These 7 Dog Breeds Have the Strongest Biting Power (With Pictures)

Dogs have been man’s faithful companions for centuries and have proven useful in many ways.

Their unique abilities and characteristics vary by breed, including their biting power.

A dog’s bite force is measured in PSI (pounds per square inch) and describes the amount of pressure a dog can apply with its jaw.

In this article we present the seven dog breeds with the strongest biting power.

1. Kangal

With 743psithe unit of measure for bite force, leads the Turk the list of dogs with the strongest teeth unchallenged at.

To his family he is though gentle and friendlybut towards predators of his herds, like bears or wolveshe shows his teeth and knows how to use them powerfully.

2. Doberman

With 600psi is the medium sized guard dog placed in second place, but the Difference seems already huge for first place.

However, we want them Combine list next to bite force with sizethen this leads intelligent quadrupeds the list. Within his family can he also get one gentler side show!

3. Mastiff

The British lies under the big dogs in second place behind the Turk and creates one 556 PSI bite force.

The protector with the sad look impressed more by his body measurements because by an aggressive appearance, because he belongs to the rather calm and gentle giants. The strong jaws he uses only for defense his family!

4. Rottweilers

He will as confident, intelligent and efficient as well as persevering described.

His physical strength is next to his 328 PSI bite force also to be observed. In earlier times it was not only used as a guard dog appreciated but also helped to pull smaller carts with loads!

5.American Bulldog

Be big head already indicates that the strong jaws brings a certain power. Used for boar hunt brought the 305psi even a boar to the ground.

Its strength in jaws and body rivals that of leopards. Within a family there is itself loving and loyall. Today he is more protector, fewer hunters and pursuers!

6. German shepherd

Persistent and easily trainable due to its high intelligence is this shepherd, keeper and guardian. With 238psi can he himself crack femurs.

Despite his strength, he will valued by families as companions. He comes good with kids right and likes to prove his calm and loving sideif his needs are taken into account.

7. American Pit Bull

The frowned upon fighting dog with the actually playful and affable side comes with 235psi relatively far down the list.

Be muscular body and his athletic movements still know impress and necessary possible attackers respect away!