Puppy keeps scratching? 6 causes & correct treatment

Your cute little roommate has just moved in with you on four paws. And you’re faced with the following problem: Your puppy scratches constantly.

And you don’t know why he’s doing it, let alone how to stop the scratching. In our guide you will find out what causes it and what solutions there are.

6 Possible Causes: Why Is My Puppy Constantly Scratching?

Constant scratching in puppies is a common problem and can have many underlying causes.

It is not uncommon for parasites to be behind it. These are often transmitted by the affected mother animal or other conspecifics. But a food intolerance or allergy can also be behind it.

It is important that you have the cause clarified by a veterinarian who can initiate the correct treatment by making a diagnosis.

1. Fleas

One of the classics when it comes to scratching are fleas. These bite into the puppy’s skin and cause her saliva the itch.

If you notice your puppy scratching, you should start looking for fleas. A is suitable for this special flea combwith which the dog’s fur is combed.

Occasionally you can also see the annoying beasts crawling over the fur. Then what to do? Among other things, a spot onbut increasingly in prevention.

Special flea sprays are also extremely effective. Such a antiparasitic is for 2 to 4 days apply. Drugs given to the dog also help against flea infestation.

Also, you definitely have to clean the entire apartment as well as wash all pillows, blankets and so on and disinfect.

2. Demodex mites

These mites are also named under hair follicle mites known. The reason: the entire development of this mite species takes place in the Dog fur hair follicles instead of.

Before you panic: hair follicle mites all mammals have and there is nothing wrong with a healthy population.

It becomes more problematic when it gets out of hand. Because then the breeding ground for itching and scratching is given. In addition, the puppy’s immune system is not fully mature and can therefore skin disease demodicosis to be triggered.

If your puppy suffers from these mites, they can also appropriate medication be treated effectively. These will usually as chewable tablets administered.

They are not only effective against demodicosis, but also against fleas and ticks. Of course, you should discuss this treatment method with your vet beforehand.

Good to know:

Demodex mites are hereditary mites. This means that these are passed on from the mother animal to the puppies.

3. Dry skin

Dry skin is another cause that can lead to itching and scratching in small dogs. Because the skin cells die off due to an undersupply of moisture.

As loose scales, they begin to itch the pup, who will then start scratching – on the ear, belly and neck Dishes and on collar. Because these favor both utensils the development of dry skin.

To «turn off» dry skin or to prevent it, you can, among other things linseed oil use. You mix this with the puppy food.

Also CBDi.e. cannabidiol, in droplet or oil form can help to minimize or stop this skin problem in your puppy.

4. Food allergy/food intolerance

But often the culprit is also the lining. And that is if it is not tailored to the needs of the puppy.

ingredientswhich then cause a feed allergy and thus itching, include cereals.

What can you do about it? After consulting with the veterinarian, choose a food that contains only those things that will help your puppy grow healthily.

5. Change of coat

Dogs twice a year go through the so-called ejection season. Behind this is nothing more than the change of coat.

Both the shedding of excess hair in spring and the «growth» of winter fur often cause unpleasant itching.

Here one helps regular furness. So combing and brushing the dog’s coat to remove dead hair and skin cells.

It also removes excess fur. With long-haired puppies you also prevent matting.

6. Frequent washing

Hardly any dog ​​or puppy needs to be bathed every day. Brushing is usually enough. actually is frequent bathing a reason for dry skin.

This is because their natural protective layer is attacked and vulnerable to external influences. On the other hand, it helps: Less is more.

Puppy keeps scratching – see vet for treatment

You may need to take your puppy to the vet. Because this is the best way to find out what caused the scratching.

If parasites are suspected, they can be determined by an appropriate means.

These tests and procedures can be done to make the correct diagnosis:

  • Blood count to rule out organic causes
  • skin swab
  • parasite control
  • allergy test
  • elimination diet

If your puppy has a fungal infection – another cause – the veterinarian will prescribe the Wood’s lamp or so-called Dermatophyte PCR tests a.

Allergies, in turn, need one exclusion diagnostics. This is a bit more complex and can be stressful for your puppy.

Last but not least, the veterinarian can use blood analyzes and an examination of the thyroid gland to find out the reason for what is known as secondary itching.

Puppy keeps scratching – home remedies to help and relieve symptoms

Home remedies can also help against itching and scratching in puppies.

These include, among other things linseed oil as well as the already mentioned CBD and reduced grooming. Fennel seeds, chamomile tea and aloe vera are also said to help effectively against itching.


If your puppy is constantly scratching, there can be a variety of reasons. We have compiled the most common ones for you in our guide.

It is important that you find out the reason as early as possible. This is how you can help your puppy to live free of itching and scratching again. If you already have experience with this topic, please share it with us in the comments.