Complete List, Dosage & Application

So you are looking for a list of globules for dogs?

That fits super, because we have just such a list for you here!

There are many ways of Recovery from illness, accident, shock or trauma. Finding the right one for you or your animal is the crux!

What always helps is to inform yourself! Homeopathy or globules for dogs can also help.

This is a very exciting and far-reaching topic. In this article you can get a first overview and then decide for yourself how deep you want to delve.

In a nutshell: when can I give my dog ​​globules?

You can give your dog globules, for example, after bites, operations or accidents. Bruises, bruises and sprains heal faster with the administration of Arnica.

Nux vomica globules help, for example, after constipation caused by overeating or chronic inflammation of the colon.

In order to find the right remedy for your dog, you should have an anamnesis carried out by an animal homeopath!

If you have any questions about your dog, you can also contact the online vet Dr. Contact Sam! You speak via video call, so the doc can see your dog and tell you what you should do next – 365 days a year, including late evenings and Sundays!

Do you want to try it? An initial consultation is free of charge.

List of globules for dogs: homeopathic medicine chest

There are more than 1700 different raw materials for homeopathic medicines, 80% of which are of plant origin, the remaining 20% ​​are animal, mineral or chemical substances.

Our list includes 10 of 1700 basic substancesfrom which globules for dogs can be made.

In order to find the remedy that is optimally tailored to your dog, you need an animal homeopath, a veterinarian who works on a homeopathic level or a lot of knowledge yourself!

When choosing the right remedy, many factors play a role.

Good to know:

In any case, what’s really cool is that you can get a homeopathic medicine kit, which you can use to treat your dog supportively in some cases.

However, it is important to mention that the administration of globules does not replace a trip to the vet!

List of all globules for dogs

MiddleComplaintarnica, Bellis PerennisBruiseCantharis Pareira bravasevere, acute cystitisAethusachronic diarrhea from milk in puppieshyoscyamus, Phosphoruscatch fliesCardiospermumallergy in generalboraxFear of fireworksIgnatiaAggressiveness through pseudopregnancysulfur, Potassium arsenicosumshedcalendula, UrticaFirst degree burns

As you can see, there are globules for dogs to support the immune system in numerous complaints.

It is also interesting that there is not just one remedy for diarrhea, for example, but several for the different types (odour, color, consistency, frequency, etc.).

In order to find the perfect remedy for your dog, your dog’s preferences, behavior and personality are also included in the medical history.

With many complaints, there are several remedies that could fit. For a layman it is sometimes difficult to find out which is the right one for the character of my dog.

We recommend that you have a professional medical history taken by an animal homeopath!

We can recommend this to you:

Maybe you have a biased opinion of Globulis? Dive a little deeper into animal homeopathy to decide what you think of mother tinctures and potentizations.

Homeopathic remedies: application & dosage

The Application of homeopathic remedies is usually not difficult. There are both globules (small beads) for dogs as well drops or tablets with the same effect.

Because homeopathic remedies mostly absorbed through the oral mucosa you should always put them in your dog’s clean mouth.

That means: half an hour before or after eating.

The dosage depends on the potency and type of remedythe individual sensitivities of the patient as well as the type of disease. You can use globules for dogs both as long-term therapy and for a single dose.

A dose always corresponds to 5 globules, 5 drops or 1 tablet.

Low potencies (D1, D2 – D6) are often taken 3-4 times a day administered while medium potencies (D8, D10 – D30) only 1-2x daily and High potencies (above D30) once are given.

In the case of high potencies, you have to wait about 6 weeks and only then repeat the administration if necessary. But even a single dose of THE RIGHT MEDICATION can bring about healing!

Please always inform yourself specifically about the dosage for the product you want to give your dog!

Can I simply treat my dog ​​with globules myself?

Yes, after you have acquired some knowledge, you can treat your dog very well with globules yourself.

However, you should know what, for example, a mother tincture is and how it gets through exponentiation changes.

If you treat your dog yourself at home, you should consider the following:

  • From the mother tincture to the D30, strictly follow the prescriptions of the homeopath (the more knowledge you have, the more confident you will be here)!
  • Never give your dog a higher potency than D30 on your own!


Unlike medicines for humans, homeopathic remedies are not tested on animals but on humans. In this case, the animals are the ones that benefit from the experiments on humans.


Homeopathic remedies can be excellent for recovery from illness, trauma, shock or accidents!

Of course, you should always have the cause of your dog’s discomfort clarified by a veterinarian. globules for dogs can be used to support faster recovery.

We recommend you get a small one homeopathic medicine cabinet gain. Arnica will help your young savage with bruises, bruises or sprains. sulfur provides relief from chronic diarrhea in an elderly dog.

You can carry out many medications yourself at home and the world of drops and pellets is so interesting and effective that it is really worth exploring!

If you have questions about your dog, you can also contact the online vet Dr. Contact Sam! He and his team are available 365 days a year to answer all your questions.

They can even see their patient (your dog) via video call and give you valuable tips. Feel free to try it out, the first consultation is free!