If dogs show symptoms that can indicate a serious illness, our hearts often slip into our pants.
After all, diarrhea or vomiting are things a healthy dog won’t do.
Or maybe yes? What does it look like when you realize: Your dog is vomiting but is fit? Find out in the guide below.
In a nutshell: Dog vomits, but is fit – what to do?
Your dog vomited but it stayed the same? Then there is no reason to worry or panic at first.
It may be that he just ate or drank too quickly has. Nevertheless, you should watch your dog closely over the next few hours and days.
If he shows other symptoms, you should definitely take your dog to the vet to find out the cause of the vomiting.
Dog vomits but is fit – possible causes
Is your dog vomiting but otherwise fit? Then the following causes may have set the possible trigger.
Fast food & drink
Maybe your dog was just terribly hungry and thirsty after the walk or play and inhaled his meal a little too quickly?
Then, as a result, the stomach was overwhelmed, and the associated urge to vomit brought the food and drink that had just been eaten back up.
Maybe you know that stress + dog can be a dangerous thing.
Like humans, dogs suffer when things are out of balance around them or when there is a change in their routine.
One reaction to stress can be that the dog throws up because everything has simply become too much for him.
feed intolerance
The wrong dog food can do more damage in the short and long term than many dog owners realize.
Usually the intestinal tract is stressed first because something cannot be digested properly. But the stomach can also be upset, the dog vomits.
Injuries to the esophagus or stomach
Is your dog vomiting blood but fit? Then all the alarm bells will definitely be ringing for you.
And not entirely wrong. Because behind it an injury of the esophagus or the stomach can hide as well as an inflammation.
Also, it’s certainly not a pretty sight when a dog vomits blood, even if it’s otherwise fit. After all, you are attached to your four-legged friend.
Good to know
Take another look and think about what your dog ate before. Was it beetroot? Then this can be the supposed blood in your dog’s vomit.
gastrointestinal infection
If the stomach and intestines are out of balance – for example due to an infection or a foreign body – vomiting is a first way to get rid of the cause.
Poisoning is, of course, a very serious matter – and can definitely upset an otherwise fit dog’s stomach.
Trying to get the toxins out of the body is usually accompanied by vomiting.
As a rule, a fit dog with poisoning is not fit for long – and shows other symptoms.
These can include shallow and rapid breathing, darkened oral mucosa, and a blue tongue.
How can I help my dog if he’s vomiting?
To help you know how to help your dog when he’s vomiting, we’ve got some tips for you.
Keep calm & find out the cause
The best way to help your dog when it’s vomiting is to remain calm and not immediately panic.
This is not only an advantage for your dog, but also for you – because with a clear head you can find out what the possible cause of the vomiting was.
Prepare him light food
Bland food is another way to relieve and soothe your dog’s stomach after vomiting.
Among other things, oatmeal is suitable here, which you can also enrich with carrots, coconut or apples and a pinch of salt.
Your dog will especially love the gruel if it also contains chicken broth, which also has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect on the stomach.
Take care of relaxation
Is your dog possibly stressed and seems a little energized?
Then it helps if you create a relaxed atmosphere and talk calmly with your dog.
This can help him de-stress and calm down.
Good to know
To stop vomiting, you can give your dog Cerenia Maropitant. This medication is also commonly given to dogs that suffer from motion sickness.
Is it necessary to take my dog to the vet if he is vomiting and is fit at the same time?
Usually it can never hurt even taking a seemingly healthy and fit dog to the vet to go.
Diarrhea and vomiting in particular are not good for the dog’s health if they don’t go away on their own within a day.
The main reason: the body is deprived of a lot of fluid and the electrolyte balance suffers as a result.
In any case, it is important to find out the cause of the vomiting as soon as possible – regardless of what caused the trigger.
Is your dog vomiting but fit? Then can different causes such as stress, eating too quickly, a gastrointestinal infection or even poisoning behind it.
If you suspect the latter, there is no way around the vet – and you should also visit them if your dog seems to be happily squeaking, because it can’t hurt.
As first aid, you can prepare your dog bland food, such as oatmeal or lightly salted rice.
A relaxed atmosphere, reinforced by your own calmness, can help a stressed dog.
Can you give us other possible causes and helpful tips when a fit dog vomits? We are happy if we can read them in our comments!