Can dogs eat ginger? A dog professional clears up!

Ginger, also known as ingber or imber, is a popular kitchen spice from the Far East and is also used as a medicinal drug all over the world.

But is ginger also suitable for feeding your dog?

In this article you will find out whether ginger is a safe food for dogs and what you should consider when feeding it to your dog.

In a nutshell: Can my dog ​​eat ginger?

Yes, your dog can eat ginger! Ginger is not harmful to dogs. On the contrary, the tuber is very healthy for your dog. Ginger can help with stomach problems or osteoarthritis, for example. Nevertheless, you always have to portion ginger conscientiously and should not give it to your dog every day.

Is Ginger Healthy For Dogs?

Yes, ginger is very healthy for dogs!

The health-promoting effect of the tuber has already got around among dog owners.

Healing effect of the ginger root

Traditionally, ginger is used as a medicinal plant in Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.

The tuber can at Gastrointestinal complaintsvomiting, nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea help.

Ginger also works anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic. These properties also make the tuber one popular remedy for inflammatory Musculoskeletal disorders such as HD and osteoarthritis.

Does Ginger Have Side Effects for Dogs?

A conscientious dosage of ginger for dogs is not only advisable but absolutely necessary!

The substance contained gingerol has a comparable effect as aspirin. Accordingly, it may be that your dog shows no pain where there is actually pain!

Before you support your dog’s musculoskeletal system with healthy ginger, you should have your dog checked by a veterinarian.

In addition, ginger is of course known for its sharpness.


The pungent substances it contains can irritate your dog’s stomach, causing inflammation and even bleeding. So you see, it’s really important to always feed ginger in moderation!

Nutrients of Ginger

The ginger root contains plenty of positive ingredients. Your dog will also benefit from this:

  • plenty of vitamin C
  • essential oils – gingerol, resin and resin acids
  • magnesium
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • iron
  • phosphorus
  • sodium

Good to know:

Ginger also has an antiemetic effect. This means it protects against vomiting and can reduce signs of nausea.

Can all dogs eat ginger?

No, not all dogs are allowed to eat ginger and not at all times!

Ginger works blood thinningwhich is why he for pregnant bitches and Dogs shortly before an operation out of the question! The increased blood flow can lead to premature labor and birth.

The spicy tuber is also not really suitable for dogs with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract.

Can dogs drink ginger tea?

Yes, dogs can drink ginger tea!

The beneficial properties of the tuber, like theirs antiseptic and antipyretic effect, are also retained in the tea. It also works on dogs anti-inflammatory and can help with joint problems.

Since most dogs do not like the taste and smell of ginger and ginger tea that much, it is advisable to mix the tea with the food.


Ginger tea is also spicy and given in large quantities can irritate your dog’s gastrointestinal tract. Due to its blood-thinning properties, the tea is also not suitable for pregnant dogs or dogs shortly before an operation.

In brief: “Can dogs eat ginger?”

Yes, dogs can eat ginger!

Ginger is really very healthy, but it can also cause side effects if taken too frequently. You should only ever feed ginger as a short-term treatment and make sure that your dog tolerates it well.

Ginger works anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic – similar to aspirin and that’s exactly where the advantages and disadvantages are close together. does your dog have Musculoskeletal pain, it may be that he no longer shows these after the administration of ginger. This way you run the risk of overlooking something that will only make things worse in the end.

So you should never “treat” your dog with ginger alone, but always consult a veterinarian in the event of acute abnormalities!

When buying, pay attention to organic quality so that you don’t feed your dog poison!


Dogs who are pregnant and who are about to have surgery should not eat ginger, as it can have a blood-thinning effect.

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