The 7 of Pentacles in the Tarot – Minor Arcana

When the 7 of Pentacles appears in a Tarot spread, we have to interpret it as an invitation to enjoy the fruit of our labor. Within esotericism there are various branches of knowledge, one of these is numerology. This practice uses numbers to create a link between numbers and the magical world, and the number 7 is related to intellect, spirituality and reflection.

In addition, it not only tells us to enjoy what we have achieved, but also to reflect on the decisions and actions we have taken to achieve our goals, since these decisions will help us to continue on the right path.

The seven of coins in the Tarot It is a letter of reflection where we have to enjoy what we have achieved thanks to our work, but we also have to think about whether the effort we make to achieve the final reward really pays off.

This card refers not only to the work we do, but also, for example, to the work of conquering a person, where we leave time, feelings and effort. Or the work that reconciling with our partner can mean, so you should reflect on all the efforts you are making and think about which ones are worth it and which ones are not.

This card can be interpreted in different ways depending on the Tarot that we are using, in the Tarot of Marseille the 7 represents the set of the material and the spiritual, which again makes us think and analyze the paths chosen to get where we are.

On the other hand, in the Rider Waite Tarot, we can see how on the back of the card you can see a man happy with his work, resting from a hard day’s work and in turn happy because he is reaping the fruits of his effort.

It depends on whether the card comes out right or inverted, it will have one interpretation or another, in addition, the rest of the cards in the spread will also give meaning to the final interpretation.

Symbology of the 7 of Pentacles

The symbology in the Tarot cards is very important, what the image of the card represents is very directly related to what it means, in this case it has to do with a job well done and the reward we will obtain.

We can see a young man who is resting from a day’s work in the field, he can be seen quite satisfied with the result of his work since an abundant and well-cared-for harvest is seen.

The landscape of the letter invites us to think of a humble person, who has had a hard time getting such a good harvest, but who has achieved it with great effort and dedication.

Meaning of the 7 of Pentacles

This letter usually tells us that «we must reap the fruits of a job well done», you must bear in mind that the work I am referring to is not a labor job, but rather any type of work that has meant an effort.

Although this letter warns us that we will have some success and that we will avoid failures, it tells us that we still have a long way to go and that our work has onlyIt has only just begun.

Finally, the progress to achieve good results and you have to be patient, you will also have to make decisions that if they are not the correct ones, they will finally mean that all the work has been for nothing.

Meaning of the 7 of Pentacles Right

The card of the seven of coins indicates our future goals, the achievements that we will achieve in the long term, but to achieve these rewards we will have to make an effort and be constant in our work. This card invites us to put aside the quick and easy ways to get things, and work for what we want.

You have to put aside what holds you back and does not let you move forward, remove from you everything that does not contribute anything to your life and leave only the things that give benefits and help you achieve what you want.

The 7 of Coins in a spread will always indicate some kind of reward, that is why you have to analyze what is assuming extra work for you and you plan to abandon it, think that you are making an effort and you do not see results, the Seven of Coins indicates that you focus on what you thought to abandon, because soon you will see your reward.

Meaning of the 7 of Pentacles Reversed

If the inverted 7 of Pentacles appears in a spread, it is telling us that we are going to have serious doubts and fears about our projects. These doubts or fears are going to be the result of a project, a relationship or a friendship, you are working hard on your goals but you do not see results and that makes you fear that your effort has not served for anything.

It is a good time to stop and analyze what we are doing and set our priorities, because if we continue to focus all our energies and efforts on a job that does not bring us any benefit, we will feel that we have wasted time.

We can interpret the seven of coins inverted as a warning letter for us to change our efforts and focus on other goals, since what we are investing our time and effort in does not provide results.

What does the 7 of Pentacles represent in a spread?

This card represents the fruits obtained by constant and well-done work, we can interpret it in different ways depending on the question we are asking.

If the 7 of Pentacles appears to us because we have asked a question about money, the answer is that we are going to receive a payment or reward for something we did in the past.

On the other hand, if the 7 of Pentacles appears in a question about love, we will have to use the cards that accompany the spread to correctly interpret the card, but when the 7 of Pentacles appears, it will clearly indicate that we will need work and effort in said relationship. To make it work.

I hope that my explanation about the 7 of Pentacles in the Tarot has been useful to you and that you can interpret it correctly in your spreads. I say goodbye for today, we will read each other very soon.

Luz Silva Soler