Your dog itches a lot and loses its hair in some places? Now you might suspect a skin fungus in your dog.
But how do you know if your dog has skin fungus? Could you get infected with it and what do you have to do now?
You can find out that and much more in this post.
Symptoms: How do I recognize skin fungus in dogs?
Your dog is very itchy, he loses its fur in places or you can see red spots on his skin? Then it is likely that your dog has a skin fungus.
Also a strong formation of shed can indicate the skin disease.
If the fungus occurs on the snout, swelling and purulent ulcers can also occur.
The symptoms do not all have to appear together.
If you’re not sure if your dog has a skin fungus, you can look for pictures and match the appearance.
Skin fungus in dogs – home remedies & other tools
Infection with a skin fungus is due to contact with spores of filamentous fungi, yeast fungi or mold fungi.
You can treat your dog’s skin fungus support with household items. You can use this on the body or a paw.
However, there is no scientific evidence for the actual effectiveness of these funds. Hence they are not suitable as the sole treatment agent.
Even if your dog has a lot of allergies, it’s best not to try them.
Apple Cider Vinegar
You can do that with a clean cloth Apply apple cider vinegar undiluted to the affected skin give. Always use a fresh cloth or cotton pad to avoid spreading the spores.
You can put plain yogurt on your dog’s affected areas. And leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
Then wash off the yoghurt with clear water.
coconut oil
Coconut oil can be a good remedy against various forms of fungus. Because the oil from the coconut has antifungal properties.
It can be applied externally or mixed into the feed. In the feed it can support the metabolism.
However, you should only use coconut oil on your dog if it does not have any other diseases or allergies.
If your dog suffers from diabetes mellitus, feeding the oil is not recommended.
Turmeric may not fight the skin fungus effectively enough, but the powder can inhibit the spread of fungal spores.
To use it, all you have to do is mix the powder with some neutral oil to form a paste, apply to the affected areas and leave on for about 30 minutes.
Then you wash it off with clear water.
Cinnamon powder works similarly to turmeric.
You can put this in a glass of water or a spray bottle with a teaspoon and put it on the apply to affected area or spray.
The use of home remedies does not replace them veterinary examination and treatment.
Therefore, coordinate with the veterinarian whether and which home remedies you can use for your fur nose.
If your dog is allergic to certain products, do not use them at all.
Treatment of skin fungus in dogs at the veterinarian
If with your dog severe dandruff, hair loss or red patches If you notice it, you should have it treated by a veterinarian.
also dark, crusty spots on your dog’s skin can indicate a fungus. However, this is not a black skin fungus, but is related to the healing process of the skin.
Even if you prefer to treat your dog with natural remedies, you should take him to the vet if you suspect a skin fungus.
Because the skin fungus can only be fought with medical treatment.
The vet will prescribe a variety of internal and external medications for your dog.
If your dog has thick, long fur, it may be necessary to trim it. This makes it easier to apply ointments to the affected areas of the skin.
You may also need to wash your dog weekly with a special shampoo. Your vet will advise you on this.
You should plan at least four weeks for the treatment.
During this time, it may also become necessary for you to wash your dog’s blanket regularly, as well disinfect surfacesto avoid further infection.
Can skin fungus be transmitted from dogs to humans?
Skin fungi are transmitted by spores that you cannot see.
Also the Transmission from dog to human is possibleone then speaks of a zoonosis.
Therefore you should special hygiene do if your dog has a fungus.
Even if there are people around you who have a weakened immune system, they should no contact with your dog have. The same applies to children and pregnant women.
Good to know:
To avoid contagion, a dog with a skin fungus should not sleep in your bed or lie on the couch.
Because the fungal spores also sit on contaminated surfaces and can penetrate the skin through small cracks. There they form roots and can spread on the skin.
There are some home remedies for a skin fungus in dogs. However, whether these achieve the desired effect remains to be seen not scientifically proven.
Therefore, you should not simply treat your dog with home remedies yourself, but treat them with one Vet for examination introduce.
This is the only way to identify the fungus and combat it with ointments or tablets.
And the quicker the fungus is treated, the less likely you are to contract it.
Do you have further questions about skin fungus or other skin diseases in dogs? Then write them to us in the comments.