As the name suggests, wolfhounds are a breed of dog that crossed with wolves is.
Only the Czechoslovakian wolfhound and the Saarloos wolfhound are officially recognized by the FCI. However, there are also other breeds of dogs similar to wolves.
Czechoslovakian wolfhound
The Czechoslovakian Wolfhound is one Mix of German Shepherd and Carpathian Wolf and became original for military purposes bred.
The Czechoslovakian wolfhound requires a lot outlet and common activities. dog sports like mantrailing or the search for tracks as well as one Use as a service dog are optimal.
Saarloos wolfhound
The Saarloos wolfhound originated from the Netherlands and was created by crossing a shepherd dog with a siberian wolf. They wanted to breed a shepherd dog that still original character traits owns.
The Saarloos Wolfhound has an innate hunting instinct. It is therefore important to keep this lively wolfhound breed with possible replacement taskslike that foragingto employ in a balancing manner.
The borzoi is officially considered to be greyhound. He was thousands of years ago bred by the Celts and is among other things related to the greyhound and Irish wolfhound.
The borzoi is a open-minded and people-oriented wolfhound. And although the borzoi quite independent is and a congenital hunting instinct owns, he is very lwilling, loyal and calm.
Lupo Italiano
The Lupo Italiano goes to one Crossbreeding of the German shepherd with wolves back, who were based in the Italian mountain region of Lazio. This wolfhound breed is nothing for beginners and may only to selected institutions mediated.
The Lupo Italiano can be found among others in rescue dog activityin the search for avalanche victims or in the rubble search for people and animals.
American wolfhound
The American wolfhound grasps different matings of American or Canadian wolves together with dog breeds like Siberian and Alaskan Husky or German Shepherd under his name.
They all have one thing in common excellent sense of smellso the American wolfhound likes to be called Service dog for tracking is used.
Kunming wolfhound
The Kunming Wolfhound comes originally from China and became there for police and military service bred.
The friendly Kunming wolfhound will increasingly popular as pets. They are towards their owners loyal and loving. Towards strangers they are reserved.
Although the Tamaskan is externally similar to the wolf, its Character but resembles that of usual domestic dogs. This friendly and even-tempered wolfhound breed is even suitable as family dog.
The Tamaskan bonds strongly with its people and needs a lot of movement. He’s a real one workhorse and is therefore also suitable as Sled, pack or tracking dog.
Perro Lobo Herreno – Hierran Wolfhound
The Perro Lobo Herreno was on the island of El Hierrowho to the Canary Islands heard, discovered. Already in the 15th century there were wolf-like dogs in the Canary Islands.
The Perro Lobo Herreno was held as a herding dog. The threatened with extinction Herean is wolfhound smaller than most wolfhounds. The balanced dog breed can still be found as a house dog and in dog sports.
Marxdorf wolfhound
The Marxdorfer wolfhound comes from the crossing of a Saarloos wolfhound with a white german shepherd out. As with Tamaskan, the idea was Characteristics of the German Shepherd in combination with wolfish appearance to generate.
The Marxdorfer wolfhound is characterized by her friendly and attentive personality out of. They are calm, intelligent and active and have almost no hunting instinct – the ideal family dog and companion.
Irish wolfhound
The Irish Wolfhound was born over 500 years ago to hunt used in the British Isles. The Irish wolfhound has it nothing to do with wolves. He became as greyhound and hound among other things bred to hunt wolves.
Today, the Irish wolfhound is considered popular family dog. He is intelligent, fond of children, sensitive and very frugal. He is never aggressive. He likes to move with his family in the free Nature and is also as Companion for horse fans excellently suited.