Small breeds continue to be popular on online platforms and are sometimes offered at a price of up to 5000 euros per animal. According to , puppies of the French bulldog breed were advertised particularly frequently in the first half of 2022 with an average price of around 2500 euros. In addition, Chihuahuas (average price around 1500 euros) and Pomeranians (dt. Pomeranian, average price around 2200 euros).
Those affected and observers can use the reporting tool to report suspected cases of illegal puppy trade. In the first half of 2022, around 70 percent of the reported suspected cases were found on classifieds platforms. This shows that online platforms are still the main sales channel for illegal puppy traders. Unregulated platforms allow criminals to offer puppies anonymously. Prosecution is rarely possible. The regulation of online trade in animals in Germany is therefore urgently needed. The first steps were already announced in last year’s coalition agreement, but have not yet been tackled. However, the online market can only be made inaccessible to illegal traders if the animals on offer and the associated animal sellers are fully traceable.
In the illegal puppy trade, the animals are reproduced particularly cheaply under terrible conditions and separated from their mothers far too early. The early separation from the mother animal has serious consequences for the animal. Puppies don’t have enough time to socialize with their siblings, which affects their mental health and often leads to behavioral problems. This often makes dealing with them difficult and overwhelms many new owners in the long term. If the illegal puppies are transported from Eastern Europe to the buyer countries, they are often still dependent on their mothers’ milk. They also lack vaccinations and are usually seriously ill. If they survive transport in small boxes under bench seats and in trunks, they are often sprayed fit for sale. The animals, which quickly became dear to their new owners, then cause high veterinary costs. It is not uncommon for the puppies to die shortly after being sold.
Find out more about the illegal puppy trade here.
has one model solution developed to regulate the online trade in animals.
You can find the report on the illegal puppy trade in figures for 2021 here.