Can dogs eat grapes? A professional explains!

Small and round and fast in the dog’s mouth?

It’s very important that you ask yourself, «Can dogs eat grapes?»

When it comes to feeding grapes and raisins, there are a few things you should definitely know.

In this article you will find out why, why and what you have to consider when combining grapes and dogs!

In a nutshell: Can my dog ​​eat grapes?

No, dogs are not allowed to eat grapes. Grapes are extremely harmful to dogs! Just like grape pomace and raisins, they can cause poisoning. As little as 10 g of grapes per kg/body weight can cause serious symptoms.

What’s Harmful About Grapes For Dogs?

Unfortunately, the cause of grape poisoning in dogs is not yet fully understood.

It is probably due to the tartaric acid contained (chemically potassium bitartrate), which causes heavy signs of intoxication can cause in dogs.

Reading tip: You may wonder if dogs can eat tomatoes. Find out all about it in our article on Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?.

Why is potassium bitartrate toxic to dogs?

Unlike the human organism, the dog’s digestive tract absorbs more potassium bitartrate.

The poorly tolerated tartaric acid is excreted via the kidneys and can increase in dogs kidney failure to lead.

In what quantities are grapes tolerated by my dog?

Unfortunately, it is not yet known from what amount of grapes actually harm your dog.

Cases are known in which even a very small amount of grapes ended fatally for the four-legged friend.

Other dogs, on the other hand, seem to tolerate the fruit better and show no signs of poisoning, even with larger quantities.


The combination of dog and grapes is not to be trifled with! Under no circumstances should you try whether and how many grapes your dog can tolerate!

Symptoms of poisoning in dogs from grapes

Just like raisins or currants, grapes can cause serious poisoning and even death for your dog.

If your dog has any of the following symptoms after eating any of these foods, you should see a veterinarian immediately:

  • Vomit
  • loss of appetite
  • listlessness
  • Diarrhea

Good to know:

You should definitely take the first signs of poisoning seriously! Ignoring these early symptoms can lead to kidney failure and death.

How quickly can symptoms of poisoning appear after eating grapes?

The first clear signs of poisoning is that your dog gets sick and he vomits.

This often happens within the first 24 hours after swallowing the grapes.

How do I recognize acute kidney failure in dogs?

Serious signs of impending kidney failure after ingesting grapes:

  • The breath smells of urine
  • your dog will be sick
  • your dog vomits
  • he has diarrhea and stomach pains
  • he trembles and cramps
  • your dog is more thirsty than usual
  • Increased or no urination at all
  • coordination disorders

How many grapes can dogs eat without hesitation?

A safe amount of grapes for dogs is: Zero!

As little as 10 g of grapes per kg/body weight can be fatal for your dog in the worst case.

Incidentally, with raisins, 2.8 g per kg/body weight is already enough to poison your dog.

If you should still have a grape rolling off the table, you don’t have to panic immediately!


Watch your dog closely. If he behaves differently than usual, go to the vet immediately!

What to do if your dog ate grapes

If your dog is exhibiting one or more of the symptoms listed above, you should definitely act quickly.

A vet will first try to get your dog to Vomit bring to. If that doesn’t help, one follows lavage of the abdomen and possibly one Kidney wash (hemodialysis).

Monitoring of the kidney values ​​is advisable in any case!

Activated charcoal can also be helpful as it binds toxins in the body.


Activated charcoal should be given under the supervision of your veterinarian. No self-experiments please!

Reading tip: You can eat raisins for dogs? Find out everything you need to know about this topic in our article «Can dogs eat raisins?» and get important information on why caution is required.

What does a vet do for grape poisoning?

Depending on the severity of the course, different treatment steps are necessary:

  1. force vomiting
  2. add activated charcoal if necessary
  3. observation
  4. fluid therapy
  5. possibly dialysis

Can dogs eat grapes from the garden?

No. It doesn’t matter where the grapes come from.

If you have grapes in the garden, always collect fallen fruit directly before your dog’s snout does it.

Can dogs eat grapes without seeds?

It makes no difference whether your dog eats grapes with or without seeds.

It also doesn’t matter whether the grapes are red or green, ripe or unripe: the majority of dogs react to the small balls with severe symptoms of poisoning.

Also be careful with hidden grapes and raisins in sweets

Dangers for your sweet tooth lurk everywhere!

It’s great that you’re finding out what your dog tolerates. This will give him a long and healthy dog ​​life.

You surely know that your dog shouldn’t eat sweets, because Sugar is extremely harmful to dogs.

Cakes, biscuits or muesli bars, which also contain grapes or raisins, can be used for your dog acute danger to life mean!

Here’s what the Animal Poison Control Center says about feeding grapes

According to a scientific study by Animal Poison Control Center in the USA, dogs react very differently to the ingestion of grapes.

While some dogs showed no symptoms of poisoning at all, animals with mild cases could be quickly brought back on their feet by intentionally induced vomiting.

However, the part of the dogs that reacted to grapes usually had severe symptoms and struggled to survive.


If you speak English, you can read the full Animal Poison Control report on “Grapes and Raisins for Dogs” here.

Poisoning and kidney damage – what are my dog’s chances of survival?

If you act early and take your dog to the vet in good time, there is a good chance that your beloved fur nose will not be harmed!

If your dog is already showing signs of poisoning, it is important that a veterinarian induces vomiting as soon as possible, within the first six hours after consumption!

Your dog’s general health also plays an important role in recovery.

Can dogs eat grapes? The most important things clearly summarized for you

No, dogs are definitely not allowed to eat grapes!

Why? Because they can cause serious poisoning, which in the worst case means death for your four-legged friend!

Good to know:

If your dog accidentally swallowed a bunch of grapes, don’t assume the worst. Watch your fur nose closely. See a vet sooner rather than later!

If you are still unsure, just read the article again or write us your question in the comments.