in action against the illegal puppy trade
has been campaigning against the machinations of the puppy mafia for years. With success: meanwhile, the perpetrators are not only fined but also imprisoned. Affected people who have been taken in by an illegal puppy trader or have observed something suspicious can contact at
crime scene internet
The booming trade in puppies is a serious problem that can only be contained through strict regulation. Since the illegal sale of puppies and other pets mainly takes place online, has launched a campaign to strictly regulate online trading. In addition, an EU-wide uniform identification and registration obligation for all dogs is required. With a corresponding online protest, is currently calling on platforms such as eBay classifieds and Markt to act:
We would be happy to arrange an interview for you with campaign manager Denise Schmidt.
We will be happy to provide you with printable photos and broadcastable video material on request.
Platform for those affected: