Dreaming of vomiting, you can’t imagine what it means!

dream of vomiting It can be disgusting and gross, but the truth is that a vision that is much more common than you think and would indicate situations in which your body and mind are connected.

Has it ever happened to you that you saw yourself vomiting in a dream? Well, relax because you’re not the only one. We have all experienced this slightly strange vision that would have to do with the feelings of liberation and independence that you want to attract into your life at this moment.

If you have wanted to know what it means to dream about shit or you are interested in learning how to interpret the revelations that dreams with vomiting would bring you, you have come to the right place because we will explain it to you next.

What does it mean to dream of vomiting?

This rare vision could come to you at times when you would be experiencing situations of stress and/or personal or family confrontations, which suppose for the dreamer a feeling of rejection and signs of fear or anger. Also, they could occur within the framework of the positive as a way to drain everything that hurts you and can generate balance and stability between your body and your mind.

What does it mean to dream that you vomit?

In case you see yourself vomiting in your dream, it could be a sign in which your mind tells you that a stage in which you have felt threatened due to problems with your partner or in the personal economy will soon end. Although you have been tense and worried, it would be time to leave negative feelings behind.

dream of vomiting blood

It could be a vision where your mind is saying, no more! Your feelings would be very vulnerable and there would be some desperation in the face of family or health problems, so this vision would be a wake-up call for you to fight and think with a cool head before acting.

dream of wanting to vomit

This could be a revelation with a meaning that, contrary to what you think, is usually positive because it tells you about the need to eliminate everything that no longer makes you feel good and that does not contribute to your growth. This dream would show that soon the things that do not generate good energies for you will go away along with the emotions and ideas of fear and uncertainty that you had cultivated for a long time.

Dream of someone else vomiting

The interpretation for this dream could bring a special meaning, because it would be the starting point for you to begin to see around you with greater alertness in order to find out about possible deceptions and lies that someone close wants you to believe, as well as gossip from others. corridor that could involve you in work or personal circles.

What does it mean to dream of white vomit?

It is more than clear that the color white is the representation of the purity of your soul. In general, if you have had this type of dream lately, it is possible that you feel uneasy about something you have done or commented on and this has made you reflect on the power and responsibility you have to positively lead those around you by being fair. and correct.

Dream of vomiting phlegm

It seems like a somewhat strange dream, but it could be quite striking. Your mind would be telling you on the one hand that you would be satisfied at this moment with your work, economic and/or love position. But although you seem to have everything under control, I would also talk about the fact that you may be being a bit pushy with your friends and family.

At Vibra, we show you everything you need to know about the meaning of dreams and how to interpret each revelation that your subconscious gives you.