7 causes, first aid & tips

It can happen that a dog does not always keep everything in its stomach that it has eaten or drunk.

There isn’t always a serious reason behind it, sometimes it’s just an upset stomach. But what if the dog vomits water?

What can be behind it and what you can do?

This is explained in our guide below.

Dog vomits water: 7 causes

causeswhy a dog vomits water, there are various. These aren’t always bad. Nevertheless, in some cases a visit to the veterinarian can be very useful.

Drank too fast

Dogs are known to Four-legged vacuum cleaner to be. That means nothing other than that they inhale their food. What applies to this can also apply to water.

A dog that vomits gushing waterhas in all likelihood just drank too fast. If the water is also particularly cold, it comes back to the top in no time at all.

organic reason

Likewise, it may be that the dog an organic disease which causes him to vomit the water again.

These diseases include, among others kidney and liver problems. Also a tumor can be the trigger why your dog vomits its water again.

Straight an old dog then vomits water – because usually such organic diseases are unfortunately side effects when a dog becomes or already is a senior.

intestinal infection

A intestinal infection may be present when your dog is vomiting his water. This is often accompanied by a frothy mucus.

Also exhaustion and the dog withdrawing can be signs that an infection is present.

foreign body

A foreign body can be to blame when a dog vomits water. It’s not so much the water, but flat for example a sockthat triggers the urge to vomit.

Because everything that hits this foreign body is automatically regurgitated.

Ultimately, the culprit should be promoted to the top. Unfortunately, it’s the water that ends up back outside.

Your dog vomits water with transparent slime or foam? Or your dog vomits water and feed?

Then a foreign body can be the cause – but just as well the above-mentioned infection of the intestine.


Another cause is when your dog is nauseous. Increased drinking and then retching of water trying to clean the stomach.

Whatever it is that has hit it, the water can help calm the tummy down again.

Good to know:

Constant water can cause retching or vomiting quite dangerous for your dog become. There is a risk here that he dehydrated.

It makes sense to discuss the vomiting with the vet and of course keep a close eye on the dog.

gastric torsion

Maybe you’ve heard of the gastric torsion heard? This usually occurs when a dog after eating or drinking plays and physically exerts itself.

In fact, here is a acute emergency present, which makes an immediate visit to the veterinarian vital.


Especially large dog breeds are said to be prone to stomach torsion, such as that German Mastiff. Does your dog vomit water after drinking? Then a torsion in the stomach can be behind it.


One poisoning is another potential trigger for water vomiting.

Come here more symptoms add how loss of appetite, lethargy or restlessnessplease go directly to the nearest veterinarian.

What can I do if the dog vomits water?

There are some things you can do for your dog after it has vomited water.

No extra water

First you should him definitely no more water put down Because this can trigger another gagging stimulus.

While we said dehydration can happen, it doesn’t happen overnight.

Watch out for other symptoms

In addition, it is important that you look out for possible other symptoms hold. Is your dog limp? Does he seem restless? Does he seem to be in pain?

If you can answer these questions with a «no», there is no reason to go to the vet immediately.

stone in the water bowl

If he has in fact only been drinking too quickly and even tends to inhale his water, there is a simple trick.

You only need a large stone in his water bowl to lay. Because it has to lick around it, so it cannot “devour” the water.

home remedies

If you suspect your dog has an upset stomach, it can Administer a proven home remedy also be useful.

Here you can, among other things porridge help. He calms the stomach by having a protective layer on the stomach walls lays. It also removes toxins from it.

When should I see a vet?

As always, the same applies to vomiting water: the veterinarian should always be consulted if this condition has not stopped within a day has.

Are there other symptoms, such as lethargy? Is your dog vomiting water and not eating? Is your dog vomiting water and mucus?

Then you should go to the vet immediately.

Vomiting water can be an indication disease or foreign body be. And the fact remains that interrupted water intake always carries the risk of dehydration.


If your dog vomits water, it can for the simple reason happen that he too fast and maybe drunk too much has.

But it can also be the case that a illness behind this behavior. To really be sure what’s going on with your fur nose, a visit to the veterinarian makes sense.

Has your dog ever vomited water? And if so, what is the reason behind it?

We look forward to hearing about your experiences in our comments.