Each race for itself will be happy as gentle and good-natured described. In the successful mixture of Bernese Mountain Dog and Labrador many of the positive properties are reinforced to a social Companion dog for many occasions.
Loyal and loving he likes to join in with the family sports activities with. But he’s also good at it cozy do and just snooze near you.
The most important things about the Bernese Sennen Labrador Mix in brief:
Size & Life Expectancy:
- Adult males: up to 52 kg, with a shoulder height of around 70 cm
- Bitch: about 34 kg with about 65 cm shoulder height
- Life expectancy: 6 to 12 years
Character: quiet, comfortable, friendly, inquisitive, independent, balanced and open
Special feature: By combining the characteristics, the Labernese is more active than the Bernese Mountain Dog and definitely wants to be encouraged in its joy of movement and mental activity.
The muscular body the Bernese Mountain Dog Labrador Mix result in a harmonious picture of the two races. One wide and high arched head shape is with the lop ears typical of his appearance.
The coat structure of the Labernese can hardly be predicted and can be extremely different. Depending on which parent is dominant, the hair can silky long drop out, coming from the Bernese Mountain Dog or rather shorter and a little more wiry.
Since both dog breeds have one dense undercoat have one, the half-breed also has one weatherproof hair and changes with the seasons. Regular grooming is the order of the day!
Height Weight
With males you can with a shoulder height of anyway 64 up to 71 cm calculate. Female Labernese are closer to 60 cm and reach a maximum of 35 kg compared to a whopping 53 for their male siblings.
Colors & coat texture
They show up in the One color of the Labrador or three colors like the Bernese Mountain Dog. It is also for the breeders always a surprisewhat coloring the puppies will have.
Different shades of brown can mixed with black and white occur as well as a monochrome rather black hair. If the Labernese is two-colored, then it is usually one white breast patch in otherwise black or brown fur.
Character & nature of the Bernese Mountain Dog Labrador Mix
Since the Bernese Mountain Dog as protector and working dog was bred and the Labrador as hunting dog for waterfowl is also one of the working breeds, results in the mix a willing being to please and obey man.
However, working dogs are next to her Determination also for her independence known. This means that they need something to do to keep them from getting bored and possibly to entertain themselves.
Integrated into the family of mountain farmers or hunters, the ancestors were always highly socialized, which is still noticeable today in their friendly nature.
As a result, they are increasingly being used as therapy or companion dogs for people with disabilities.
They go as pronounced family dogs loving and patient with children around. You are rather of the leisurely, cozy kindwhich nothing can easily throw off balance.
They still enjoy spending time and being active outdoors. Above all, of course, with her family, for example on hikes or on the water. The pace stays the same here too rather leisurely. The Labernese don’t tend to sprint at all.
attitude & upbringing
As you can easily see from the size and weight information, a Labernesen is a at least medium sized dog. It should therefore have the appropriate amount of space, regardless of whether it is a house or a city apartment.
Since especially the part of the Labrador in his exuberant joy who like to wag their tails extensively Decorations of the same height as this one are always in danger. This can also apply to the coffee service on the living room table.
Basically, the Labrador-Bernese Mountain Dog mixed breeds are docile students and can also be trained by beginners!
Assuming you let yourself Don’t be duped by the innocent look and always allows or forgives behavior that should actually be stopped.
Regular practice of the first commands allows them to quickly understand not only the word, but also your tone of voice and your mood.
Because both races too count among the clever dogs, Do they need mental challenges in the form of games or tricks. Exercise is important for the Labernese.
He can the convenience of the Bernese Mountain Dog thoroughly enjoy, but long walks and also that fetch he is not averse. Searching and finding or searching and fetching are ways to make an excursion exciting.
Agility course count among good recreational opportunities with these dogs in order physical and mental demands to unite. A praise combined with a treat, but at least your attention, will encourage him to top performance.
Breeding & Health
The Labrador Bernese Mountain crossbreeds belong to the category of designer dogsare becoming more and more popular within families, which means that there are more breeders.
It is strongly advisable to look for a reputable breeder who can present the papers about the parents and who knows about the possible ailments of the dog breeds. A health check of the puppies should also be included without being asked.
Life expectancy
A Bernese Mountain Dog will have a life expectancy of 6 to 8 years specified, whereas a purebred Labrador up to 12 years can reach. The lifetime of a Labernese now also moves in this area.
In order to be able to estimate life expectancy a little, it must be determined which race of the parents is the predominant or dominant. Of course, diet and exercise also play a major role.
Bernese Mountain Dogs are known to suffer from joint disorders as they age. This racial trait is due to the influence of the Labrador in the half-breeds alleviated or absent at all.
Eye and ear diseases are seen in both parent breeds. Here is not only sufficient care, but also regular medical check-ups.
What is there to look out for with Bernese Mountain Dog Labrador Mix puppies?
The cute and lively puppies will you with her sweet look take for themselves from the start. A consistent line is therefore necessary right from the start.
Otherwise there will always be minor incidents that you will learn about because of her lovable glance will overlook
From a young age, these intelligent dogs also need mental stimulation. Early on you can start them first commands and also combined commands to teach. Approaching the matter with fun and reward will increase the learning success even more.
Because they are despite their kindness and love for you always keep your own head become is that too leash training applied from the first hour. Otherwise, sooner or later he will walk with you and not you with him.
The fluffy puppies have a good appetite.
Don’t get carried away with hers begging looks give in and always include the treats in the daily ration of food that you give him over the course of the day or that you feed him as a reward after successful training.
If your puppy starts to grow too quickly due to overfeeding, this growth can affect bone and cartilage health.
That would Danger of breed-related joint diseasescoming from the Bernese Mountain Dogs, increase additionally. If necessary, consult your veterinarian!
Since your puppy, and later also the adult Labernese, a very water affine dog you have to get him used to the necessary coat and body care.
He splashes through every puddle of water and also likes to collect burrs or other clingy leaves during fetch games a. Regular brushing can turn into cozy cuddles once the little bully has learned to enjoy being groomed.