14 Incredibly Cute Asian Dog Breeds (With Pictures)

Asia is one of the largest continents on earth and has a tradition of breeding breeds that has been tried and tested for thousands of years.

Many breeds found their way to Europe, some are rather unknown here.

Even a cross between European and Asian dog breeds is represented.

can you spot them

14 Asian dog breeds at a glance

Asian dog breeds were bred mainly as working dogs for hunting, as guard dogs or herding dogs.

They usually differ from European breeds in their greater independence and stubbornness.

1. Akita Inu

The Akita Inualso Akina called, was originally bred in Japan as a fighting dog. But he has one powerfulbut also tolerable and restrained Personality.

The largest Japanese dog breed is very imposing and in an emergency these dogs are not to be trifled with.

However, he is a proud animal that is well aware of his powers. This allows him to appear dignified and relaxed.

He is his people faithful given, but belongs in the hands of experienced dog owners.

2. Chow Chow

chow chow means something like “puffed up lion dog”. Its origin can be traced back to China and is estimated at the year 0, i.e. around 2000 years ago.

In China, the Chow-Chow was used both as a hunting dog and as a meat supplier.

The beautiful and reserved dogs require an experienced hand and good training.

Good to know:

The lips and tongue of these animals are blue-black and they have a unique stilted gait.

3. Eurasian

Eurasian is a very young breed and was created by crossing chow chow and Wolfspitz. This is why these dogs are also known by the name “wolf chow”.

This breed is considered extremely personal. They cannot cope with a change of ownership.

That is why puppies are given to their new owner when they are no more than three months old, where they should spend their whole lives.

The Eurasier needs a lot of time and should therefore only be kept by owners who rarely have to leave them alone.

4. Japan Spitz

Also the Japan Spitz is very fixated on its owner and affectionate.

It is therefore important that the owner has enough time for his dog. Japanese Spitz say thank you with an enormously cheerful charisma and are also highly intelligent.

The upbringing is not extremely difficult, but requires consistency. Spitz dogs are very trainable and enjoy new challenges.

5.Shiba Inu

The name Shiba Inu comes from the Japanese and means “little dog”.

Shiba Inus were originally used as hunting dogs. Their endurance, even over longer distances, requires a lot of exercise.

Although the dogs their owner loyal are, they have theirs own head. Shiba Inus should therefore only be taken in by experienced owners.

Good to know:

The Shiba Inu has only a slight inherent odor. Even when it’s dripping wet, it hardly smells like a dog.

6. Shih Tzu

The small dog breed was kept at the side of monks and is known as the «lion dog of the Buddha».

Today you can find it Shih Tzu as a respected family and companion dog.

He is friendly, affectionate and playfulbut should not be coddled despite its size.

The teddy face loves to be cuddled by its people, but can do without strangers.

7. Chinese Crested Dog

The chinese crested dog is more of a hairless dog. Maybe that’s why he wears his hair on his head with pride.

Often ridiculed as the «handbag dog,» the breed actually finds itself alongside many celebrities around the world, but it doesn’t deserve that reputation.

The small dogs prove to be extremely robust, friendly and fun for everyone.

8. Afghan Hound

The Afghan Houndoften short Afghan called, is an energetic hunting dog.

Although he has a high hunting instinct and is a very fast and persistent runner, he also likes to relax on the couch.

In the house he is a quiet dog who does not need a lot of hustle and bustle. He prefers to be with his people.

Afghans tend to be reserved and suspicious of strangers.

9.Kishu Inu

The Kishu Inu is hard to find outside of Japan.

He’s a hound with a extraordinary movement drive and a very stubborn personality.

The dominant and independent dog is loyal to its human. However, he should not be kept alone. A pack is very important to the Kishu.

Likewise, the owner should not be inexperienced in dealing with dogs.

10.Kai Inu

Kai Inus are almost entirely unknown outside of Japan. The medium-sized Spitz species is somewhat reminiscent of a bear in appearance.

The Kai Inu is mainly used for hunting in inaccessible mountain regions.

Its robust nature requires a consistent but not too strict hand. The Kai Inu also likes to live in packs.

Offspring outside of Japan hardly exist. An export ban ensures that dog lovers only see the Kai Inu in Japan itself or in pictures.

11. Japanese Terrier

The Japanese terrier is a breed that has meanwhile become rare and was created by crossing European terriers with Japanese dog breeds.

Even in its native Japan, the terrier tends to be hard to find, although its nature makes it a top family dog.

He has a very terrier-typical temperament and is loyal and devoted and in no way stubborn.

12. Japan Chin

At the Japan Chinese is a small companion dog belonging to the spaniel family.

With its approximately 24 centimeters in size, it is very popular as a lap dog.

He is easy to train, requires little exercise and is ideal for city apartments due to minimal barking.

The long fur of the Chin requires a relatively high level of care.

13.Lhasa Apso

This small breed of dog has a rich history and traces its origins to Tibet.

There, the long-haired, cute dogs have long meant the incarnation of the snow lion, the protector of the land.

Therefore, despite their short stature, they were often used as guard dogs in front of Tibetan monasteries.

The little four-legged friends are full of love and energy. However, they can also be extremely stubborn when it comes to training.

14. Shar Pei

The Shar Pei is one of the most distinctive, but also oldest dog breeds in the world.

Unlike most other breeds, it was not bred for nobles, but for farmers.

Often mistaken for a hippopotamus, the dogs guarded farms and tended livestock in China until about 1960 before finding their way to Europe.

Shar Peis are extremely family friendly but wary of strangers.