Hamburg, July 07, 2020 – Even if the social network TikTok has since deleted the videos, the following applies to everyone: According to , filming yourself scaring cows in the pasture is pure stress for the animals and life-threatening for people. The International Animal Welfare Foundation condemns the video clips in the strongest possible terms and warns that copycats greatly increase the risk of accidents involving these actually peaceful but massive animals. Nature lovers should watch out for contact with cows even on hikes. But if you follow a few rules, you can cross the alpine meadows without injuries.
Seen from a distance harmless, but up close the cattle, which can weigh up to 1,000 kilograms, can be very impressive. Anyone who doesn’t want to mess with this weight class should be particularly careful when cows are out and about with their calves. Because although cattle are biologically prey animals, they can react with an attack if there is a perceived danger to their offspring and there are no escape routes.