Does your dog have fleas and you want to give them natural relief?
In this article we will introduce you to home remedies for fleas on dogs.
But be careful: If the infestation is too severe or your dog is allergic, you should definitely consult a veterinarian.
Here you can find out how you can help your dog with simple home remedies.
Dog has fleas – 6 home remedies that help
There are several home remedies that can help a dog when it has fleas.
These include coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon water, tea tree oil, chamomile and garlic.
Here you can get more information about the effect, application and dosage:
coconut oil
Coconut oil has natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can help kill fleas and relieve itching.
It can be applied directly to the dog’s coat or mixed into the food. Use 1 teaspoon for every 4.5 kg of body weight.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar can be used as a natural flea repellent as its acidic pH can repel fleas.
You can use a mixture of equal parts water and apple cider vinegar as a coat spray. Another option is to bathe your dog with the mixture.
The dosage is 1 tablespoon per 4.5 kg of body weight.
lemon water
Lemon water has an effect similar to apple cider vinegar and can repel fleas.
You can also mix water with lemon juice and spray it on your dog’s fur. Again, use 1 tablespoon per 4.5 kg body weight.
tea tree oil
Tea tree oil has natural insecticidal properties and can help if your dog has fleas.
However, it should be used in a diluted form as it can be toxic to dogs in its pure form.
A dosage of 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil per 100 ml of water is recommended.
Chamomile tea can be used as a soothing agent for itchy skin and irritation caused by fleas. Brew a tea bag in hot water and use the bag to blot the affected area once it cools.
Garlic can be used as a natural flea remedy as it gives off an odor that can repel fleas.
However, use it in moderation as it can be toxic in high concentrations.
Half a gram a day is enough for a small dog. For a larger dog, you can mix 1 to 2 grams into the food.
Home remedies for fleas on dogs should only be used as a supportive measure and cannot replace veterinary treatment or medication.
Home remedies not working? Conventional flea remedies
If home remedies for fleas don’t help your dog, you can also use conventional flea remedies.
These include, for example, spot-on preparations, flea collars, tablets or sprays.
spot-on preparations
Spot-on preparations are applied to the dog’s skin and spread throughout the body. They contain insecticides that inhibit flea development and kill fleas.
flea collars
Flea collars also contain insecticides and are placed around the dog’s neck. They usually work for several months and protect the dog from new flea infestations.
Tablets and sprays against fleas
Tablets and sprays can also be used to control fleas.
Tablets kill the fleas and sprays can be used to treat the dog directly, as well as to treat the surrounding area and textiles.
When should I go to the vet?
If your dog is heavily infested with fleas and is scratching more or has bitten areas, you should see a veterinarian immediately.
Flea infestations can not only cause itching and skin irritation, but also serious health problems, such as: B. Anemia or disease transmission.
Prompt treatment by a veterinarian is essential to ensure your dog’s well-being and avoid any health complications.
It is therefore important to be vigilant and to act quickly if a serious flea infestation or comorbidities are suspected.
Fleas can transmit the so-called cucumber seed tapeworm. That’s why it’s important to continually protect your dog from fleas
If your dog has fleas, home remedies like coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon water, tea tree oil, chamomile, and garlic can help.
These remedies can kill fleas and relieve itching. However, they should not replace veterinary treatment or medication.
They should therefore be used as supporting measures.
If home remedies against fleas on dogs do not help, conventional flea remedies such as spot-on preparations, flea collars, tablets or sprays can be used.
These contain insecticides that inhibit flea development and kill fleas and provide an effective way to control flea infestations in dogs.
A thorough examination and treatment by a veterinarian is always advisable to ensure your dog’s well-being.
If your dog has a severe flea infestation, you should seek immediate veterinary care to avoid serious health complications.
If you have any other tips or suggestions on the subject, please leave a comment.