Miniature dogs are much more than just an accessory like a handbag! They are small mini dogs with big personality and are unfortunately far too often underestimated!
You would like to know how big the smallest dog in the world is?
You can be curious, because a really tiny surprise awaits you in our article.
The 9 smallest dog breeds in the world at a glance
Where to start? So which of the little mini dogs is the smallest, cutest dog in the world?
Sorting them by their cuteness wasn’t all that easy, so we’ll start with the biggest of the little ones and get progressively smaller.
Get out the magnifying glass!
1. Russian Toy
Since breeding the Russkiy Toy and other small companion dogs was banned during World War II, this breed almost went extinct at first!
However, lovers of the little Russian were able to stimulate breeding again in the 1950s and since then more and more dog people have been enjoying the small, funny terrier.
The Russkiy Toy reaches a maximum height of 20 to 28 centimeters and a body weight of 1 to 3 kilograms.
That doesn’t make him the smallest dog in the world, but he’s getting close!
He is considered to be very attentive, friendly, lively, willing to learn and comes with both short and long fur in the colors black with tan, brown with tan, blue with tan, red-black, red-brown, red-blue, red, fawn or cream-colored.
2. Toy poodle
At least here we have the smallest poodle in the world, the toy poodle!
With a Height from 24 to 28 cm and just once 3-4 kg fighting weight the toy poodle is quite a bit smaller than the miniature poodle.
In terms of liveliness, action, curiosity, intelligence and the urge to move, it is in no way inferior to its larger representatives!
He loves to spend a lot of time in nature with his people and needs enough work for his clever little head.
The Toy Poodle is friendly, easy-going, and easy to train. It is suitable both as a beginner and family dog as well as for sprightly seniors – however, life on the couch is not for the lively joker!
3. Papillon
The adorable Papillon, also known as the Continental Pomeranian, cannot be missing from our list of the smallest dogs in the world.
He reaches one maximum height of 20 to 28 centimeters with a weight of 2 – 3.5 kilograms and is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world.
The Papillon is an easygoing companion for the city, a great little family dog and ideal for new dog owners. He is easy to train, open-minded and friendly.
4. Bolonka Tsvetna
It’s getting really close to the ground here!
The Bolonka Zwetna reaches a maximum height of 20 to 25 centimeters with a body weight of 2 – 3.5 kilograms.
Translated into German, his name means «colorful lap dog» and what can one say: The cuddly rascal definitely feels comfortable on the lap – but only to catch a breath before the next round of the game!
He is agile, lively and makes an excellent playmate. The Bolonka Zwetna loves big and small people and is loyal to them.
5. Maltese
The Maltese is definitely one of them smallest, cutest dogs in the world and among the oldest dog breeds.
He is playful, good-natured, affectionate and carefree. All in one Height from 20 to 25 centimeters and 3 – 4 kilograms body weight.
The perfect companion and companion dog is space-saving, plush and adventurous. He likes to be everywhere and needs enough love and care to lead a happy life.
6. Yorkshire Terriers
The Yorkie is a lively and intelligent companion dog.
Although he just 18 to 23 centimeters tall and doing one Weight of about 3 kilograms achieved, the little terrier is extremely courageous and self-confident.
The little dog wants to be taken seriously. He also takes his job of guarding the house, farm and family very seriously! He needs consistent training and enough workload not to become a constant barker.
Realize that the Yorkie is a real terrier and treat him as such. He will not be happy on his lap or arm alone!
7. Pomeranian
With just once 18 to 22 centimeters in height and a weight of 2 to 3 kilograms Do you rightly ask yourself:
How much smaller can it get? You will be amazed!
The Pomeranian has an incredibly cute appearance. This is due to his pointed ears and fluffy fur!
The mini dog is very alert, lively and affectionate. Always gentle and docile. The little fur ball is initially skeptical towards strangers and then likes to bark like hell.
With a lot of love and sufficient consistency, the Pomeranian can be a fantastic companion for all situations in life.
8. Prague Ratter
The Prague Ratter is visually reminiscent of the Russkiy Toy. Only in terms of size can he not keep up with his Russian counterpart.
The Prague Ratter can reach a maximum height of 19.5 to 20.5 centimeters and weigh 1 to 3 kilograms.
However, its small size does not prevent it from hunting like the big ones. His hunting instincts are very well developed and his favorite prey are mice and rats.
The Prague Ratter is fast, agile, agile and lively.
He has a strong self-confidence and a mind of his own! Despite this, he is friendly and playful.
9. The Chihuahua
We have arrived at the smallest dog in the world, the Chihuahua!
With a Height of only 15 to 23 centimeters and one Weight from 1 to 3 kilogramsthe Chihuahua is undisputedly the smallest, cutest dog in the world.
It is said that if the ears are too big for the head and the head is too big for the body, then it is a Chihuahua.
Due to their cute appearance, however, the small dogs are often underestimated.
You are very brave and confident, spirited and lively. The small dogs like to guard house and yard and always like to be the center of attention.
how cute is that
The cutest, smallest dog in the world is actually a very special Chihuahua. Not only does the breed itself make it to number 1 on our list, but actually a very specific representative among them.
The Guinness World Record holder for the smallest dogs in the world is Chihuahua Miracle Milly. She is just 10 centimeters tall and weighs only half a kilogram!
(Source title picture: EFE/Thais Llorca)