When your dog has an injury, he feels pain just like you do. To him Make everyday life easier until healingis there a range of painkillers for dogs.
You can’t just go to the pharmacy and buy any painkiller because many are poisonous for the dog.
In this article you will find out everything you need to know on painkillers for dogs.
What painkillers can I give my dog?
There are a number of pain relievers, such as Metacam, Rimadyl or Traumeelthat are allowed for dogs. Your vet always has adviceif your dog is in pain, which one the best means is for him.
Never give your dog a pain reliever without knowing exactly what is causing his pain!
In addition, your veterinarian knows exactly in what dosage and in what formie tablet, suspension, etc, which can be administered painkillers for dogs.
Never give your loved one painkillers that are approved for humans!
You can get painkillers over the counter at the pharmacy, but in most cases they are pure poison for the dog.
You can cause internal bleeding or organs like liver and kidneys heavy damage.
So even if you have ibuprofen in the house and want to help your dog quickly, do not give him this painkiller under any circumstances. Better call your vet ASAP!
The same applies if you have an approved painkiller for your dog at home, possibly left over from a previous treatment.
The cause of the pain should always be meticulously explored become. And your vet can do that best. And he knows which remedy in which dosage your darling the best relief provided.
Which painkillers are suitable for what?
actually are Painkillers are not the same as painkillers. The one is particularly good as a pain reliever after surgery, the next at osteoarthritis pain and another for pain in herniated discs.
Below you will find out which painkillers for dogs particularly well suited are and when to use them.
Also will you possible side effects explained. Because it is important to recognize them and ask the vet for help.
The prescription pain reliever with the active ingredient meloxicam is one of the most common painkillers for dogs.
Metacam is «the» pain reliever after surgery. Because it not only relieves the wound pain, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
The dosage is very important here. If you dose this painkiller too high, it damages the gastrointestinal tract.
Good to know:
Metacam is administered according to body weight. You will receive a suitable syringe to draw up the right amount.
The dog is often given Metacam as a suspension over the feed or directly into the mouth.
Typical side effects of this pain reliever for dogs are Vomiting, diarrhea and apathy.
This painkiller has the same active ingredient as Metacam and can also be used as a suspension.
Unlike Metacam, it tends to be at acute or chronic pain deployed. Inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, especially the joints or herniated discs are treated with Meloxidyl.
This painkiller can also have side effects in the gastrointestinal tract.
This pain reliever is also extremely common for dogs. It will mostly in inflammatory processes such as arthritis, i.e. inflammation of the joints or degenerative diseases such as spondylosis (changes in the spine).
through his effective action on the back of the dog, it is also used to relieve the pain of herniated discs.
The active ingredient in Rimadyl is carprofen. It also requires a prescription
Your dog gets it as tasty chewable tablet administered.
Here you will find one of the few painkillers for humans that is also approved for dogs.
Just like humans, it requires a prescription because it contains the active ingredient metamizole one of the strongest painkillers and is very calming.
Never leave your dog unattended when he’s on Novalgin.
Novalgin works antispasmodicfor example, in renal colic, and antipyretic.
There are hardly any side effects. If your dog is hypersensitive, the painkiller will have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
This chewable dog pain reliever is the most common remedy for dog pain Osteoarthritis pain. However, it is also used as a pain reliever after an operation deployed.
The active substance is firocoxib. This can be given to the dog permanently because it almost no side effects has.
In doing so, it is important do blood work regularly to permit. The liver and kidney values must not change.
The vet will determine the dosage based on the severity of the pain.
Although Previcox was developed and approved for dogs, it is also used in horses to treat osteoarthritis pain.
The herbal pain reliever found its origin in the homeopathy and is now often used in conventional medicine for mild pain.
The active ingredient comes out daisy family and is therefore no prescription required.
Traumeel can at Bruises, sprains or arthritis be applied.
You get Traumeel in the form of Tablets, ointment or in drop form as an over-the-counter pain reliever.
Here is an overview of the most common painkillers for your dog:
Painkillerfield of useEffectpossible side effectsprescription (yes/no)MetacamOPInflammationpain-relieving anti-inflammatoryvomiting diarrheaApathyyesMeloxidylMusculoskeletal system,chronic pain,herniated discpain-relieving anti-inflammatoryvomitingdiarrheaapathyyesRimadyldegenerative diseases (spondylosis),herniated disc,arthritispain-relieving anti-inflammatoryvomitingdiarrheaapathyyesNovalginurinary tract diseases,colic calmingantipyreticantispasmodicpain-relievingapathy yesPrevicoxarthrosispain-relieving anti-inflammatorygastrointestinal problemsyes traumaeelsprains, bruises,arthritispain-relieving anti-inflammatorynone knownno
Which painkillers should I never give my dog?
Under no circumstances should you take the common painkillers that you can get from the pharmacy without a prescription, such as ibuprofen, aspirin or paracetamol, for your dog.
Even an ibuprofen with 400mg active ingredient can deadly for a 20kg dog.
So even if you have ibuprofen or any of the other pain relievers around the house and you want to help your dog quickly, do not give him this pain reliever under any circumstances.
Better call your vet ASAP!
What natural pain relievers are there for dogs?
You can also use home remedies to relieve pain. Natural pain relievers like Arnica or Marigold are helpful.
But be careful with these herbal home remedies! Not all plants are safe for your dog.
You should therefore always have your vet check out natural painkillers beforehand.
Painkillers are important for your dog to keep him healthy to get rid of suffering and him one better quality of life admit.
But act never when administering painkillers self-responsible, not even when it comes to herbal pain relievers goes.
Your vet knows best which painkillers to use for what. And above all in which dosage.
Has your dog ever needed pain medication? Please share your experiences with us.