger or lion! White tigers and lions are sometimes touted as critically endangered (sub)species of which very few specimens remain, and their captive births are celebrated as if it were good news for conservation. Nothing could be further from the truth.

White tigers belong to the same species as normal colored tigers and are not part of their own (sub)species – a common misconception. The same goes for white lions. They are not albinos either, but their white fur is caused by a rare, recessive mutation. This mutation also exists in the wild, but since it is recessive, the individual must inherit the mutation from both their mother and father in order to express it. Therefore, white tigers and lions are rarely observed in the wild.

In captivity, however, this rare phenomenon has commercial value: white tigers and lions attract more visitors and can be sold for more money. This means breeders are proactively crossing tigers with the recessive mutation to produce white animals. Since the mutation is rare, animals that are related to each other are used for breeding. Inbreeding is a common practice to create animals of this rare colour, despite the negative impact on their health and welfare. As a result, white tigers and lions in captivity often suffer from growth anomalies, some of the most easily recognizable of which are squinting eyes.

The same is true of other color variants in tigers, such as the «golden» or «brindle» tiger and the «black» tiger. The «black» tiger is the result of thicker black stripes that minimize the white or tawny color of the coat. This phenomenon is called «pseudo-melanism». This differs from the melanistic forms of leopards and jaguars, which are often referred to as black panthers. All these black forms are not the result of different (sub)species, but only represent different color variants within the same species.

An even rarer and more cruel form of breeding for physical characteristics is the crossing of different species to create hybrids. A liger is the result of a cross between a male lion and a female tiger. They grow larger than lions or tigers. A tigon is the result of a cross between a male tiger and a female lion. Breeders are also trying to create ligers and tigons with unusual color variations by crossing them with certain lions and tigers. These hybrids often develop health problems and are more likely to suffer from injuries, sterility, and neurological disorders. They only exist in captivity because these species would not meet in the wild and crossing is often unsuccessful.