9 reasons & tips to break the habit

Howling is on in wolves means of communication, which has also been preserved in our dogs to this day. By the way, dogs howl for the same reasons as wolves.

In this article you will find out why dogs howl like wolves and how you can break this behavior from your dog.

9 reasons why dogs howl like wolves and what they mean

Some of the most common reasons a dog howls like a wolf include:

  1. territorial defence
  2. warning
  3. response to noise
  4. lonliness
  5. Attention
  6. anxiety and stress
  7. Pains
  8. dementia
  9. Racial Behavior

To this day, dogs are largely genetically identical to their ancestors, the wolves.

As with wolves, howling is used by dogs as one of a total of eight acoustic means of communication. This also includes, among other things Barking, growling, whining and howling.

Let’s go into the individual causes below.

territorial defence

A territory with sufficient food and water was and is essential for wolves to survive. Wolves are therefore ready to defend their territory to the death.

With howls, they let potential intruders know: «Here I am, just stay away from here!»

For example, if your dog howls like a wolf a new dog in the neighborhood to be moved in.

Even if you haven’t seen the new dog in the area, your dog will still notice it.

One Solution would be here, for example, to get to know the new neighbor’s dog proactively and to get the dogs used to each other.


When wolves scent a threat or danger, they howl to her inform herd.

With our domestic dogs, the family is their pack. If your dog howls unexpectedly and suddenly like a wolf, he might want to tell you: «Attention, something is coming!»

Particularly guard and shepherd dogs tend to this behavior. These were specially bred to sound the alarm when threatened.

Reading tip: If you are interested in German Shepherds and want to find out more, we recommend our article: 20 Beautiful & Popular German Shepherd Types.

response to noise

Howling is a form of communication in wolves. If a wolf hears the howling of a fellow wolf, it responds with a corresponding howl. He wants to say: «I hear you and I’m here!»

In our modern civilization, however, this can lead to communication errors.

It can happen that your dog howls at sirens, sirens or music.

It is assumed that certain frequencies of these environmental noises have a «contagious» effect on the dog and that it instinctively joins in the choral howling.

Good to know:

Although you may not hear anything, your dog hears many times better than you and hears a howling dog in the distance, to which it in turn howls.


To this day wolves use Howl as a recallto reunite the pack.

With today’s dogs, the family is his pack, meaning you. If he howls when he’s alone, that means something like «Come back!»

But why does a dog howl like a wolf when only individual family members are missing?

A pack consists of several hierarchies, with you being the alpha animal. Your partner is the beta animal, your dog may see the children as equal or even subordinate.

That’s why it’s quite possible that your dog will howl like a wolf when you and/or your partner are away, even though someone from the family is still there.


If your dog howls like a wolf, it can also simply mean: “I’m looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo young!”

In particular puppies like to cry for yours to draw attention to yourself and testing so does hers limits.

But even adult dogs try to get your attention by howling. Especially when a new pet or a baby as a new member of the family.

Here the howling is more of a mixture of jealousy and seeking attention.

In sexually mature males, howling can also mean a call for attention from a bitch in heat.

anxiety and stress

If your dog howls like a wolf, fear or stress can also be behind it.

The howling is mostly from other signs accompanied. This includes next to general restlessness also trembling, severe panting, howling and whistling.

Occasionally it is even incontinence or helpless walking around to observe.

A «Help! I’m afraid!» Crying comes first puppies, small dog breeds and very sensitive dogs before.

can trigger this storm like storms or thunderstorms. Noise of vehicles and airplanes or a Fireworks can also be considered as a cause.

Also the absence of its owner can cause anxiety in a dog.

A few are also a cause Diseases like Cushing’s syndrome responsible for the howling.


Under no circumstances should you ignore your dog’s howling in these cases. Here you help him best with a lot of attention and affection.

At the same time, it is important to find out the trigger for the fears and avoid them in the future if possible, or to get the dog used to these situations in a targeted manner.


Wolves and wild dogs usually try to hide pain. A weakened-looking wolf could otherwise become prey itself.

In order not to endanger the pack, sick or weak animals are often thrown out of the pack.

Is your dog letting you know with its howling, which can even occur while sleeping «I need help!»you should not take this lightly.

Crying due to severe pain is usually accompanied other symptoms accompanied. So watch your dog closely.

Other symptoms can be:

  • Whining and squeaking
  • stooped posture
  • Restless behavior
  • limping or limping

pain due to external injuries should be easy to find Gastrointestinal problems can also be suspected in part from the defecation.


However, it can also be behind the pain serious illnesses stuck that you cannot easily diagnose. Therefore, if in doubt, you should definitely consult a veterinarian.


Older dogs have an increased risk of developing dementia. Dementia is what is meant by decrease in mental performance.

Among the most common symptoms of dementia include:

  • Repetitive Behavior
  • Sudden night activity
  • Constant beeping and whining
  • Loss of orientation in one’s own home
  • Irritable Behavior

In the advanced stage of dementia, it often happens that the diseased dog recognizes neither its owner nor its home.

Howling like a wolf is made more out here confusion and could as «Where am I? And who are you?!» be interpreted.

Good to know:

Dementia in dogs is considered incurable. Recognized early, occupational therapy and intelligence toy significantly slow down the progression of the disease.

Individual drug treatment can also delay the spread of dementia. You should consult a vet for this.

Racial Behavior

All dogs can howl like a wolf. Some four-legged friends do it much more often than others.

They are almost predestined to cry races:

With these dogs it is often enough trigger off when you or someone in your family starts crying.

According to the motto «Crying is my favorite hobby!» he will quickly join the chorus and it will be difficult to get him to stop again.

In addition to the race, the type of dog draw conclusions about the willingness to cry.

Howl like that sniffer dogs often in the case of territorial threats, guard dogs howl most often in warning or other dogs in many cases out of loneliness or fear.

Can I stop my dog ​​from howling like a wolf?

Beagle dog howling sitting outside on the sunny area in the garden . High quality photo

If you don’t want your dog to howl, it’s possible to stop it from howling.

First, you should find out the cause of the howling. Especially when fear, attention, stress, pain or loneliness are the triggers, you should work on these issues.

At lonliness For example, you can start by leaving your dog alone for a short time and slowly increase the amount of time.

Does your dog howl because he Attention is looking for, you should also grant him this and make sure that he has enough work.

At anxiety, stress and pain show your dog that you are there for him and try to eliminate the causes.

Anxiety and stress can also be alleviated in very sensitive dogs with the help of medication. Here, just as with pain, your veterinarian is at your side with advice and action.

One alternative also offer so-called anti-bark devices. These work at ultrasonic frequencies that are inaudible to humans and distract the dog from howling at the push of a button.

However, these devices are powerful controversial. The fact that the frequencies should be harmful to dogs has been refuted, but the learning effect when using such devices is very low and therefore questionable.

It is therefore better to stop him crying to train purposefully. With consistent training, your dog can learn that it is worthwhile for him to refrain from his favorite activity.

Once he starts howling, you can also divert his attention to something more productive.

This takes a lot of patience and consistency, especially when the breed is known for howling a lot.

Why do dogs howl video


If a dog howls like a wolf, he is following his basic instincts. For him, howling is used for communication.

It doesn’t always make sense to stop the dog from howling. In most cases it is better to eliminate the triggers and causes, especially since breaking a basic instinct requires a great deal of patience and consistency.

Is your dog a howler and how do you deal with it? We look forward to your story in the comments.