Husky shepherd mix: The Shepsky in breed portrait

The parent breeds of German shepherd husky mix look back on a long tradition.

When that of his lovers too”Shepsky” called half-breed was bred for the first time is not exactly known.

It is believed that the first breeds took place between 1960 and 1980.

The name Shepsky is a made-up word and is made up of shepherd (German shepherd) and Husky together.

The most important thing in brief about the German Shepherd Husky Mix

Size & Life Expectancy:

  • Adult males: 22 to 36 kilograms
  • Bitches: 20 to 27 kilograms
  • Life expectancy 10-14 years

character: friendly, open-minded, intelligent, spirited and persistent, dominant

special feature: A great family dog ​​that only listens to its accepted master. However, his protective instinct for the whole pack (family) is very high and he treats his family lovingly.


The parent dogs German shepherd dog and husky have a very similar build, size and head shape. Therefore, the Shepsky has a robust and strong physique.

The pointed and pricked ears has the mix from both parents. In doing so, he has the form of something longer snout more of the german shepherd.

The mostly in a bow tail carried up however, is clearly assigned to the husky.

Both parent dogs have a double coat that consists of thick top coat and dense undercoat consists. That is why the Shepherd Dog Husky Mix has an equally thick coat.

Height Weight

The size of the German Shepherd Husky Mix depends on which genetic portion of the parent dogs predominates. The Husky is slightly smaller than the German Shepherd.

mongrel males become so between 55 and 63 centimeters large, female dogs between 50 and 55 centimeters.

The medium-sized Shepskys appear because of their relatively long necks as larger than they actually are.

The Weight is in adult male dogs between 22 and 36 kilogramsfemales will be between 20 and 27 kilograms difficult.


Coat color depends on the gene dominance of the parents. If the shepherd dog prevails, the mongrel will become one brown-black have fur.

If the Husky dominates, the Shepsky is more likely to inherit one grey-white A coat.

There are other color variants included white, black, gray and reddish brown. From these colors are also Mixed colors in all variations possible.

The Nose of the half-breed can white until white-pink be, but also black. Sometimes the color combination even consists of black and white.

Also the eye color depends on the dominant parent. dark brown like the shepherd dog gray or steel blue at the husky.

Occasionally the hybrid also has two different colored lenses.

Character & nature of the Shepherd Husky Mix

The Shepsky is characterized by a high intelligence which he inherited equally from his parents.

The German Shepherd has a rather suspicious and reserved nature by nature, while the Husky is a cheerful and playful fellow.

These traits come together in the shepherd husky crossbreed and make him one friendly and cheerful Four-legged friends, who also face strangers open minded is.

Both the Husky and the German Shepherd are almost perfect working dogs. Both have a high will to work, are resilient and persevering.

However, the German Shepherd Husky mix was not primarily bred to create the perfect “super working dog” out of two good working dogs.

Rather, he is used more and more often as a family dog. The mongrel is his family loyal and has one great guard and protective instinct.

He is at the same time gentle and gets along well with children and other pets.

From the husky, the mix got a more or less pronounced dominancewhich we will discuss in more detail below.

Breeding & Health

The parents of the German Shepherd Husky Mix are both very stocky and compact built. This results in hereditary diseases that are transmitted to the mixed breed.

Due to the stocky and muscular body shape, the joints are often overstrained and tend to wear out prematurely.

Already at a young age can often Hip or joint dysplasia determined.

In order to alleviate the associated symptoms, you should neither under nor overexert your dog.

Dietary supplements delay the course of the disease, but the right amount of exercise delays the time for an often necessary operation many times over.

A balanced diet overall and a moderate exercise program also help with dysplasia.

Life expectancy

The life expectancy of a German Shepherd Husky Mix is ​​around 10 to 13 years. In individual cases it can also be 14 years.

attitude & upbringing

As already described, the German Shepherd Husky Mix can be very dominant. He likes to be in charge and doesn’t like to submit.

One early and consistent socialization and education is therefore absolutely necessary.

If you are alone, you will find a faithful, devoted and loyal companion for life in the Shepsky.

In the case of partnerships or families, the dominant and at the same time submissive dog accept only one alpha from your family. Although his nature makes him a great family pet, he will see the other members of the family more as equal playmates.

While you, as an alpha animal, could take him off-leash almost anywhere, your family would be better off walking him on leash. The sometimes curious four-legged friend likes to explore the area on his own and cares little about desperate calls back.

The parents of the Shepherd Husky mix are both working dogs. Therefore, he inherited many qualities from them, such as endurance and temperament.

For this reason he needs lots of exercise and work.

Keeping this amazing dog in an apartment is not a problem. He is also well suited for single households, as he likes to wait patiently for his owner for several hours.

But then it should go out. The four-legged friend should be out for at least two to three hours a day, preferably a little faster jogging or cycling.

In order to optimally utilize the active dog, it also makes sense to register for a dog sports or agility group.

What is there to consider with German Shepherd Husky Mix puppies?

You will certainly find Shepherd Husky mixed breeds as a young dog or adult dog in the animal shelter. Unfortunately. Since the faithful four-legged friend finds it difficult to get used to a new owner, you should be particularly experienced here and be equally consistent and sensitive.

If you decide to have a puppy, you can enjoy every day how the little clumsy grows up and at the same time raise him to be a loyal companion without any previous burdens.

The choice is not easy, but should not fail because of the price differences. A shelter dog is relatively cheap to have, but the animal shelter will also check whether you are suitable for your dog choice.

A puppy from a reputable breeder is around $500 to $1200.

Reputable breeders are characterized by the fact that you can choose the puppy you want at an early stage, but they will not give it to you before the age of at least eight weeks.

He can also show you the entire pedigree and has an official certification as a dog breeder.

The puppy has its own complete vaccination book and the breeder will even provide you with its usual food when you hand it over.

Many reputable breeders announce their planned litters via portals such as eBay classifieds or Quoka. Unfortunately, there are often dubious suppliers and torture breeders where you can pick up your «desired dog» immediately and often overpriced.

So if you are specifically looking for a German Shepherd Husky Mix, limit your selection to certified breeders in your search.

Discuss your decision well with the whole family. Think about your decision and consider whether this fantastic dog can really be your companion for many years to come.

Because a Shepherd Dog Husky Mix binds to you and will forgive you a separation, for whatever reason, but will never understand it and get used to a new owner.