15 Amazing Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed And Stink

Does it really exist Dog breeds that don’t shed and stink or is it just a matter of grooming, diet and health?

In fact, there are a few dog breeds that are known to shed less than others.

Among the dog breeds that we have researched for you, you will even find Allergic dogs!

15 dog breeds that don’t shed and smell at a glance

You have a animal dander allergy and that’s why you could never fulfill your dream of having your own dog?

Under these Dog breeds that don’t shed and don’t smell there are some that are even suitable for allergy sufferers.

You can now find out which dogs don’t shed and stink.

1.Lhasa Apso

This little dog actually sheds very little with good grooming!

However, he also urgently needs this, because otherwise the fur of the little curly hair threatens to become matted.

2. Australian Silky Terriers

This terrier looks confusingly similar to the Yorkie. But at second glance, differences in physique and coat can be seen.

The Australian Silky Terrier’s coat is shorter and even silkier! They shed little compared to other dog breeds.

3. The Poodle

Do you want to see where the poodle has the curls? well everywhere!

And wherever there are curls on the dog, there is no hair.

Nevertheless, or precisely because of this, the poodle needs sufficient grooming to get rid of dead hair and dander.

Poodles are also suitable for many allergy sufferers!

4. The Doodles

Pudel, Doodle, Schnudel: Not only because of their great character, but also because of the allergy-friendly curlsthere are many different Poodle mix breeds these days such as the Cockerpoo, Maltipoo or Goldendoodle.

In any case, they all have one thing in common: They lose little to no fur!

5. Bichon Frize

The Bichon Frize is a small dog with an all-white, curly coat.

Although his curls require regular care, he otherwise loses little fur!

6. Labrador

You probably didn’t think you would spot the Labrador in our list of “dog breeds that don’t shed and smell”?

In fact, the Labrador sheds relatively little fur compared to other dog breeds.

Due to its water-repellent properties, however, the Labrador tends to have oily skin and an unpleasant smell.

With a balanced and species-appropriate diet, the Labbi can still be a pleasantly scented companion.

7. Chinese Crested Dog

The Chinese Crested is one of them hairless dogsalthough he does have a bit of hair on his head, ears, legs and tail!

There’s even a long-haired version of him who then turns Powderpuff names.

If some fur is also present, both representatives shed little or not at all!

8. Havanese

A Havanese must regularly to the dog groomeras he does not go through a seasonal shedding and his coat tends to become matted.

With good grooming, the Havanese hardly sheds!

Good to know:

There really are dogs that shed little or no hair at all! But dogs that don’t stink? Almost every dog ​​owner would probably say that their dog doesn’t stink, but just smells a bit like a dog. Also, dogs usually only stink when they are poorly fed or have rolled in something tasty, such as carrion, leftover food, or shit…

9. American Hairless Terriers

The American Hairless Terrier is completely naked. The so-called hairless dogs are becoming increasingly popular these days.

However, it is important to know that it does not mean: where there is no fur, there is no need for grooming!

The hairless dogs need special care so that they don’t have to sunburn close or freeze in winter!

10. The Yorkshire Terrier

So small, so cute, so hairy?

Yes, the Yorkshire Terrier is hairy because its coat resembles hair more than dog fur.

But it is precisely this characteristic that also means that fewer people with allergies react to this breed than to other dog breeds.

Since they don’t change their coat naturally, they regularly visit the dog groomer!

11. Lagotto Romagnolo

As wild as this water dog’s curly hair looks, it doesn’t shed!

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a popular family dog ​​and is known for its excellent truffle-sniffing ability.

12. Maltese

Mhhhh Maltese are so delicious! But please don’t confuse the chocolate ones in the red packaging with those in the white fur coat!

The white ones are also sweet enough to bite into, but of course not suitable for consumption!

Due to the lack of an undercoat, the little Maltese sheds very little.

13. Xoloitzcuintle

Where there is no hair, there is no hair loss – logical!

The Mexican hairless dog is one of the clean, odorless dog breeds.

Only his skin needs a little care here and there. Otherwise, the Xoloitzcuintle is a resilient, affectionate and loyal companion.

14. West Highland White Terriers

The Westie is considered brave, cheerful, alert, fond of children and good-natured.

Its coat requires thorough grooming to prevent skin diseases and unpleasant odors.

The little terrier has to go to the hairdresser every 3 to 4 months because he cannot get rid of dead fur himself.

The westie will trimmed and then shed very little!

15. Basenji

This dog breed is considered the «cat among dogs» due to its independent character.

The Basenji is one of the medium-sized dog breeds that do not shed. However, the rare dog is not necessarily suitable for beginners, but could be interesting for allergy sufferers.

His short coat sheds just as little as he barks!


Not every animal hair allergy sufferer reacts equally strongly to every animal. While your best pal with allergies is totally overreacting to the Labrador next door, you may be able to cuddle him with ease.

It can be the other way around with the Yorkie from across the street. The proteins that trigger an allergy are anyway more in the saliva than in the coat of a dog!

If you are allergic and still want to adopt a dog, it is advisable if you can get to know the dog beforehand for a live allergy check.

16. Airedale Terriers

This breed of dog is very rare these days. But he can king of terriers not only shine in character, but also with uncomplicated grooming.

The typical wirehaired Although it has to be styled regularly, it hardly sheds hair at all.

The Airedale Terrier’s fur falls out «in tufts» and is easy to collect.

17. Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzers are popular working and family dogs. Her character is strong, self-confident, lovable and willing to work.

The big schnauzer is a real personality and raising it isn’t always easy. But he sheds very little.

18. Kerry Blue Terriers

Finally, there is one more special rare dog breedthe Kerry Blue Terrier.

The silver-blue shimmer of its curly fur gives it its name.

Since he has no undercoat and dogs with curly fur shed less anyway, this cool terrier should not be missing from our list!