dog mounts me? 7 causes & suggested solutions from professionals

Help, my dog ​​mounts me! A habit that should only be slightly more unpleasant for you than: Help, my dog ​​mounts other people!

This quirk is something dogs can’t help. The hormones are both a trigger and a motivator.

What can you do in such a case? Find out in our guide below!

Dog mounts me – causes

causeswhy your dog mounts you, there are several. As a rule, you can also successfully get a grip on them – and that’s not even that difficult.


Not all hormones are to blame if you also say: My bitch mounts me! In fact, it’s just a small group of hormones that cause trouble and embarrassment here: The sex hormones.

When a bitch is in heat or a dog is ready to mate, nature takes control of some behaviors.

This also means that everything is jumped on that is not in the trees at 3. Or something like that.

Bad Education

Also the socialization can be a cause of a dog jumping on its owner. In general, puppies learn very early on what is allowed and what is not.

So what if it was always okay to mount people, objects, and other animals? Then your dog will continue this behavior. After all, nobody told him that it wasn’t okay.

dominance behavior

Another reason lies in this: Your dog wants to show you who the stronger and thus the dominant one of you two is. To do that, he mounts you. And shows you: I’m the boss here!


Dogs need a certain amount of variety and activity every day. Some breeds and dogs more, some less.

If they don’t get it, they can quickly lead to boredom. This is not only expressed in the fact that things are bitten and eaten.

Climbing objects, people and animals can also be done an expression of this boredom be.

stress & anxiety

stress and anxiety can find the most unusual forms of expression in dogs. It is important to note that every dog ​​reacts differently to these emotions. If some hide or appear apathetic, others begin to mount.

communication disruption

Dogs use their body language to communicate with each other. This is usually very clear and in no way “borderline”.

But now there is one disruption in communicationthis can also cause a dog to mount.

Health problems

Also one illness or ailments can be the reason why your dog mounts you.

Especially when this lie in the abdominal area and cause pain. By moving the hips when climbing, these complaints are alleviated, at least in the short term.

Already knew?

The complaints can include a urinary tract disease or one hip dysplasia belong.

How can I break the habit of climbing my dog?

Does your dog climb anything that gets in their way? Then the following tips may help you to get your furry friend off this behavior again.

First of all, it is important that you can rule out an illness. If necessary, here a visit to the vet make sense.

Incidentally, this person can also find out whether stress or fear triggered the climbing.

Before you start this journey, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How often does the behavior occur?
  2. Who or what is climbed?
  3. What does your dog do before and after mounting?

Depending on what the cause is, you can react as follows: First never yell at your dog or scold. Because that increases the uncertainty. And, strictly speaking, he doesn’t do anything «wrong».

It is important that you make it clear to him that climbing is simply not «etiquette». Do you ignore the behavior reward for «good» behavioryour dog can break the habit of climbing.

You should also remain calm. Because your tension is transferred to your fur nose. So if you are relaxed, your four-legged friend is usually too.

Last but not least can trained commands help discourage your dog from mounting. For example «stay» or «sit».

I can’t get any further – does a dog trainer make sense?

Of course, you first want to try to break the habit of this behavior in your dog yourself. And that can certainly be crowned with success.

But what if none of our tips work? Here can a dog trainer will help. And it doesn’t matter how young or old your dog is.

This outside help makes sense. Because your dog has already noticed from you that he can get his own way.

A dog trainer, on the other hand, shows him that commands have to be obeyed. On the other hand he also supports you, more confident to perform. In short: a win-win situation for both you and your four-legged friend.


If your dog or bitch mounts you, it is of course uncomfortable to embarrassing. As our guide has shown, there is different reasons for this. There are also a few small and simple tricks to wean your four-legged friends off this quirk.

Have you already had this experience with your fur nose? What did they look like and how did you break the habit of climbing him or her? Feel free to share this with us in the comments.