We love our dogs – with probably two exceptions, which are mostly an olfactory impertinence: namely the bottom and sometimes also the mouth.
Because here can be quite challenging bad breath waiting for you, which is not always of natural origin.
Which home remedies help your dog’s bad breath? The following guide will tell you that.
Proven home remedies if your dog has bad breath
There are some proven home remedies that should help if your dog has bad breath. These include, among others, the following.
1. Coconut Oil
coconut oil is not only an absolute superfood for us humans. It is also said to help against all sorts of ailments and parasites in dogs.
In fact, coconut can also be found in our toothpaste. So why not also, um Effectively fight bad breath in dogs?
2. Peppermint
peppermint has always been known for to keep your breath fresh. Since the herb is safe for dogs, you can also use mint to eliminate bad breath.
You only need that some chopped mint leaves under the dog food to mix.
3. Basil
Basil is also said to help against dog bad breath. The reason lies in the essential oilswhich should be particularly effective.
As with the mint, this is also enough some shredded leaves out, which you mix with the feed.
Please note, however, that this is done in moderation. Because these herbs can also to accelerated digestion to lead. With which you would have the next «fragrance problem».
4. Fresh fruits and vegetables
Of course you always have to make sure that the respective varieties are safe for dogs are.
To eliminate bad breath, among other things, are suitable whole carrots and apples. And where a piece of apple helps, it can too Apple Cider Vinegar remedy.
A few teaspoons a few times a week under the drinking water mixed up, and bad breath should soon be a thing of the past.
5. Baking soda
Baking soda doesn’t just help against acid reflux. It also helps against bad breath or to minimize it.
Baking soda also has a disinfecting and antibacterial effect. So if bacteria are behind the smelly dog breath, baking soda can be another effective home remedy.
Alternatives against bad breath from the trade
In addition to these home remedies, there are now also various dental products for dogsthat you can buy in stores.
That doesn’t just count special toothpaste. Also mouthwash, special drinking water as well as dental spray you can among other things in pet shops receive.
There is also one Preparation that you apply directly to the gums. This acts like toothpaste and protects and cleans teeth and gums.
Causes: Where does bad breath come from?
There are various causes of bad breath in dogs. These are not always an immediate reason to go to the vet. What is behind the stinky breath? Among other things, these causes.
uneaten food
The most natural cause of dog bad breath is of course that lining. Wet food in particular has the habit of quickly leading to unpleasant dog breath.
The reason: Food residues can get stuck between the teeth, among other things.
In addition, dogs just don’t brush their teeth. Therefore, do not take care of removing these leftovers and the smell of the food.
Food leftovers not only cause unpleasant bad breath. They also open the doors to bacteria and other pathogens.
So one can gingivitis are among the causes of your dog’s bad breath.
digestive problems
You shouldn’t think so, but also digestive problems are counted among the triggers of bad breath.
These can not only one Inflammation of the anal gland cause, but also make itself felt in the dog’s mouth.
You can also recognize this disease by bad breath. And then it smells something sweet. Because behind diabetes there is an imbalance in your dog’s sugar balance.
Good to know
Other signs of this disease also include yellow mucous membranesespecially in the eyes.
Also tumors can be the cause of bad breath in dogs. These do not necessarily have to affect the throat.
Also other internal organs can cause bad dog breath in the event of a tumor infestation.
As you may know, dogs are very sensitive animals. Things that we classify as trifles are often enough to upset our furry friends.
Unfortunately, the attempts to drive this stress to get a grip on, sometimes very wonderful flowers.
And so bad breath in your dog should also be a symptom of this negative emotion.
gastric mucosal inflammation
If digestive problems are among the causes of halitosis, it is not surprising that too stomach problems can trigger this.
One is particularly uncomfortable gastric mucosal inflammationalso gastritis called.
Among other things, this leads to a gas formation in the abdomenFood is no longer properly decomposed.
The result: not just bad breath. Your dog will probably too lose their appetite and consequently lose weight.
If you recognize these symptoms, please take him to the vet immediately.
Good to know
Your young or old dog stinks of decay from the mouth? Then there can actually be an inflammation of the gastric mucosa behind it.
But also one Inflammation of the pharynx may have caused that really bad bad breath.
kidney diseases
The kidneys have one main function: they should body of toxins clean. These are excreted in the urine.
Just an old dog can take kidney diseases suffer, such as renal failure.
When should I go to the vet?
As you now know, going to the vet is not always necessary immediately. After all, a dog stinks from the mouth, that’s due to the food.
However, you can particularly unpleasant and perhaps worrying undertones reach?
Then it’s best to go to the vet immediately. Because, as you now also know, there can be a smell of decay from the dog’s mouth, for example hide a really serious illness.
How can I prevent bad breath in my dog?
To a certain extent, we have already revealed one remedy to you. Namely that Brush teeth. Yes, there are now not only for dogs special dog toothpaste.
There are also dog toothbrushes. You can clip these to your fingers, among other things, and use them to carefully clean your dog’s teeth.
Ours too mentioned home remedies can prevent bad breath. Of course, only if a relatively harmless cause has set the reason.
Good to know
Please make sure that the toothpaste specially developed for dogs became. Never use your own toothpaste!
Because it probably contains xylitol. And this sugar substitute can for dogs be life-threatening even in small amounts!
bad breath in the dog the most diverse causes. What they have in common: They ensure that our dogs sometimes bad smell from the mouth.
As you now know, even leftover food can cause bad breath to develop. But also diseases can express themselves through bad breath.
You should definitely go to the vet if your breath smells particularly bad and there are other symptoms.
How about your dog and the dental and oral hygiene? How do you make sure that the dog’s breath doesn’t smell too much?
Feel free to share your experiences and tips with us and all other dog owners in the comments!