Dog walking restlessly through the apartment?

Does your dog constantly run through the apartment, is restless, nervous, does not lie down and maybe even runs after you all the time?

Now you want to understand why your dog can’t find peace in your own apartment and help him?

Then you are exactly right here.

In this article you will learn the reasons why your dog is constantly restless and how you can help him to relax.

In a nutshell: Your dog is running restlessly through the apartment

If your dog is constantly wandering around the apartment, panting and seems nervous, then you can assume that something is wrong.

The triggers for this behavior can be varied. Stress, fear or illnesses, such as the onset of dementia, are usually the triggers. In order to prevent further stress or even to recognize a serious illness, you should get to the bottom of this behavior as soon as possible.

Increased attention and physical and mental balance are often enough to temporarily calm you down.

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Is your dog restless? 3 most common causes

Your dog is stressed

If your dog is constantly wandering around your home, this can indicate emotional or environmental stress. Sensitivity, fear, noise or approaching severe weather are often the cause here.

Unfortunately, bad experiences in the past are not always understandable, but they can also trigger stress in certain situations.

If your dog is stressed in the apartment, it usually shows other symptoms such as: your dog scratches and is restless, your dog whimpers and is restless. This is often accompanied by heavy panting and sometimes also tremors.

However, the most common trigger is the sex drive. If you have an intact male, this will be particularly noticeable if there is a female in heat around you. In most cases, this behavior will go away on its own. However, if your dog is under constant stress, a consultation with your veterinarian is advisable.

Your dog has too much energy

Excess energy can have three triggers. Too little physical and mental workload, diet and the breed of your dog.

Every dog ​​needs a healthy balance between work, which stimulates them both physically and mentally, and periods of rest. This is the only way to ensure a relaxed, above all healthy and long dog life. It is therefore important that you exercise and keep your dog occupied in a species-appropriate manner.

An often underestimated point, however, is nutrition. If your dog gets too much carbohydrates and sugar, it can be that, like us humans, it suffers from hyperactivity.

Depending on the race, however, increased energy is also very race-specific behavior.

My tip: Take a look at the dog food

Are you confused by all the information on the packaging? That’s why I use a feed calculator.

your dog is sick

Of course, you shouldn’t panic right now.

But still, it is advisable that you consider this, if you can rule out the above points. Have you noticed that your dog drinks a lot and runs restlessly through the apartment?

Unfortunately, diabetes has not stopped at the dog world. Blindness and arthritis are also diseases that mainly affect older dogs.

Absolute emergency! gastric torsion

Your dog’s restlessness in the apartment comes from zero to suddenly? Do you notice any other symptoms such as a hunched posture, your dog trying to vomit and constantly changing positions?

Then drop everything and call your vet and explain that you suspect a torsion. In this case, minutes make the difference between life and death.

The most important thing: keep calm. It will do you and your dog no good if you panic now

How does your dog become calmer in your apartment?

First you should be aware of what is causing the unrest in the apartment. Is your dog stressed? Does he have too much energy or does he seem ill?

watch your dog You will recognize relatively quickly what the reasons for his restlessness are and can now act accordingly.

Reduce the stress

In many cases, providing your dog with its own resting area is useful. An area that offers him protection and security. A comfortable, fluffy dog ​​bed, which your dog loves dearly, is the best solution here.

Your dog doesn’t have one yet? Then check out our dog bed review! Make sure the bed is in a sheltered spot.

This means your dog can retreat when a storm is approaching, for example.

If your dog reacts to noise with stress, try to reduce the source of the noise.

Consciously give your dog more attention during these times. A long, leisurely walk is often a very good and simple solution.

Release the energy outside

If your dog doesn’t know what to do with his energy, he often uses it up at home by restlessly walking around the apartment.

I think you already know the solution here. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to roam the woods with your dog all day long.

You know your dog very well. What he likes to do? Does he like looking for his toys? Then use this gift and organize hidden object games. You can even do this in bad weather in your own four walls without any problems.

Does your dog like to run? The ideal time to start jogging together.

Do you have a breed of dog that was bred for work? Take a look at different dog schools in your area. Who knows? Maybe you are also suitable for rescue dog work or dummy work?

The world of dogs offers many opportunities where you can do great things together and learn.

You can find out more about dog schools in our article here: Dog school costs & prices simply explained

Is your dog not in good health?

If you have the feeling that something is wrong with your dog’s health, nothing stands in the way of a visit to the vet.

If you can rule out all health causes, it will be easier for you to get to the bottom of the problem and work out a solution.


If your dog is running around restlessly in the apartment, this can have various causes. If you have ruled out the health aspect, this problem can usually be solved with attention and targeted activity.

However, if you feel that you need further tips and inputs, I would like to give you ours Large dog training book by Happyhunde recommend.

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