The 3 of Pentacles in the Tarot – Minor Arcana

The 3 of Pentacles card in the Tarot, like the entire suit of Pentacles, refers to material objects and not only to these objects in question, but to any that is not considered a primary need, such as: clothing, jewelry, money, etc. etc. That is why whenever a card of this suit comes out in a tarot spread, we already know that something is going to happen related to our material goods.

Recognition of a job well done is important, so an important point to keep in mind is that the three of coins is closely related to teamwork, and in turn to the interpersonal relationships that are formed so that a third party can be formed. element

This card is related to the material, but we will not always receive financial prosperity in return, but we can also advance in other fields and achieve goals and objectives that we did not have set, such as love, work, etc.

The letter is warning us that unexpected changes and movements are coming in our assets, these changes may or may not be beneficial for us, but what is clear is that we will soon have certain movements. At the same time, this card also points to teamwork with other people to build things together.

On the other hand, the work that we are going to develop as a team with other people will be rewarded and recognized, and also while this construction lasts, we will learn practical things that will be useful to us in our future.

Something important in Tarot spreads is that some cards can be interpreted by themselves, but other times you have to wait to see the rest of the card spread to make a clearer and more precise interpretation, therefore, never jump to conclusions when a card is shown.

Also, as you know, a card can come out right or wrong, and depending on the position in which it comes out, it will have one meaning or another.

Yes the three of gold appears to the right, we can interpret it as a job that you are going to have to do and this will require much more effort than you are used to, but once we reach the goal we will receive the recognition that we were looking for so much. Below we explain in more detail how to interpret the result of this card.

I qualify this card as an inspiring and motivating tarot card, which invites us to continue focusing our efforts on that task that seems impossible to achieve, but once we achieve it, it will improve our lives.

Symbology of the 3 of Pentacles

The symbology of the 3 golds can be interpreted in different ways, in the letter we can see a young person working, this person could perfectly be an architect, laborer or master builder, the important thing is that he is seen working with different tools on what seems to be a pretty important job.

While this young man is working on a wooden bench, two people talk to him. These two figures dress and seem to belong to the clergy, which at that time was a higher social class than the youth, but it is observed how they listen very carefully to the words of the young worker.

Finally, according to the columns and the surroundings of the image, we can deduce that he is working in some place of worship, such as a Church or Cathedral and that perhaps the figures that speak with him are those in charge of said building.

Meaning of the 3 of Pentacles

The three of coins is a card that, like the other three of the different suits, invites us to have an idea of ​​creation or project, but can also give us the opportunity to visualize a personal undertaking of any kind, be it a business or goals. Personalities that you want to overcome.

We will begin to see how we achieve achievements in the initial stages of our personal project, and these stages will give us the strength to continue advancing until we achieve the goals we have set for ourselves. In this first stage, the three of coins indicates a lot of effort but which will be rewarded and valued.

When you begin to see the achievements and the good results of your actions, you begin to have a satisfaction to continue advancing, the rest of the people who accompany you will value your work positively and even admire you, it will be when then your different skills and knowledge will lead you to keep moving forward and you will realize that you can achieve better results than you expected.

This card invites us to have inspiration in ourselves, to have FAITH in what we want to achieve. You will have difficulties and obstacles on the way to the goal you have set for yourself, but the three of coins is inviting you to continue because he sees that you will achieve success if you make an effort, you just have to have patience, will and perseverance to improve your life. slowly.

If fear or uncertainty makes you stop, step aside and continue on your way, the three of coins is a card that invites you not to be afraid of anything, that if you have focused on a project and you have doubts or uncertainties, leave them behind. to the side and start the change. You will have to use all the tools you have available to put your idea or project on its feet, but you will have to remove all your fears of failure and focus only on what you are going to achieve.

This letter also gives us value and self-esteem, as we have spoken before in the letter we observe a young worker, but he is giving advice to two people of a higher status, and they are accepting said advice. Therefore, do not underestimate yourself, always put your knowledge and values ​​to the test, as they will be admired by other people.

On the other hand, it can indicate that we need help to achieve the goal we have set for ourselves. Sometimes we set challenges or goals that are very complicated and difficult to achieve alone, therefore, the three of coins is telling us to seek help to achieve the objectives, and sometimes rely on other people, have project partners, or a partner. traveling will make us achieve good results.

As we have mentioned before, it is also a card of teamwork where mutual help will make the benefit for both greater. As seen in the figure of the three of gold card, no matter the origin or social status, together they are managing to finish an important work, and each one is contributing what they know so that it can be admired and recognized by others. people. Therefore, it is a letter that invites us to have a synergy in our work, and to provide value, knowledge and help when necessary.

Now that we know this card and its meaning first-hand, we can focus on how to interpret it if it appears in different spreads for more specific questions.

In the workplace, the three of coins is a wonderful card since it is telling us that all our work will be more valued and appreciated, it increases our strength and energy so that we continue to increase our knowledge, since these will help us achieve goals that we had. slopes. If you are in a business project, it is advisable that you rely on other colleagues and delegate part of your work, you cannot carry everything by yourself. If you don’t see results yet, don’t get impatient, they will arrive little by little.

On the other hand, in everything related to love it also brings good news. The vision you have of future projects and goals will become common and you will be able to work together to achieve them, the couple will be strengthened by these common projects, in addition, the effort of each one will be highly valued, uniting the couple more. If you are alone, it is a good time to find love in your workplace, it is important that you focus on people who share your vision of the future and work together with you.

Finally I am going to talk about the field of money and finances, the three of coins tells us that it is a good time, that the rewards are coming for a job well done, we are not talking about lucky breaks or prizes, we are talking about that you have worked very hard and that will be rewarding. If you have investments, surround yourself with people who work in the same way as you and get good advice, since you are in a very good job, and you will have to continue working just as well with the same positive attitude, since you will be able to achieve the goals you expected so much.

Meaning of the 3 of Pentacles Reversed

When the inverted three of coins comes out in a spread, it must be taken very seriously, since they are putting us on alert that serious difficulties are coming, these may be due to family problems or our work. We will lose harmony completely and we have to make very well thought-out decisions so as not to make mistakes.

In the case of this card, we could interpret that it is not advisable to work as a team or seek common goals, since those ties will end up breaking because each one will want to take different paths to achieve the objectives, therefore it is advisable to work alone.

Also, in what is related to work, it is not convenient to have teams or work groups, since you will not see an understanding and some will want to rule over others, thus making it impossible to do a good job.

On the other hand, the person feels that their work is not being valued as it should, therefore they should rethink changing their closest social circle and work on their self-esteem. It is advisable to look for new friends, who do value the work we do and who make us grow little by little.

What does the 3 of Pentacles represent in a spread?

As you can see, the 3 of Pentacles is a card that plays a very important role, depending on the position in which it appears, it can bring good or bad news, these are the two interpretations for money and love in one spread.

For questions related to money, it is indicating the entry of money, these will be thanks to effort and hard work, they can also be the results of well-made investments.

If the question is related to love, a marriage or union between two people is going to be formalized, therefore there will be a construction of a family.

I hope that the explanation and interpretation of the three of coins card has been useful to you, it is very important that it be interpreted correctly since it has many meanings and many times it can be difficult to find the correct one, that is why I advise you to read the set of cards once the entire Tarot spread has been made.

I say goodbye for today dear readers, we read very soon.

Luz Silva Soler