5 Causes & First Aid (Explained)

Your dog has white foam on the mouth, smacks and shows increased salivation?

The first thing that comes to mind when your dog is foaming at the mouth is, of course, most of the time poisoning or even rabies.

the absolute horror show for every dog ​​owner.

Therefore it is very important now: please decay NOT immediately in Panic! This will not help your dog or you.

But foaming at the mouth can mean a lot of different things.

In this article you will find out what the trigger and causes your dog may get foamy saliva.

Of course, we also have some tips for you on how to foam at the mouth prevent can.

In a nutshell: dog foaming at the mouth

If your dog is foaming at the mouth, this is mainly a sign of nausea, dental problems, foreign body or stress.

Because of their head anatomy, short-snouted dogs tend to “foam” faster than long-snouted dog breeds.

However, foaming at the mouth can also indicate epileptic seizures or poisoning and should be clarified in this case by a competent veterinarian as a matter of urgency.

Not quite sure what applies to your dog? Then I recommend an online consultation with Dr. Sam.

All your questions will be answered here by trained veterinarians in just a few minutes, without stress or long waiting times.

Foam at the mouth of the dog: 5 possible causes

The fact that the dog foams at the mouth can indicate many different causes.

Poisoning and rabies are not considered in detail in this article as they will be discussed individually.

I got you here 3 most common causes As well as their symptoms listed.

Foam formation is usually preceded by increased saliva production. The mixture of air, movement and saliva creates the foam.

1. Nausea

that your dog bad can happen quickly.

Something ate wrong foodone stomach upset or one car ride can be enough and your dog starts to smack his lips and foam at the mouth. He’s sick.

You can tell if your dog is foaming at the mouth because it is nauseous by looking at the following symptoms.

  • Increased lip licking
  • increased salivation
  • Increased smacking
  • Increased swallowing
  • Increased yawning

When your dog is nauseous, he foams at the mouth for the following reason: The esophagus is prepared for vomiting by increased salivation.

Since the contents of the stomach are very acidic, the saliva serves to protect the esophagus. The esophagus is lined by the saliva.

Many dogs eat grass in such situations. This helps them to induce nausea and thus allows the unwanted, nauseating stomach contents to be expelled.

If your dog has the urge, multiply to eat grass, allow this. Weed has no side effects unless chemically treated.

2. Toothache

As with us are also with dogs toothache extreme painful.

If your dog is foaming at the mouth, this can indicate, for example, a tooth root infection, a tooth abscess or an inflammation of the jaw bone.

Do you now notice additional symptoms like a bad one? bad breath or food refusalit is advisable to have one dental specialists visit for dogs.

3. Foreign object swallowed

Young dogs in particular often swallow one in the heat of the moment foreign bodiesr or inedible things. This sometimes goes faster than you can see.

Because a foreign body is stuck in the throat, increased saliva production is stimulated. In addition, the following symptoms may occur:

Foaming at the mouth is caused by your dog’s desperate attempt to get the offending part out.

4. Poisoning

Most poisonings do not happen intentionally, but the dog has ingested something in the household or on a walk that has a toxic effect on it.

If you suspect that your dog has eaten something poisonous, please contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

5. Rabies

Rabies is almost no longer widespread in Germany. The most common symptom is severe sensitivity to light.

If you have a dog from abroad, which may not have a very clear vaccination record, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

How can I provide first aid?

First aid is necessary in cases of poisoning and foreign object ingestion.

suspected poisoning

If you are concerned that your dog has eaten something poisonous, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

It is best to announce your arrival by telephone. If possible, try to find out what your dog ingested.

Incidentally, most poisonings happen in your own household through incorrect feeding, poisonous plants or cleaning agents.

Foreign body swallowed

If your dog has swallowed a foreign object and can no longer get it out on its own, you must act.

The most common causes are small pieces of bone, small pieces of wood or the like that have become lodged between the teeth.

Check your dog’s mouth carefully. However, pay attention to your own safety!

Try to remove the foreign object slowly.

If a foreign object is stuck in your dog’s windpipe, you must act immediately.

shortness of breath and suffocation If left untreated, the consequences can be. Proceed as follows:

Small dog

  1. Pick up the dog by the hind legs, letting the front part hang down.
  2. Shuttle the dog back and forth. The foreign body is usually loosened by the pendulum movement.

Big dog

  1. Grasp the dog around the belly, behind the front legs.
  2. lift him up
  3. Drop him sharply, don’t let go.
  4. The stop where you hold it detaches the foreign body.

When to the vet?

A suspicion of one poisoning is ALWAYS a case for them emergency clinic.

If you have the feeling that your dog has swallowed a foreign object and there is no acute danger to life that requires first aid IMMEDIATELY, a visit to the veterinarian is advisable.

foreign bodiesr can easily be seen and localized by appropriate investigations.

A visit to the vet is also unavoidable if you suspect toothache.

Toothache, as a rule, does not “go away” without thorough treatment, but only gets worse.

If you’re not sure how to react when your dog is foaming at the mouth, you can book an online vet consultation with Dr. arrange Sam.

The first contact via WhatsApp is free and you will be helped within a few minutes!

Now you can do that for your dog

The most important thing is always, if anything is wrong with your dog, get it no panic!

Remain and act calmly and thoughtfully. Remember, dogs are very sensitive and will take over your state of mind right away!

This is how you bow

Watch out for them dental health of your dog:

  • Avoid feeding load-bearing bones.
  • Pay attention to sufficient oral hygiene, use a good toothbrush like the Emmi-Pet.
  • Regular, visual check of the oral cavity.

2. bend swallowing foreign bodies before

  • Do not leave your dog unattended with chews.
  • Do not use normal wood as chewing wood, as there is a risk of splintering. Olive wood is very suitable, not only is it soft, but it also contains healthy essential oils for oral care.

3. Dogs with a sensitive stomach

  • Slowly get your dog used to driving.
  • Observe the feeding, adjust it if necessary.
  • If there is no improvement, do an allergy test.


If your dog is suddenly foaming at the mouth, this can indicate a number of things. Even if poisoning is usually the first thing that comes to mind, the trigger is usually something else.

nauseasomething swallowed or even toothache also ensure that your dog foams at the mouth.

Foreign objects can be removed relatively easily. But this must be done quickly before the dog suffers from shortness of breath. However, if you don’t feel safe doing this, please contact an online vet like Dr. Sam.

With an online consultation, you have the advantage that you have a specialist veterinarian on the spot via video chat.

Unfortunately, every minute counts, especially in suffocation situations….