euthanize or not? We clarify

Anemia is a lack of blood. That means more of the dog’s body Red blood cells degraded than formed.

Anemia is not a disease in its own right. Rather, it is a symptom another illness.

In this article you will learn whether or not to put down the dog with anemia and how anemia can be treated.

In a nutshell: is euthanasia the only perspective in dogs with anemia?

No. Euthanizing a dog with anemia is not always necessary.

The cause of the disease is always treated. Depending on illness the treatments can look very different.

However, if there is no improvement despite treatment and the condition worsens health status of the dog, one cannot always avoid putting it to sleep.

However, this is always the last optionso as not to let the dog suffer unnecessarily long.

When should I put my dog ​​to sleep if he has anemia?

When to euthanize a dog with anemia should always be individually to be decided together with the veterinarian.

This is especially the case when the Treatment had no effect and the dog got worse every day. Then the dog would only suffer and would no longer have any zest for life.

Many dogs with anemia suffer from it loss of appetite and hardly move. They have no energy and usually lie in the corner apathetically.

This is because the reduced number of red blood cells means that the blood can no longer be supplied with sufficient amounts oxygen is supplied.

The life expectancy of dogs with anemia is quite differing. There are dogs that do not respond to treatment and degrade quickly.

But at the same time there are also dogs in which the treatment great effect achieved and they accordingly have a long and joyful life ahead of them.

Is Anemia Fatal in Dogs?

Left untreated, anemia in dogs can be fatal. Because the anemia itself is not an independent diseasebut always a symptom.

Not only the disease itself can affect the dog dangerous become. Anemia can also be fatal if left untreated. Due to the imbalance in red blood cells, the dog is no longer supplied with sufficient oxygen.

Consequently it comes to shortness of breath, fever, loss of appetite, exhaustion and tachycardia. If the anemia is not treated, the symptoms will worsen and, in the worst case, be fatal for the dog.

Good to know

Anemia can have various causes. This can be a high blood loss or a blood disorder. A blood formation disorder is triggered by various factors.

These include, for example autoimmune diseasesinfection, inflammation, iron deficiency or an underactive thyroid.

Also, an increased breakdown of red blood cells caused by tumors or blood parasites, can cause anemia.

How can I support my dog ​​with anemia?

Just like us humans, dogs also need enough vitamins and nutrients, so that the dog’s body can fulfill all important functions. Did you know that your dog can eat lettuce, carrots and even savoy cabbage?

Of particular importance in anemia iron, vitamin B12 and proteins. If your dog already has anemia, diet can help alleviate its symptoms and aid in its recovery.

As feed becomes a lot Red meat recommended. Offal is also very beneficial as it is rich in B vitamins. Other suitable foods include salmon, tuna, spinach, beans, eggs, peppers, and cabbage.

There are also some dog treatswhich are enriched with important vitamins.

When changing the food, you should proceed slowly and not immediately turn the whole menu upside down. The digestion your dog needs some time to adjust.

Because when you eat, there are dogs creatures of habitwhich is why they can react sensitively to major changes, for example in the form of diarrhea.

How does the therapy and treatment by the veterinarian look like?

Therapy at the vet can look very different. That always depends on the underlying disease. First and foremost, the disease is treated and not the anemia itself.

For example, is it caused by an infection or inflammation, the anemia is treated with medication. In the case of a tumour, an operation is usually unavoidable in order to combat it completely.

If the dog has severe anemia or has lost a particularly large amount of blood, it usually becomes one blood transfusion administered. This allows the dog’s organism to recover. Otherwise, the anemia can be life-threatening and the dog will have to be euthanized.

Experiences of dog owners with anemia

The experiences of other dog owners with anemia are very different. Some report that the dogs tolerated the therapy very well. They have made a full recovery and still have one long life had.

Other dog owners, on the other hand, are struggling desperately with their dog’s anemia. No treatment works and their dogs sometimes get worse and worse. Unfortunately, some of them have had to let their dogs go to do this Suffer of the animal to end.

This shows that anemia is always the highest individually is. Therefore, it is important to have a good veterinarian by your side to carry out various tests and initiate appropriate treatment.

Sometimes it is recommended to get one second opinion to get a different perspective or because something can sometimes be overlooked during the diagnosis.


If dogs suffer from anemia, it should be treated as soon as possible vet be consulted in order to initiate the correct therapy. This gives the dog a good chance of recovery.

But a cure is not always possible. In severe cases, or if anemia is left untreated, the dog’s condition may worsen to the point that it euthanized must become.

The right diet can recovery of the dog and support the therapy.

Has your dog previously had anemia and how was it treated?