Trisomy 21: Dogs with Down Syndrome

Many diseases that overtake us humans can also affect our dogs. If you believe the internet, this also applies to this Down Syndrome in Dogs to.

In this article, you’ll learn if dogs can actually have Down Syndrome, what other genetic defects exist in dogs, and why some dogs look like they have trisomy 21.

As no bonus, there is a heartwarming video on the subject at the end of the article.

Can Dogs Have Down Syndrome?

No, dogs cannot get Down syndrome. Only humans are affected by this genetic defect.

A similar genetic defect was found in other primates.

Trisomy 21 does not affect dogs.

Why Do Some Dogs Look Like They Have Trisomy 21?


Photos of dogs that supposedly have trisomy 21 are circulating on the internet again and again.

As you already know, dogs cannot get Down Syndrome, so these photos have nothing to do with it.

Nevertheless, a deformed face in dogs can also be due to a genetic defect. Reasons and characteristics for deformities and malformations in dogs can be, for example, the following:

  • short stature
  • Delayed/unusually slow development in puppies
  • Overbite and protruding tongue
  • Weak muscle tone
  • Short limbs
  • Unusual gait
  • Unusually broad head
  • misalignment of the eyes

How is Down Syndrome manifested?

The following symptoms occur in people affected by Down syndrome:

  • Characteristic facial features
  • cognitive dysfunctions
  • hearing loss
  • heart defect
  • Chronic ear infections
  • weak muscles
  • Unusually elastic bands
  • sleep apnea

Good to know:

Dogs can also experience some of these symptoms. However, they then point to a different disease than Down syndrome. If you feel your dog is not doing well and you are unsure why, please take them to a veterinarian.

Are there genetic defects similar to Down syndrome in dogs?

Yes, dogs can also suffer from genetic defectswhose symptoms can be very similar to those of Down syndrome.

Genetic defects that cause facial deformities are decisive for this comparison. Since everyone on the internet can add their two cents and people think it’s kind of cute – or whatever – many photos of dogs or other animals with deformed faces or deformities are mistakenly labeled as Animals with Down Syndrome titled.

Also night blindness, cataracts or narcolepsy are caused by genetic defects that can affect both us humans and our dogs.

In older dogs, the so-called cognitive dysfunction syndrome or senile dementia.

These genetic defects are more common in dogs:

Genetic diseases in dogs usually manifest themselves in the form of deformities or metabolic disorders.

These genetic defects are found in dogs, among others:

  • tracheal collapse (collapse of the lungs, shortness of breath)
  • Nasal praraceratosis (drying of the nose)
  • Hereditary Cataract (Cataract)
  • diabetes mellitus (diabetes)
  • Atopic dermatitis (environmental allergy)
  • Cauda equina syndrome (disc malformation)
  • narcolepsy (fits of falling asleep)
  • MDR-1 defect (Blood-Brain Barrier Damage)

Can other animals have trisomy 21?

No, animals cannot have trisomy 21.

This is because their DNA is completely different from that of humans.

In a person affected by Down syndrome, there are three chromosome 21s, which is one too many.

Primates with similar DNA have been found to have a condition similar to Down syndrome, except that the 22nd instead of the 21st chromosome is affected.

Dogs have fewer chromosomes overall than humans and their 21st chromosome, for example, has a completely different function than ours. As a result, a change in the 21st chromosome in dogs usually leads to death in the womb, but not to Down syndrome.

Animals that are portrayed as having trisomy 21 or something similar are very likely to be deformed or deformed due to a disease or other genetic defect!

Conclusion: trisomy 21 in dogs

Dogs, like most other animals, cannot get Down syndrome. This is simply because their DNA is completely different from ours.

Primates, on the other hand, which have very similar DNA to that of humans, can certainly suffer from a genetic defect similar to Down syndrome.

Unfortunately, there are many posts on the Internet that show pictures of dogs or other animals that are said to have trisomy 21. But you are welcome to believe us that the fake is not hidden in our text!

Deformities and malformations can also be caused by a genetic defect in dogs. However, not because something is wrong with their 21st chromosome.

Whenever you are unsure what is wrong with your dog, please contact a veterinarian immediately!