with Hpeople who look like foxes are well advised.
How about our number 14 as a favourite?
1. Akita
The Japanese fox-like dog will still like today as hunting or guard dog deployed.
Above all, the shape of its ears and the pointed snout with its slightly reddish fur are reminiscent of the fox.
Good natured and very cleanAkitas like to adapt to their owners, but tend to shy away from large families or conspecifics.
2. Finnish Spitz
The barking pointing dog is also known as National Dog of Finland and belongs to the fox-like dog breeds.
Intelligent and attentively protected the spitz his family and tends to be suspicious and reserved towards strangers.
The red fur gives it its resemblance to the fox along with the pointed, erect ears.
3. Pomsky
This so-called Designer dogs are not recognized as a breedbut counts because of the Pointednext to the huskyamong his ancestors to the fox-like dog breeds.
Pomeranians are anyway one of the dog breeds that most closely resemble foxes, if they also have reddish fur or at least reddish spots.
Attention future dog owners
Equipped with a large dose of hunting instinct and one great need for grooming you need patience and time.
4. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
they resemble not only in their appearance, but also in their size the foxes. The welsh dwarf dog with its reddish colored pointed ears is thus one fox-like dog.
Bred as German shepherdsthey make up for their small size intelligence and loud barkingif need be, more than makes up for it.
They are very good at dealing with their master or family loving and sensitive show if they too Unnerve strangers with their barking can.
5. Red Dog
Even the tail of this Asian wild dog resembles the fox. However, he walks similarly to wolves hunt in packs.
As pets, they are only to be kept with a lot of love and patience, but with consistency in order to steer the natural instincts in an orderly direction.
This fox-like dog breed is also one of the best swimmers among the dogs and reach 72 km/h as top speed.
6. Icelandic Dog
Bred as guard and shepherd dog These dogs, which look like foxes, have the typical ear shape, a rather pointed snout and mostly reddish fur.
You have it easy with them in training, as they are also considered to be very obedient and fit into the family in a friendly and playful manner.
Be protective instinct is still very high, which is why it is still called today icelandic sheepdog deployed.
7. Pomeranian
Pomeranians with reddish-white fur are also considered fox-like dogsas they also feature the characteristic pointed snout and ears.
Trusting and playfulthey are considered in our latitudes rather than lap dogs and have recently also been propagated as therapy dogs deployed.
Their calm demeanor belies the sometimes erupting moody nature that is a holdover from their ancestors.
8.Shiba Inu
He comes like the Akita from Japan and becomes predominant there used for hunting. However, they need one for their training consistent leadership.
Basically friendly and good-hearted they can go to drama queen mutate when they have awkward encounters or feel uncomfortable.
Pointed, forward-pointing ears and the equally pointed snout leave together with the reddish-white fur think of foxhounds.
9. Volpino Italiano
He comes from Italy and is related to the spikes. That mainly red fur with the typical shape of the muzzle turns him into a dog that looks like a fox.
The fluffy coat requires some grooming, so it’s considered more of a lap dog that can be kept alone in an apartment.
Important to know
Rather loud in their demeanor understand each other alongside their owners hardly any other contemporariesnot even of their kind.
10. Samoyed
Be white fur and the fox-like shape of the muzzle with the pointed ears start with this dog that looks like a fox arctic foxes think.
In his original homeland of Russia, he is used as a shepherd dog, even if he likes to mimic the howling wolf.
She like to take care of their silky fur themselvesas otherwise only cats, and are considered sociable to friendly-playful.
11. American Eskimo Dog
Contrary to his name, he is a German breed and descends from the German Spitz, which also makes him similar to an arctic fox might.
They are described as friendly and intelligent, but rather reserved. She closes that excellent guard and shepherd dogs.
They are also known as circus dogsas they are easily trained and use their cleverness in tricks and feats.
12. Schipperke
The black haired Belgians is still fairly new among fox-like dog breeds, although his head and ear shape fit exactly.
He is often compared to the silver fox and is popular as a watchdog and shepherd dog.
Her curiosity is similar to that of foxes, although otherwise as bold, agile and trusting are valid. Consistent management is necessary for the stubborn Schipperke!
13. Alaskan Klee Kai
wise this Huskies the size of a lap dog one red-white coloring up, then you see one red fox very similar.
They also become rather reserved and suspicious of strangers guard dogs deployed.
Intelligent and playful bring yours energy gladly at lively games for use and enjoy spending time outdoors with their families.
14. Long-haired Chihuahua
They come from originally from Mexico and are considered smallest fox-like dog breed with a penchant for eccentricity.
They hardly need any care or exercise and are therefore suitable as a lap dog for people who are less active in sports or older people.
With your reddish and long-haired fur as well as the alert expression in the look they see young red foxes most similar.
Caution torment breeding
With Chihuahuas, one must always pay attention to the origin and a proper breeder, since many of these dogs come from torture, with suffering and pain for the animals!
15. Khugsa
From the USA come the Khugsa or Malamutes, like these wolf hybrids also be named.
The slender, brown-haired body with the high erected ears makes this fox-like dog breed think of a brown arctic fox.
Because of his strong, original instincts is he not a family dogbut when Working dog also for pulling or carrying loads usable.