6 Common Causes & What You Can Do

Does your dog sneeze often and you can’t explain why?

When dogs sneeze, it’s usually a cute sight. Because sneezing is often accompanied by a grimace.

The reasons for sneezing are very different. Here’s everything you need to know about dogs sneezing.

Dog sneezes often? These are the 6 most common causes

If your dog sneezes a lot in a row, it can multiple reasons have. We now introduce you to the 6 most common causes.

1. All just for fun

If your dog is playing with you or romping through the park with a buddy, sneezing can be the communication serve.

Your dog shows that he just want to play and has no bad intentions. The other dog then knows that kan attack or injury threaten.

2. It tickles your nose

Blades of grass or dust can also tickle his nose and trigger a sneezing fit. An allergy does not always have to be behind summer sneezing fits put.

3. Allergies

Especially in spring and summer pollen be responsible for the fact that your dog has to sneeze often and that his dog’s nose is running.

However, if you constantly observe that your dog often sneezes in a row, one can allergy present.

Often the sneezing occurs uncontrollably and then starts no particular situation fasten.

An allergy is usually accompanied by a strong discharge from the nose and eyes and a cough.

Also itching and frequent scratching can indicate an allergy.

If you observe these symptoms, you should consult your vet for advice.

4. Skipping action

You come home, your dog happily runs towards you and often has to sneeze?

Usually you don’t have to worry about that. Because yours Dog sneezes with excitement.

Some dogs tend stronger to skip actions than others.

If you are unsure, observe your dog in the situation.

You will be able to quickly determine whether it is a skip action or one illness acts.

5. Respiratory infection

Does your dog often sneeze and snort in a row with no apparent trigger? Then one could respiratory tract infection present.

Come to sneeze too Cough, fever and lethargic behavior In addition, the suspicion of an infection is obvious.

In this case, you should take your dog away vet to get a check up.

6. Foreign objects

If your dog rarely sneezes, but suddenly he can’t stop blowing his nose, it could be foreign body stuck in.

During a walk you can small leaves or awns get caught in the nose and even be painful for your dog.

If there is a foreign object in your dog’s nose, it will probably also get through the Rub the floor to remove it again.

If your dog cannot get rid of the foreign body on its own, you should do so from the vet let do.

7. Smells

Also ingredients of cleaning agents can make your dog sneeze.

So if your dog throws a sneezing fit after you’ve cleaned the bathroom or mopped the floor, the chemicals it contains may be his irritate the fine nasal mucosa.

8. Inflammation

A not so common reason is an inflammation of the teeth. If your dog has an abscessed tooth, severe inflammation can occur.

This can also go unnoticed by the jawbone to nasal cavity spread.

If such an inflammation is present, the dog sneezes frequently and often has one purulent, bloody nasal discharge.

Dog often sneezes in a row – what to do?

If your dog sneezes a lot in a row, it’s not always a cause for concern. You can first observe the situation.

Maybe you’ll find through a bit observation and detective games even a reason for the sneeze?

Do you have a small Buddel King as a doghe could have caught a foreign body.

One regular check of nose and eyes is therefore highly recommended.

Go with the sneeze other symptoms such as eye discharge or fatigue?

Then there is a suspicion of an infection.

In the case of infections, you should give your dog good treatment as well much rest treat. So he can recover quickly.

When should I go to the vet?

If you feel your Fur nose sneezes more often than usual and shows some of the above symptoms, you should consult your veterinarian for advice.

Especially if you have one infection or allergy suspect, your dog can be helped quickly.

Even if you suspect a foreign object is stuck in your dog’s nose. Because awns or other things can often not be removed easily.


Not everyone sneezing fit your dog is a sign of a serious illness or allergy.

Sometimes it just is his way of communicating or dealing with sudden situations.

However, if you find that your dog is sneezing unusually often, he will seems limp or in pain it’s better you have him checked out by a veterinarian.

Have you ever noticed your dog sneeze while playing? Tell us in the comments.