Lunar Calendar to cut your hair 2022, the best guide!

Get the hair you’ve always wanted by following the lunar calendar for haircut 2022. Get ready because it’s time for this star to help you look radiant. Learn how to do it here!

Lunar calendar to cut hair 2022

surely you have wondered when is it good to cut your hair. And it is that doing it is quite a ritual, since we seek to obtain the perfect length, better growth and spectacular shine. Well, the lunar calendar to cut hair will let you know.

Your hair will look perfect

Although your own hair gives you signs and signals that you should cut it, you must know exactly what phase of the moon to do it. In the lunar calendar 2022 to cut hair There are vital dates based on the different phases of our natural satellite, since you can achieve that your hair grows healthy, shiny and is strengthened in its renewal process. We tell you below:

Lunar phases to cut your hair in 2022

To know which are the best days to cut hair According to the phases of the moon, it is necessary to detail what happens in each one of them, because the effects on our hair vary.

Also, you must take into account that these calculations are made based on the phases of the moon in the southern hemisphere, which is where we are located along with Argentina, Bolivia, part of Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru.

first quarter

If you cut it off at this stage, it will grow stronger and faster. If you have a fork, it is the ideal time to remove it, but you have to cut it in the afternoon. Dates to cut hair in 2022

  • January 20
  • February 19th
  • March 21st
  • April 20th
  • may 19
  • June 17
  • July 17th
  • August 15th
  • September 13th
  • October 12 °
  • November 11th
  • December 10

full moon

haircut on full moon It is the ideal for when you have very damaged and scarce hair, and you need it to grow strong and healthy. So as an additional tip, you should cut it in the morning. In 2022 this phase will be presented on…

  • January 28
  • February 27
  • 28th March
  • April 26
  • May 26
  • June 24
  • July 23th
  • August 22nd
  • September 20
  • October 20
  • November 19th
  • December 18 th

last quarter

It is the perfect phase to cut your hair and the cut is maintained for longer, you can also have more control of the volume if you have it too abundant. The most advisable thing is that you cut it between 6 in the morning and 12 at noon because they are hours of great attraction of lunar energy. You should then know that In 2022 there will be a last quarter on the following dates:

  • January 6th
  • february 4
  • March 5th
  • April 4
  • May 3
  • June 2nd
  • 1st of July
  • July 31st
  • August 30th
  • September 28
  • October 28
  • November 27
  • December 26

New Moonthe lunar calendar exception for haircuts

New moon haircut It is not recommended, since at this time the moon attributes weakness in all aspects, producing a greater fall. In 2022 the moon enters this phase on days:

  • January 13th
  • February 11th
  • March 13
  • April 11
  • May 11
  • June 10th
  • July 9th
  • August 8
  • september 6
  • October 6
  • November 4th
  • December 4th

Why are these days important to cut your hair?

The influence that the moon exerts on the earth and the beings that live and evolve on it is not a fairy tale, it is very real so you should take it seriously; if we did not have this natural satellite, our planet would be very different. For example, we would be tilted by many more degrees on our axis, so we would have more extreme seasons; for this reason, the oceans and seas would stagnate due to the lack of their gravitational attraction, which causes the tides.

The days to cut hair according to the lunar calendar in 2022 coincide with the changes that occur on the planet thanks to the renewal of its energies.

That is why since prehistoric times farmers have relied on it to know yeUnderstand the cycles of many of their crops, as well as the climate. Our hair is no stranger to it.

Finally, we share some answers to frequent questions about this calendar:

When to cut your hair in 2022?

You should also remember that depending on the need you have for your hair, the phases of the moon in 2022 offer us a large number of options to achieve the length, volume or texture you are looking for. For now, we can suggest that you go to the hairdresser when the moon is in the first quarter.

When to cut your hair so that it grows strong?

Without a doubt, the first quarter phase can give our hair the strength and vitality you are looking for. Keep in mind then that during 2022 the moon will be in crescent on January 20, February 19, March 21, April 20, May 19, June 17, July 17, August 15, September 13 , October 12, November 11 and December 10.

Is getting a haircut on a full moon good?

That’s right, your hair will become more abundant and shiny, even more so if your hair has gone through bad times thanks to strong treatments and scalp diseases.

share this lunar calendar for haircut 2022 in your social networks, your friends will thank you.

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