Your fur nose ate something wrong. That hit her in the stomach and intestines. Your dog now has diarrhea.
As first aid Here are some home remedies that are part of a bland diet. For example, how about Oatmeal for diarrhea in dogs?
The following guide explains how this works.
Is oatmeal good for my dog if he has diarrhea?
Oatmeal is great for canine diarrhea actually good for the four-legged friend. One of the reasons is that Oatmeal very high in fiber contain.
These in turn are good for a healthy intestinal flora and digestion of your dog.
Do you like to eat oatmeal for breakfast yourself, for example as porridge? Then you know another characteristic of oats. She suck up a lot of liquid very quickly.
Not a bad idea in the case of diarrhea – after all, the dog chair should be solid again as quickly as possible – and at the same time protect the ailing stomach.
Good to know
Oats contain so-called mucilage. These lie down like a Protective film on the gastric mucosa and the intestinal wall of the dog.
Another positive effect: it contains oats and therefore also oat flakes carbohydrates. These are good for helping the ailing canine organism to recover.
Prepare oatmeal for dogs properly: Here’s how
Of course, the porridge for your four-legged patient needs to be properly prepared. And to make it particularly perfect and delicious, the porridge for your dog begins with the right oatmeal.
These should definitely not raw be fed. Because they are very difficult to digest. Instead, you can – if necessary overnight – soak in water. They swell up and can then be boiled up briefly.
On You should avoid milk – because this contains lactose and usually aggravates diarrhea.
In general, large leaf flakes are better for digestion. But if you want to be on the safe side, decide for fine oat flakes.
These are easier to process into a pulp and can be digested better.
You can use the resulting oatmeal, among other things enrich with vegetable broth or boiled chicken.
Also one spice-free chicken broth can work wonders. In addition applesauce a good addition to bind liquid in the stool.
Also important: A little pinch of salt. Because this contains important electrolytesthat your dog urgently needs.
However, if he suffers from kidney problems, you have to refrain from adding salt. It is well known that salt also removes liquid.
Good to know
Please give to your dog just chilled gruelso that he does not burn his tongue and sensitive palate.
It usually only takes a few minutes for the porridge to finish cooking. To make it particularly creamy, you can finally stir in a little water or broth. In this way, the oatmeal has reached the perfect eating temperature.
Oatmeal or gruel can several times a week be fed to your dog.
How long can I feed my dog oatmeal as a bland diet?
light food should generally not be fed over a longer period of time without consulting the veterinarian.
Because the name reveals that this is a food that is particularly gentle on the stomach and intestines.
There is nothing wrong with using this bland diet if your dog acute gastrointestinal problems has.
In general, however, it is always better to have the exact Find out cause from a veterinarian to permit.
If he is of the opinion that a light diet is a sensible addition, there is of course nothing to be said against continuing this diet.
Oats is a true health bomb for your dog. He contains Protein, carbohydrates, fiber, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. In short: oats contribute to healthy muscle and bone growth and strengthen the immune system.
Oat backs one healthy furhealthy skin and a healthy metabolism. And oats are a very good idea if your four-legged friend is carrying a gram or two too many.
When should I not give my dog oatmeal?
A food intolerance is not only a challenge for people. Dogs can also suffer from these.
So is your dog? allergic to oats and anything made from the grain, you should avoid oatmeal as part of the bland diet.
It is not the oats that are the cause of a possible intolerance, but gluten. Oats may not contain this – but they do Grain residues that «skip» when harvesting the oats.
When should I go to the vet?
A trip to the vet is never a bad idea – even if it is «just» to make sure that everything is really fine with your dog.
Now, diarrhea isn’t always a cause for concern. However, if this does not subside by itself after a day, expert advice is required.
Because: Here is probably more than a mere upset stomach behind. In addition, diarrhea always carries the risk of dehydration. Because a large part of the important liquid is unfortunately washed out with the faeces.
A veterinarian can come here in the form of a Saline solution by drip compensate for the loss of fluid. This also applies if your dog vomits frequently.
Oatmeal and gruel are good home remedies to help your dog with diarrhea.
This bland diet not only provides relief. She also provides the battered dog with important nutrients and binds liquid at the same time.
Prepared with other natural ingredients, oat flakes support this a quick recovery.
However, please always pay attention to the duration of the diarrhea and possible accompanying symptoms. So you can act quickly in an emergency.
Have you ever given your dog porridge for diarrhea? If so, we would be happy if you share your experiences and one or the other recipe with us in the comments.